Support Lower Energy Costs for New York Consumers

Rochester New York

[bq]”By permitting the New Market Project, New York will see an influx of private investment, tax dollars, and much-needed job creation.”[/bq]

Why does Gov. Coumo continue to stand in the way of progress and lower energy costs for New York families and small businesses?

We need your help to take a stand against his anti-consumer policies by voicing your support for the New Market project to the DEC which will save New Yorkers almost $20 million in the first ten years of operation – not to mention the hundreds of new jobs that will be created.

Tell the Cuomo Administration, we need to approve infrastructure projects like New Market for the benefit of all New York consumers.

Dear Mr. Hogan:
I am writing to urge to you promptly approve the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC) Air State Facility Permits for the Dominion Transmission, Inc. (DTI) New Market Project.  The NYSDEC should issue the Air State Facility Permits without further delay.
The New Market Project is critical to National Grid’s ability to continue to fulfill customer requests for new gas service in The Albany/Capital Region. It will provide customers access to inexpensive domestic gas supply for an anticipated reduction in gas costs of $20M over the first ten years of service in the Brooklyn Union service area. Without the New Market Project, New York customers will remain vulnerable to the same kind of extreme price spikes as were experienced as a result of the 2014 Polar Vortex. These pricing spikes cost regional electric markets hundreds of millions of dollars.
Further, I support the New Market Project which will reduce our dependence on foreign sourced natural gas.  With the New Market Project, National Grid will be able to deliver domestically produced natural gas to its Brooklyn Union customers instead of relying on imported natural gas from Canada.
I support the work that the NYDEC staff has made to draft the three air permits in a way that protects the public health and our environment.  As the FERC’s Order states, “The analysis in the EA went further than NYSDEC’s permit review requires, as NYSDEC did not require any air quality impact modeling.” Further, the FERC’s EA went on to state that “the meteorological data used are pre-processed data sets provided by the NYSDEC, who approved their use for the Project.”
Following its nearly two-year review of the New Market Project, the FERC in its Environmental Assessment  concluded “that if DTI constructs and operates all Project facilities in accordance with its commitments and equipment specifications provided in its application, the Project including all new and modified compressor stations would not result in a significant impact on regional air quality.”
I am pleased that the draft permit for the Brookman Corners Station includes the voluntary improvements Dominion made to the project after the FERC application that include: installation of an oxidation catalyst on its existing turbine which will deliver a 90% reduction of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and HAPs, electric and air driven starters on its engines, technologically enhanced blow down systems, and compliance with the EPA’s OOOOa regulations.   I congratulate Dominion and the NYSDEC for including these improvements that further demonstrate the project’s negative impact on our health and our regional air quality.
In conclusion, I would like to quote from the FERC’s landmark Human Health Risk Assessment of the New Market Project:
“We conclude there would be no significant impact on health in the Project areas from inhalation of emissions associated with the proposed / modified compressor stations.”
Thank you for allowing me to make comments on the three draft air permits for the New Market Project and please approve these permits once the comment period ends so New Yorkers can realize lower energy bills.

Pipelines Are Key to PA. Economic Prosperity

Two machinists working on machine

Gene Barr, the president and CEO of the  PA Chamber of Business and Industry, recently discussed the importance of pipelines to bring new economic opportunities to Pennsylvania.

If job creators know there will be a reliable source of gas for the long-term – part of a balanced, diverse energy portfolio, along with nuclear, coal, oil and renewables – business and manufacturing in the state can not only continue to compete, but grow. The increased use of gas can also help make improvements with respect to meeting various federal air quality requirements that, once met, will facilitate the permitting of new manufacturing and industrial operations in the state.

Read more – York Daily Record

Clash Continues Over New England’s Energy Future After Pipeline Ruling

Inside view of a pipeline

Consumer Energy Alliance weighed in on the need for more pipeline infrastructure in New England to help lower energy costs for families and small businesses.

Likewise, the consumer advocacy group Consumer Energy Alliance, in a news release criticizing the court decision, warned that the failure to increase New England’s gas supply would threaten grid reliability and limit integrating more renewables, which require flexible backup generation from nonintermittent sources like gas.

Read more – SNL Financial

Pipeline to Prosperity

Pipeline construction with welder

CEA’s Mike Butler wrote about the importance of pipelines, such as Mariner East 2, in the context of economic development and conservation.

With more than 400,000 members nationwide, Consumer Energy Alliance’s mission is to help ensure stable prices for consumers and energy security. As a specific example of the infrastructure we need all across the nation, I support the Mariner East 2 pipeline, which will enhance reliability and improve access to the massive shale gas reserves in Pennsylvania.

Read more – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

As Energy Goes, so Too Does Our Agricultural Industry

Wheat crop

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Know the Value campaign was recognized by the Colorado Farm Bureau.

That’s why Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) recently launched a campaign called “Know the Value,” which aims to better educate Coloradoans about the intrinsic value of keeping their state’s energy sector robust — starting with outlining how modern-day farming techniques, which allow for better yield per acre, lean on access to affordable energy supplies such as natural gas, propane, diesel, and electricity.

Read more – The Daily Sentinel

New Report Documents Pipeline Safety Improvements

Transmission and Generation Control Room

A new report was recently released by the Association of Oil Pipelines, examining the safety record of the the country’s 207,800+ miles of liquids pipelines which deliver crude oil, refined petroleum products, and natural gas liquids.

Report highlights include:

  • Incidents per mile larger than 500 barrels decreased by 32%
  • 99.999% of crude oil and petroleum products delivered by pipeline reach their destination safely
  • Pipeline incidents potentially impacting people or the environment outside of operator facilities are down 52% since 1999
  • Corrosion caused pipeline incidents potentially impacting people or the environment outside of operator facilities are down 68% since 1999
  • In 2015, 65% of pipeline incident releases were less than 5 barrels
  • 16.2 billion barrels of crude oil and petroleum products delivered by pipeline in 2014 (the most recent year data is available), a 20% increase since 2010

Read more – Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL) 

National Consumer Group Knocks SJC Pipeline Decision

CEA’s David Holt was quoted in coverage over the recent Supreme Judicial Court decision that will place an undue financial burden on energy consumers.

David Holt, the president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, said the ruling would “eliminate an opportunity to alleviate wild price swings,” which he said cost consumers $2.1 billion during the “Polar Vortex.”

 Read more – South Coast Today

The Anti-“Keep It In The Ground” Campaign

Construction worker with rebar

David Holt was featured in the Daily Caller on the implications the “Keep It In the Ground” movement will have on the prices consumers pay for energy and the construction jobs available to labor.

Shailene Woodley and Rosario Dawson recently made headlines by attending a rally against energy at Union Square in NYC. Their efforts followed those last month by Karenna Gore, daughter of former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, who was arrested during a protest of a Boston area natural gas pipeline. All three are backing a “Keep It in the Ground” movement supported by a small but loud minority that claims all energy production and infrastructure on public and private lands is bad, regardless of any safety or regulatory stringency. But study after study after study suggests otherwise. Facts and logic do too.

Read more – The Daily Caller

Pipelines for America – New Campaign Counters Pipeline Lies

Marcellus Drilling News covered the recently launched Pipelines for America campaign.

With the low price of natural gas and oil currently in place–and not letting up any time soon–the frenzy of shale drilling has slowed. So fossil fuel haters have turned their focus from fracking and stopping it, to pipelines and stopping them. Antis understand that pipelines are critical to getting natural gas to market–and without pipelines drilling will stop. So money and time and effort is being poured into the effort to stop pipeline projects. Enough! The Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national consumer advocacy group, has just launched a national campaign called “Pipelines for America” to counter the lies and smears coming from fossil fuel haters.

Read more – Marcellus Drilling News

Organization Launches Campaign Supporting Energy Infrastructure

Consumer Energy Alliance’s recently launched Pipelines for America campaign was covered by The Bakken Magazine.

“The politics of ‘no’ has become so pervasive in our country right now that it’s fundamentally changing some of the political debates,” he said. “What we’re seeing across the country by a very small but vocal minority—that opposes all energy production, that opposes innovation and that opposes infrastructure development—is a failure to have an honest discussion with the American people.”

Read more – The Bakken Magazine