Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Talks with CEA About America’s Offshore Potential at Houston’s Offshore Technology Conference, Signs Secretarial Orders

Offshore oil platform in ocean

Houston – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today hosted U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) to discuss the importance of America’s offshore energy potential and sign several secretarial orders to implement directives laid out by President Trump in last week’s offshore executive action. Following Friday’s action, Zinke on Monday reiterated the administration’s desire to implement offshore energy policies that will foster America’s energy security, stir job growth and renew economic growth in regions that depend on or benefit from offshore energy development.

The discussion included the current and future potential contributions of the nation’s offshore resources, non-technical factors, including policy and market considerations, that could potentially affect their development, and steps that can be taken to ensure that the country benefits from these resources to the maximum extent possible.

Zinke closed the session by issuing secretarial orders to initiate the review of the prior administration’s five-year leasing plan, regulations such as well control and offshore air, and analyses on opportunity costs and budgetary impacts that affect offshore development. All of these orders will require a more expedited review process.

“We were very privileged to not only be a part of, but witness Secretary Zinke signing these secretarial orders, which will be catalysts to reinvigorate our domestic offshore development and expedite processes in the future that have been hampered by delays,” Holt said. “By setting in motion the directives given by President Trump, Secretary Zinke is ensuring we don’t mix emotional rhetoric with crafting good policies that will benefit families and businesses across our country.”

Highlights from today’s OTC discussion:

Ryan Zinke, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior:

“Following through on the leadership established by President Trump, today’s orders will help cement our Nation’s position as a global energy leader and foster energy independence and security for the benefit of the American people, while ensuring that this development is safe and environmentally responsible. We will conduct a thorough review of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) for oil and gas exploration and listen to state and local stakeholders. We also will conduct a thorough review of regulations that were created with good intentions but have had harmful impacts on America’s energy security.”

“We’re going to look at everything and make sure the policies are appropriate for each local community, rather than force a Washington-driven one-size-fits-all plan. There’s no predetermined map of development, but if there are areas that are acceptable, that have resources, and states and local communities support offshore development, we could include those areas in the next 5-Year Program.”

David Holt, President, Consumer Energy Alliance:

“It is important to recognize how critical this offshore decision is for families and businesses all across the nation. From personal security to energy and national security, this vital order helps ensure we meet our energy needs with energy developed here at home. Some groups continue to pursue destructive dialogue that attempts to pit energy development against environmental protection, as if it is a zero-sum game; it’s not, and the consequences of failing to meet our energy needs are of great consequence to working class Americans, people living on fixed incomes, our military and small business everywhere. CEA applauds President Trump and Secretary Zinke for taking steps to open our offshore resources and for recognizing that energy is one of the main drivers for every aspect of the U.S. economy.”

You can watch Secretary Zinke’s full remarks below:

Interior Secretary Starts Process for Offshore Drilling Expansion Plan

Oil rig in Atlantic Ocean

Consumer Energy Alliance recently hosted Sec. Ryan Zinke at the Offshore Technology Conference where he discussed the importance of American offshore energy exploration.

“You should be excited,” Zinke told the attendees at an event hosted by the industry-based Consumer Energy Alliance during the Offshore Technology Conference.

“The United States has the most stringent, toughest, best regulatory framework for safety and environmental extraction of our resources in the world, undisputed,” Zinke said.

Read more – The Hill

Trump Moves to Unlock Offshore Oil and Gas

Arctic offshore drilling rig

CEA’s David Holt discussed the importance of unlocking America’s domestic energy resources to help alleviate families burdened by higher energy costs.

“By considering new opportunities to develop America’s abundant offshore energy resources, today’s action will help cement American energy security for decades to come. This will also drive economic growth and job opportunities in communities across the country and reduce our dependence on energy from countries, which lack the strong safety and environmental safeguards that we have here at home.”

Read more – The Maritime Executive

Offshore Energy Announcement A Win for America

Gas station fuel pump octane

CEA’s David Holt discussed the importance of the price of energy prices for families trying to make ends meet and how recent changes in governmental policies may help reduce that burden.

In an increasingly digitalized world, energy is more important – and complicated – than ever, both in terms of finances and security.

It directly impacts our wallets, from an individual level on up to a national level. That’s because we use energy in some form or another every minute of every day, from electricity to charge our phones, gas to drive our cars, and oil to heat our homes.

Read more – The Daily Caller

Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds Federal Action to Strengthen U.S. Energy Security

Offshore oil rig at sunset

WASHINGTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today released the following statement applauding U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive action to examine new opportunities for domestic energy production and remove barriers to development that were imposed in recent years.

“Today’s announcement is a welcome departure from restrictive actions taken by the prior administration, which make it harder for families and businesses to meet basic daily needs, serve customers, and put Americans to work.

“By considering new opportunities to develop America’s abundant offshore energy resources, today’s action will help cement American energy security for decades to come. This will also drive economic growth and job opportunities in communities across the country and reduce our dependence on energy from countries, which lack the strong safety and environmental safeguards that we have here at home. That is why CEA strongly supports today’s decision and looks forward to engaging families, businesses, and communities across the United States as it is implemented.”

Northeast Needs More Gas Pipelines, Says New Report

Senior citizens paying bills

A new report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce looks at the devastating economic consequences for families and businesses as a result of expedient political pronouncements denying energy infrastructure in New York state and across the region.

If no new pipelines were built, it could cost the region over 78,000 jobs and $7.6 billion in GDP by the year 2020, the report finds. It is the fifth in a series of reports from the Chamber of Commerce, examining potential impacts of energy policies.

Read more – StateImpact Pennsylvania

CEA Commends Southern Texas Town for Bringing Energy Jobs, Manufacturing to Texas

Texas State Capitol building in downtown Austin USA

HOUSTON — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt released the following statement commending San Patricio County and the town of Portland, Texas for its support of a new ethane steam cracker – a project that will bring thousands of jobs and economic opportunities – to the region. The new ExxonMobil facility, projected to be the largest in the world, will supply low-cost materials that are the building blocks for a myriad of manufacturing uses, helping our nation’s industries become more competitive in global markets.

“The construction of this facility is proof that the American energy revolution is a dominant force globally and an economic boon for households, families, and businesses across this country. This facility will supply materials for many of the household goods and consumer products we use each day. This cracker will help provide low costs fuels to produce these U.S. made products at a competitive price.

“The shale revolution has ultimately been a huge win for American families and businesses. These infrastructure projects have led to new jobs and economic benefits while also reinvigorating the manufacturing sector. The cost advantages associated with facilities like ExxonMobil’s latest project is a win for industries, families and small businesses across this country.”

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt Ohio Families and Small Businesses!

Cleveland Ohio in the evening

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that would negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in the Buckeye State.

While Washington’s aim was to reduce methane emissions, states have already significantly reduced those emissions without unnecessary federal oversight or intervention. In fact, since 1990, oil and natural gas producers have cut methane emissions by 21% even as natural gas production has climbed 47%.

The good news is that Congress is now considering overturning this unnecessary rule. The House of Representatives has already voted to do so. Now, it is up to the Senate to follow suit.


Ask Senators Portman and Brown to vote YES to remove this unnecessary rule that threatens to raise energy costs for families and small businesses across Ohio and the nation.


Dear Senator Portman/Brown:

The oil and gas industry is a vital part of our local, state and national economy and the key to our national energy security. New burdens on this already heavily regulated industry could have significant and negative unintended consequences on workers, families, local economies, small businesses, school districts, state budgets, and more.

That is why I urge you to vote YES to overturn the Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation rule published November 18, 2016.

I am concerned about the impact that the rule could have on the ability of companies operating in Ohio to develop resources. This activity supports jobs and brings revenues to local businesses such as restaurants and hotels as well as to school districts, counties, and beyond. Smart regulation is important. However, this regulation is unnecessary and will hurt the bottom line of Ohio families and businesses.

Again, I urge your support in overturning this unnecessary and costly rule that will harm jobs and economic activity in Ohio and across the nation.

Thank you for your attention.

More Natural Gas Pipelines Needed, US Chamber of Commerce Says

Multiple electric transmission lines

With New England consumers paying some of the highest prices for energy in the continental United States, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce examined how pipelines can help lower energy costs while creating a more sustainable environment through reducing emissions.

Concerns about greenhouse gas emissions should not stop the construction of natural gas pipelines in the US northeast, including states covered by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a major US business group says.

A lack of pipeline infrastructure has led to untenable electricity prices in the northeast and new projects are needed to reverse the problem, the US Chamber of Commerce said today in a report from its Institute for 21st Century Energy.

Read more – Argus

Gov. Cuomo Proves Pipeline Politics Aren’t Limited To DAPL

Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers

Forbes examines why placing political expediency before developing sound economic policies for infrastructure construction is detrimental to energy consumers in New York state.

Unfortunately, the good news about oil and gas pipeline safety has apparently not made its way to the governor’s office in Albany , where Andrew Cuomo continues to cost his constituents billions of dollars each year through his efforts to obstruct the building of needed natural gas pipelines in the Empire State…But New York’s manufacturers still need natural gas as feedstock for their operations, and millions of New Yorkers continue to heat their homes with the clean burning fuel, which also provides the preponderance of the state’s electricity generation.

Read more – Forbes