Consumer Energy Alliance Releases New Energy Future Report

A Roadmap for energy self-sufficiency. If we choose it.

HOUSTON, TX: Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) will release a groundbreaking report that outlines steps the United States can take to achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2020.  The report examines the availability of U.S. resources, conventional and renewable, and the policies needing enactment to develop those resources and re-position the United States in the global energy market.  The report outlines a path that incorporates elements of both Gov. Romney and President Obama’s stated energy policies and offers a number of recommendations to help implement those plans into action.

To read the full report, click HERE.

“Consumer Energy Alliance believes this report will improve the overall understanding of energy security and the thoughtful development and utilization of our abundant energy resources,” said CEA President David Holt. “Energy policy greatly affects our country, and we believe it is essential that it remains at the forefront of issues under discussion by our elected officials. Our country needs sound energy policy to help maintain stable energy prices for consumers and facilitate economic growth.”

“America is entering the New Energy Future, one that could potentially lead to North American energy self-sufficiency by 2020,” said David Holt. “Substantial investment in the development of oil and natural gas has buoyed the economy, helping to support millions of jobs, generate billions of dollars in government revenue, and, most significantly, supply millions of consumers with affordable energy.”


Excerpt from report:

America still does big things. Politicians from across the political spectrum have repeatedly told us the opposite is true. But they’re wrong. For decades, America has been self-sufficient in supplying the energy for our electricity generation using mostly coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and more recently, wind and solar.” And we’re doing it again with transportation fuel. Somewhat silently over the past few decades, the U.S. oil and gas sector has improved its capabilities, its technologies and efficiencies in ways that have the potential to significantly increase the U.S. output of energy and reduce the percentage of oil imports to levels that haven’t been seen since the 1970s. This revolution in U.S. energy production is our next ‘big thing’.”

Report overview:

The abundance of U.S. natural resources

    • America has long been known for its ability to achieve great accomplishments. While some argue that this capability has diminished in recent years we have the opportunity and are strategically positioned to do one more “big thing” in the coming years by harnessing our domestic resources to achieve energy self-sufficiency
    • Expanded energy production in the United States and Canada can create of over 1.4 million jobs and generate nearly $803 billion in government revenues by 2030. Consumers can expect to see stabilized, lower energy costs, leading to a reinvigorated manufacturing base and, in some cases, lower electricity and heating costs.
    • In order to significantly and effectively lower U.S. imports of overseas crude, the United States must focus on both decreasing the demand for transportation fuels and increasing North American supply of fuel.
    • Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) believes that North America can achieve “energy self-sufficiency” and close the gap between North American supply and demand where we can meet anywhere between 80 to 95 percent of our energy needs by 2020. This is the next “big thing.” Technology will play a leading role but in the end it our national policies that will determine if we are successful.

Two policy examples:

      • Create and enact a National Energy Policy with a goal of facilitating North American energy production, eliminating unnecessary regulatory and legal impediments with a goal of North American Energy Self-Sufficiency by 2020
      • Review the existing processes for issuing  permits, leasing, exploration and development plans and approvals and environmental reviews for energy production on the OCS and onshore federal lands as part of an overall program to provide greater regulatory certainty and less redundancy;

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: National Propane Gas Association

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) as its newest affiliate member.

The National Propane Gas Association is the national trade association that represents the U.S. propane industry. Their membership includes small businesses and large corporations engaged in the retail marketing and distribution of propane gas and appliances; producers and wholesalers of propane equipment; manufacturers and distributors of propane gas appliances and equipment; fabricators of propane gas cylinders and tanks; and propane transporters. With a membership of more than 3,200 companies in all 50 states, 38 affiliated state or regional associations, and members in 19 foreign countries, NPGA represents every segment of the propane industry.

“Propane gas is an important part of America’s energy landscape – from heating homes to fueling fleets.  NPGA is pleased to work with CEA to implement smart energy policies that will help our nation return to economic growth while protecting the environment. CEA’s knowledge of national energy and transportation issues will greatly benefit our membership and help advance discussion and legislation around these important topics,” said Phil Squair, Senior Vice President of Public and Governmental Affairs for NPGA.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to welcome NPGA and looks forward to working with them on energy issues on a more national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy. NPGA accomplishes this by bringing together its members and pursuing legislation that will benefit all consumers and producers across the country. CEA also looks forward to working closely with NPGA to provide their members with credible energy information and to learn first-hand the concerns that their members have about energy policies.”

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Alaska Trucking Association

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Alaska Trucking Association as its newest affiliate member.

The Alaska Trucking Association is a member-driven organization dedicated to fostering and promoting the trucking industry in Alaska. For over 50 years, The Alaska Trucking Association has been serving the needs of the Alaskan transportation industry. With their effective lobbying and testifying across the state to support the interests of the Alaska trucking industry, the Alaska Trucking Association strives to be a voice for the trucking industry in Alaska and realizes the importance of the consumer’s voice in legislative policies.

“Energy policy greatly affects our entire industry and membership, and we believe it is essential that it remains at the forefront of issues under discussion by our elected officials. The Alaska Trucking Association will work with CEA to implement and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy and trucking safety issues,” said Aves Thompson, Executive Director of the Alaska Trucking Association.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with the Alaska Trucking Association on energy and trucking safety issues at a state, regional and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy. The Alaska Trucking Association accomplishes this by bringing together its members and pursuing legislation that will benefit all consumers, producers and the transportation and trucking industries. CEA looks forward to working closely with the Alaska Trucking Association to provide their members with credible energy information and to learn first-hand the concerns that their members have about energy policies.”

Gasoline Prices Should Have Candidates Pumped Up to Debate

HOUSTON: In two years, the average American is paying one-third more for gasoline, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) noted today. The cost of gasoline for the average American has risen from $1,986 annually in 2009 to $2,655 – a 34 percent increase. For American families, this means an annual fuel bill of $4,155.

Gasoline Costs Taking Larger Portion of Family Budgets. Rising cost of gasoline combined with shrinking income is forcing families to spend more of their annual take home pay at the pump. Consider the facts: In 2009, gasoline prices average $2.35. The average family consumers around 1,100 gallons of gasoline a year, according to DOT and EIA.

2009:     ($2.35 a gallon x 1,100 gallons = $2,585)

2011:     ($3.52 a gallon x 1,180 gallons = $4,155)

The Associated Press reported that in 2011 the American family’s gasoline spending reached a 30-year high. The average American family spent 8.4 percent of what the median family takes home [$50,054 in 2011], “the highest share since 1981.”

Compare that to 2009 when the average American family spent 5.1 percent of real median household income [$49,777 in 2009 dollars; $52, 190 in current dollars] on fuel expenditures.

“Pocketbook issues matter to voters of all stripes,” said David Holt, President of CEA. “Motorists know they are paying more at the pump, a lot more. What they don’t know is how the next President of the United States will change policies to make energy more abundant and more affordable.

“I wouldn’t let the moderator interrupt, but I urge both President Obama and Governor Romney to be very specific during the debates on what they would do to boost American energy.”

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: The JAX Chamber

HOUSTON: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the JAX Chamber as its newest affiliate member. Comprised of nearly 3,000 business members the region, the Chamber is dedicated to driving quality, economic growth in Northeast Florida to make it the best place to live, work and play. Founded in 1884, the Chamber is one of the state’s oldest business organizations and is led by a board of directors comprised of 45 voting members as well as a board of governors comprised of 120 members representing a cross-section of the Chamber membership. The Chamber promotes a pro-business agenda with Florida’s elected officials and provides services that help members grow their businesses.

“We are proud to partner with CEA- energy policy and job creation greatly affects our entire membership,” said Christopher Quinn, Vice President of Public Policy/Business Advocacy for the JAX Chamber. “We believe it is essential that energy policy remains at the forefront of issues discussed by our elected officials. By joining CEA, JAX Chamber will incorporate and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy issues.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with the JAX Chamber on energy issues at a state, regional and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy, and the JAX Chamber accomplishes this by bringing together its member organizations and businesses and pursuing energy legislation that will benefit all consumers. In an unpredictable business climate, energy policy that creates certainty for businesses and consumers while providing reliable and affordable energy is more important than ever. CEA is very pleased to welcome the JAX Chamber in promoting such policies.”

America’s Energy Future

“Consumer Energy Alliance believes that by utilizing our abundant natural resources, North America can achieve energy self-sufficiency by the year 2020. The New Energy Future report analyzes data from technical reports and other forward-looking documents to conclude that North America can nearly meet our energy demand by 2020 and fully compete in the global energy marketplace on par with other petroleum producing nations. “

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Nevada Trucking Association

HOUSTON: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Nevada Trucking Association as its newest affiliate member.

The Nevada Trucking Association is a member-driven organization dedicated to representing the trucking industry against costly regulatory intrusions and increasing tax burdens. Founded in 1932, the Nevada Trucking Association takes pride in the fact that the Nevada trucking industry moves almost 94 percent of the state’s goods. Today the Nevada Trucking Association’s goal is to maintain and improve Nevada’s business climate, promote industry safety and educate the public on the essentiality of trucking.

“Energy policy greatly affects our entire industry and membership, and we believe it is essential that it remains at the forefront of issues under discussion by our elected officials. The Nevada Trucking Association will work with CEA to implement and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy and trucking safety issues,” said Paul J. Enos, CEO of Nevada Trucking Association.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with the Nevada Trucking Association on energy and trucking safety issues at a state, regional and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy. The Nevada Trucking Association accomplishes this by bringing together its members and pursuing legislation that will benefit all consumers, producers and the transportation industry. CEA looks forward to working closely with the Nevada Trucking Association to provide their members with credible energy information and to learn first-hand the concerns that their members have about their energy policies.”

David Holt on Neil Cavuto

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Lime Instruments

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Lime Instruments

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Lime Instruments as its newest affiliate member.

Headquartered in Houston, Lime Instruments offers products in the oil and gas field services that focus on operations in a variety of shale plays and other onshore projects in both North America and abroad. One of Lime’s core areas is providing customized instrumentation systems and equipment and integrating and installing them into hydraulic fracturing operations. From software development and customized systems integration, to hardware design and installation in the harshest environments, Lime has consistently delivered results for its customers.

“Lime Instruments is pleased to partner with Consumer Energy Alliance on energy issues at a regional and national level,” said Lime’s CEO, Rob Stewart. “Lime Instruments has a vested interest in energy policy both from the consumer and producer roles. This is due in large part to the amount of energy Lime manufactures and handles on an annual basis, as well as the amount of energy we need to operate our products. Partnering with CEA will give us a broader voice on energy policy and legislation and hopefully lead to a greater national focus on domestically-produced resources. We believe that CEA is the perfect organization to have on board for new developments in the energy industry and we look forward to our partnership.”

“CEA is happy to partner with Lime instruments. They’re extremely focused on bringing down the cost of expensive shale operations through their state-of-the-art technologies–with savings ultimately being passed onto consumers in the form of cheaper energy prices,” said CEA’s Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, Paul Looney. “Lime’s services bring value to the energy market and CEA is very pleased with their support in promoting a balanced energy policy.”

CEA Applauds Participation from Romney and Obama Campaign Surrogates in 2012 Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit

Consumer Group Brings Together Political, Business, Labor and Thought Leaders to Discuss Working Together to Advance Responsible Energy Production in Region

Pittsburgh, PA —Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) held its Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit with a number of key political, business and labor leaders in an intriguing discussion and debate over best ways to move forward with energy production in the Marcellus formation and across the United States. High-level officials included Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Romney campaign surrogate, Michael Krancer, former DEP Secretary and Obama campaign surrogate, John Hanger, as well as U.S. Representatives Mark Critz (D-PA-12) and Tim Murphy (R-PA-18), Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald (D) and Mayor Luke Ravenstahl (D).

Both Michael Krancer and John Hanger, representing the Romney and Obama campaigns respectively, laid out competing visions for the future of American energy.

On behalf of the Obama campaign, John Hanger reiterated that the Administration had “taken an all-of-the-above approach by developing many of America’s energy resources.” According to Hanger, the President’s investment in energy projects has created thousands of jobs, and his plan “pledges to cut net oil imports in half by 2020 and supports 600,000 new natural gas jobs by the end of the decade.”

On the other hand, Romney surrogate and current Pennsylvania DEP Secretary, Michael Krancer, discussed the region’s new energy future. “Imagine the power of freedom unleashed, of economic security unleashed, economic freedom, capability, ingenuity unleashing a new energy super economy, a new energy super power with abundant, domestic, clean, cheap energy, with super growth of jobs here in America,” said Krancer. “We stand right now on that threshold – the decisions we make right now are going to be the key for generations to come.”

“Policy and politics intersect,” said Mike Mikus, Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic, in his remarks introducing the Summit. “What we are trying to do here is to break through the politics and focus on the policy—what really impacts average Pennsylvanians and all Americans. The way we believe we can educate people is to bring new voices into this debate—to make sure stakeholders understand the real issues, and have a rational discussion in a forum like this one today.”

Referencing the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, Pennsylvania Congressman Tim Murphy also reminded the audience, “We are sending men and women overseas to fight for member countries of OPEC [Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries] to gain access to their oil, putting kids in harm’s way while we could be achieving the same goals at home. This is the time that we look to the skills and the strengths that America has here at home,” said Murphy. “And it is time to build those resources and build back America here at home.”

Both Murphy and Congressman Mark Critz agreed upon the importance of the natural gas industry to the future of the economies of Pennsylvania, Western Ohio and Northern West Virginia, and the enormous employment opportunities that have already developed. Critz called the shale revolution “an incredible opportunity that we have not seen in a century—it is beyond belief.”

According to Andrew Browning, Executive Vice President of CEA, the success of the Pittsburgh Summit this year will surely lead to several more events of this nature. “We thank everyone who took the time to participate and hope we can keep this topic at the forefront of the political discussion as we approach November. Now more than ever before, this issue is critical to the future of the United States and we look forward to advancing our goals to improve energy independence and diversity—creating jobs and increasing American competitiveness along the way.”