Pennsylvania Families and Businesses Need Your Help!

Mid-Atlantic Rural Farm

Pennsylvania families and businesses need your help!

We all need energy to meet our most basic needs – from heating and cooling to simply turning on the lights.  To do this, we must have the safe, reliable infrastructure to bring energy to our homes and offices.

The Atlantic Sunrise Expansion Project is a perfect example of what we need to ensure affordable electricity.  This project will deliver natural gas from northeast Pennsylvania to communities across our state – to meet the daily energy needs of more than 7 million American homes.

As vocal anti-development groups continue to spread falsehoods – in Pennsylvania and across the region – families and businesses need to stay informed and say yes. This infrastructure is vital to meeting demand, and ensuring low prices.

CLICK HERE: Say “yes” to affordable energy – send your support to Governor Wolf TODAY.

Fuel Pipeline Connecting Chicago to Detroit Now in Service

Airplane landing

With the economies of states across the Midwest adding more jobs, there is an increased demand for fuel to transport families and goods.  This requires additional pipelines to more safely and reliably transport petroleum products.

Company president Saul Flota says the pipeline responds to a demand for gasoline and diesel fuel in the Detroit metropolitan area. It will create four to six new permanent jobs and generated 250 to 300 construction jobs.

Read more – Detroit Free Press

Denying Pipeline Expansions Will Raise Electric Rates, Cut Jobs, Jeopardize Energy Security

Family electric bill

CEA’s David Holt discusses how consumers will be impacted by higher electricity prices if critical energy infrastructure is denied.

Denying America the critical energy infrastructure it sorely needs, and prematurely shutting off baseload electricity generation starts an adverse domino effect that hurts America, its families, its small businesses and its agriculture, manufacturing and transportation sectors,” CEA President David Holt said. “It would derail the American energy revolution and increase our reliance on imports from foreign nations. Real energy security is not just the presence of abundant natural resources – it is also the ability to readily access and deliver those resources at an affordable price.

Read more – Underground Construction

Minnesota Policies Need to Be Pro-solar, Pro-grid and Pro-consumer

Row of solar panels on a solar farm

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura talked about the necessity for solar energy to be broadly accessible and affordable for all consumers.

Solar energy has proven that it has the power to spark a dramatic change in the way energy is generated and consumed.

It’s clean, viable, increasingly affordable, and thanks to the rising popularity of utility-scale, community projects and rooftop installations, it’s also a continuously growing part of America’s modernizing electricity mix. It’s becoming less and less expensive to install too – making it ready and able to compete with natural gas and other power sources on the open market.

Read more – Midwest Energy News

Groups File Competing Proposals in NH Net Metering Debate


As the leading national advocate for families and small businesses impacted by energy costs, Consumer Energy Alliance has been fighting for fair accessible and affordable solar energy for New Hampshire.

Read more – Public Power Daily

Why It’s Essential That PA Build Mariner East 2

Pipeline worker in pipe

Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA-MidAtlantic recently penned an op-ed on the importance of Mariner East 2 for energy consumers.

Investing in our energy infrastructure, alleviating our bottlenecked pipeline system, helping lower our electric rates and continuing our strong record of environmental progress is a winning combination, for everyone – most of all, local businesses and the 43 million Americans living on a fixed income or below the poverty line who pay more than they should to keep the lights on.

Read more – Delaware County Daily Times

Say Yes to Vital Energy Upgrades in Minnesota

Inside view of a pipeline

Minnesotans have gone to great lengths to keep our communities safe, which means we make smart decisions regarding energy development and transportation!

That is why it is critical that families and businesses across Minnesota continue to have access to reliable energy by ensuring that required upgrades and equipment additions are made to Line 67!

This line, which already transports energy to local refineries and provides a living wage for hard-working Minnesotans, needs simple, basic upgrades to ensure safe, steady supplies of fuel for families and businesses within our communities.


Tell the U.S. Department of State that Minnesotans want to meet basic energy needs of our communities by upgrading Line 67!

Click here to lend your support to a project that meets environmental standards, enhances the safety of our communities, and generates money for our roads and schools.


Dear Ms. Hassell,

As a Minnesotan who supports safe, responsible energy development I am writing to lend my support for the Line 67 Upgrade Project.

I believe the basic upgrades and equipment additions needed for this project will ensure a steady supply of energy to meet the growing demands from families and businesses in our state. It would also continue to provide much-needed tax revenues for our community’s roads and schools.

As the State Department’s environmental analysis shows, not approving the proposed upgrade could result in potential moderate and even significant harm to the environment.

That is why I strongly support the upgrade to Line 67 and the important benefits it provides to families and businesses across the state.


West Slope Fuels Manufacturing and Maybe Exporting

Steel mill worker over furnace

CEA Rockies recently put together a discussion on the importance of domestic energy production and manufacturing.

Natural gas production in Western Colorado fuels domestic manufacturing and could play an important role in exporting, per representatives from three companies who joined in a panel discussion in Grand Junction. The Unconventional Energy Center at CMU joined with the Consumer Energy Alliance in presenting the discussion. The West Slope Colorado Oil and Gas Association and Chevron also sponsored the energy management forum.

Read more – The Business Times

David Holt on the Morning Drive with Joel Riley

Gas station fuel pump octane

CEA’s David Holt was interviewed by Joel Riley on what families can expect to see when paying at the gas pump.

Read more – News Radio 610 WTVN

Steve White: Pipeline Projects Will Create Plenty of Good Jobs

Construction worker and backhoe

Steve White, the director of the Affiliated Construction Trades in West Virginia talks about the importance of construction jobs for West Virginia and how the new pipelines going through the permitting process will lift the state’s economy.

Pipelines, like highways, rail and other infrastructure components, are critical to a healthy economy. In West Virginia, green-lighting the construction of more pipeline projects would create hundreds — perhaps thousands — of good-paying construction jobs in our communities.

Read more – Charleston Gazette-Mail