Wisconsin Asks President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

MADISON – The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 13,053 public comments from Wisconsin residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states. 

Consumer’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East influence price spikes.

“Dependable and affordable energy is the lifeblood of manufacturing,” said Kurt Bauer, President and CEO of the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. “We support the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of consumers across the United States. Stable supplies of fuel help keep companies in business and the economy running.”

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Wisconsin residents reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border.


Arkansans Ask President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Arkansas with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 8,920 public comments from Arkansas residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states.  

Consumer’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East influence price spikes.

“Dependable and affordable energy is critical to manufacturing,” said Randy Zook, President and CEO of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce. “We support the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of consumers across the United States. Stable supplies of fuel help companies with overhead costs, remain competitive globally, and keep our economy running.”

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Arkansans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment. 
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene. 

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. 

Alabama is Ready to Roll Pipeline

MONTGOMERY – Manufacture Alabama and its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 15,840 public comments from Alabama residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states.

Booster’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East have influenced price spikes.

“Reliable and affordable energy is the lifeblood of manufacturing,” said George Clark, president of Manufacture Alabama. “We support the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of consumers across the United States. Stable supplies of fuel help keep companies in business and the economy running.”

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Alabamans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border.

Texans Ask President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

AUSTINKeep Texas Working, along with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted today to federal officials 30,413 public comments from Texas residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states. 

Consumer’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East influence price spikes.

“Dependable and affordable energy is the lifeblood of our economy,” said Luke Bellsnyder, Executive Director of Keep Texas Working. “We support the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will bolster job creation and business growth, supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of fuel consumers across the United States.”

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Texans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border.


Okla. Asks for Okay for KXL

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association, along with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted today to federal officials 5,839 public comments from Oklahoma residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states.

Consumer’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East influence price spikes.

“Dependable and affordable energy is the lifeblood of our economy,” said Chad Warmington, President of the Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association. “We support the Keystone XL Pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of fuel consumers across the United States.”

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Oklahoma residents reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border.

Michigan Residents Ask President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

LANSING – The Michigan Chamber of Commerce with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 18,848 public comments from Michigan residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The grassroots effort is part of a nationwide drive that includes support from over 400,000 people in all 50 states.
Consumer’s support is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East influence price spikes.

The Michigan Chamber supports the Keystone XL pipeline because of the benefits it provides to Michigan’s working families and job providers,” said Michigan Chamber President & CEO Rich Studley. “By providing a long-term, stable supply of North American energy, Keystone XL will help boost our nation’s energy security and ensure that American consumers have access to affordable energy.”
Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies for energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from thousands of Michigan residents reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.

Permit Needed for Construction

The Keystone XL Pipeline received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border.

500K+ Americans Say Build KXL Now

Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance and its partner organizations submitted today to federal officials just over 500,000 public comments from Keystone XL supporters in all 50 states.

The overwhelming support from American energy consumers for Keystone XL is motivated by both economic and national security reasons. Winter weather and continuous upheaval in foreign hotspots like Venezuela, Ukraine and the Middle East have a disproportionate impact on American fuel prices – which can be mitigated by increased supplies of North American energy.

Consumer advocate Michael Whatley argues energy self-sufficiency will insulate the United States from mayhem abroad.

“Keystone XL will displace energy from our enemies with energy from our ally,” said Michael Whatley, executive vice president for Consumer Energy Alliance. “Energy prices are influenced by global events. Transforming North America into energy self-sufficiency dampens the price spikes caused by upheaval overseas. The comments we are submitting today from hundreds of thousands of Americans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

About the Keystone XL Pipeline

  • The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States utilizing 59 additional safety measures beyond what is required by federal law.
  • Five separate environmental reviews certified the pipeline would have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Construction will help create more than 42,000 jobs nationwide including 9,000 construction jobs building the pipeline.
  • $20 billion in new economic growth for the U.S. economy.
  • 830,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve U.S. energy security by reducing reliance on Venezuelan and Middle Eastern oil.
  • Gulf Coast refiners will turn the crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, home heating oil, propane and kerosene.


States First Initiative is a Recipe for Success

Onshore fracking well pad

Consumer Energy Alliance recently endorsed the States First Initiative – a state-led effort aimed at encouraging multi-state collaboration and innovation for state oil and gas regulators.  The initiative – a partnership between the Ground Water Protection Council and the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission – helps state regulatory agencies best adapt to technological advances and promote greater transparency. By sharing information in consistent, systemic way, States First ensures state regulators remain the best protectors of their state’s environment.

“Energy development and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive,” said David Holt, CEA president.  ”CEA continues to support the safe, environmentally responsible development of our abundant natural resources.  We are all environmentalists who need clean air and clean water, and CEA commends the States First Initiative and our state regulators for upholding their duty to ensure energy development proceeds safely.”

From Pennsylvania to Texas and North Dakota, state regulators have overseen the incredible expansion of American energy development. In less than a decade, the United States will have gone from the largest oil importer to the largest oil producer in the world. Effective, efficient regulation that puts states first is part of this recipe for success.

States First CEA Support Letter

McAuliffe Joins OCS Govs. Coalition

Offshore wind-farm with transfer vessel

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe today became the first Democrat to join the OCS Governors Coalition, strengthening ongoing planning efforts between U.S. Governors and the U.S. Department of the Interior to offer the next round of offshore energy leases in both the Atlantic and Alaska.

Washington Post’s Reid Wilson reports:

Governors from Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast states, including Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe (D), urged Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on Monday to finalize rules that will eventually allow dramatically expanded offshore oil and gas drilling, bringing new industry — and millions in new tax revenue — to some states that have been shut out of the U.S. energy boom.

Jewell and senior Interior Department officials met with McAuliffe, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (D), Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley (R) and Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) on Monday. The Interior Department is expected to release a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement within days that would allow oil and gas companies to begin surveying the outer continental shelf for natural resources.

The OCS Governors Coalition was founded in 2011 to advocate for energy expansion through safe and responsible offshore energy production as part of a comprehensive national energy policy. The coalition provides a discussion and policy platform for offshore energy issues shared by the coastal states and the federal government. The governors of Alaska, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and North Carolina are members.

Under the Sea 

Reports also note U.S. Dept. of Interior will soon issue rules outlining what companies will need to follow before performing seismic surveys.  Thirty years has past since the last surveys were taken to determine where or how much oil or natural gas lie beneath the Atlantic ocean.

Once the PEIS is issued, seismic surveys for oil and gas deposits could begin within a matter of months.

“We want to find out exactly what’s out there, but we also want to do it in an environmentally sound way,” McCrory said in an interview. He called the meeting “very positive.”



Straight Talk on Keystone XL

TransCanada, the operator of the Keystone pipeline system, released the Straight Talking VIdeo Series to better inform people about the Keystone XL Pipeline.


Straight Talking Video Series
Frank conversations: TransCanada staff sat down to answer Americans’ questions about the Keystone XL Pipeline.

You have questions about Keystone XL and we have answers

No rhetoric, no misinformation, just straight talk from our employees to you.

We’ve listened to and spoken with thousands of people along the Keystone XL route. The following series of videos speaks to the questions and comments we hear most often when we meet with landowners, community groups and lawmakers. These videos address the genuine concerns of Americans who want the facts about this project. We take these concerns very seriously and it is our responsibility to provide you with accurate information about this project.

This series features TransCanada employees sitting down with real landowners, ranchers and other local folks along the Keystone XL Pipeline route, answering their questions about our project.

In this series average Americans ask questions about topics, such as pipeline safety, local economic benefits, jobs and energy security and more.

Watch all of the Straight Talk About The Keystone XL videos below: