President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project

President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project

HOUSTON, TX– Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) welcomes the recent announcement that the President will support shortening the permitting process for the Cushing to Gulf Coast section of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Michael Whatley, Executive Vice President for Consumer Energy Alliance offered the following remarks in regards to the Administration’s announcement:

“This announcement is welcome news as continually rising gas prices are placing undue burdens on the American consumer.  Through this announcement the Administration has sent a signal that the U.S. is willing to embrace projects that will increase our nation’s petroleum supply.  While much work remains to be done – including the granting of a Presidential Permit to allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to cross from Alberta into the United States – this is clearly a step in the right direction for the American consumer and an important part of a true “all-of-the-above” energy approach.

CEA looks forward to working with the Administration on this project and others that will diversify our nation’s energy portfolio and will put us on the track to energy self-sufficiency by utilizing the significant conventional and renewable energy sources present in the United States.”

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes ION Geophysical as Newest Affiliate Member

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes ION Geophysical as Newest Affiliate Member

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome ION Geophysical as its newest affiliate member.

Since its founding over 40 years ago as a manufacturer of land seismic equipment, ION has evolved to become a leading provider of advanced, integrated geophysical solutions that help oil and gas companies and seismic contractors overcome their greatest imaging and operational challenges. ION has a rich history of innovation, demonstrating its ability to dramatically expand its portfolio of offerings and its global reach. While ION has grown it continues to operate with a singular mission- to help its oil and gas and seismic contractor customers solve their greatest exploration and production challenges.

“ION Geophysical is proud to announce its new partnership with CEA,” said Clint Moore, ION’s Vice President of Corporate Development. “As a leading geophysical company that helps oil and gas companies locate hydrocarbon resources, ION has a vested interest in sound public policies that facilitate the exploration, production, distribution, and supply of oil and gas. We look forward to working with CEA and its partners in order to elevate the conversation about the future of energy so that we can collectively define the path forward.

“CEA is very pleased to have ION Geophysical as a partner in the national energy debate,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary function of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in order to develop and implement a balanced national energy policy that supports domestic energy production. With the specter of rising energy costs, ION has shown its desire to bring energy policy dialogue to the forefront of political discussion and we look forward to working closely with them to address the key energy and environmental issues facing the nation as a whole.”

Just in time for the southern state primaries: Taking the energy message south

As a Republican primary election heads into some key southern states, CEA is taking the lead in keeping energy policy at the front of the agenda. On March 12 we hosted candidates Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and other policymakers at the Gulf Coast Energy Summit in Biloxi, Mississippi where over 600 residents and representatives from virtually all national and local media were in attendance.

Gingrich and Santorum, who also participated in CEA’s Colorado Energy Summit last month, spoke in Biloxi about the need for a strong national energy policy that allowed better access to our oil and gas resources. They stressed that better access to reserves in the Gulf region alone could yield hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional home-grown oil per day. Additionally, they also addressed the high gasoline prices that we are all paying, and they reminded the audience that increased domestic energy production would not only promote more affordable energy, and create jobs, but would also improve national security.

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant also spoke at the event where he held up the state of Mississippi as a model for energy policy. The state, which last year was ranked the most attractive spot on the planet for oil and gas investment, has focused on developing oil and gas as well as renewable sources of energy, and encouraging energy efficiency.  For all these accolades, Governor Bryant also recognizes the need to do more. He has introduced legislation that would encourage more energy development. Other speakers representing local Gulf Coast interests spoke of how the moratorium and permitorium have hurt businesses and families in the region. They called on the federal government to enact sound policies, like those practiced by state governments in the Gulf region, to increase energy production and economic development in the region. Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman provided an illustration of the vast difference between state and federal government regulation of industry when he noted that it can take years to get drilling permits for federal lands and the offshore and it only takes three days to get a permit for private lands in Texas.

Like the rest of the country, Mississippi could use more jobs and like the rest of the country, its residents would be better off paying less for fuel. Although its Gulf Coast location puts it near the center of our domestic energy industry, the typical Mississippian is not unlike residents of the nation’s heartland or those on either coast. Across the country, people are hoping to find work or hold onto the jobs they have and finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, largely because of the high price of fuel. CEA, by engaging our elected officials and those running for office in sites all around the country, is working to move the discussion of energy policy beyond just the energy sector. The core issues – of increased domestic production to improve supply, make gasoline more affordable, and create jobs – are quite simple and impact all of us. We are happy to be doing a part in taking this message to the voters this election year.

Working Together to Find Solutions: Gulf Coast Energy Summit

This month, CEA together with several partner organizations, will host another event for policymakers and Presidential candidates to talk about the important role energy plays in our economy and our daily lives. The Gulf Coast Energy Summit on March 12 in Biloxi, Mississippi, will be open to the public and will feature speakers including Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant. Several other elected officials from Gulf Coast states, as well as officials from the Administration, have also been invited.

We’re looking forward to more enlightening discussions about the role of energy in our economy like we heard at the Colorado Energy Summit and the telephone town hall for Alaskans that CEA hosted earlier this year. With the pain at the pump we’ve all experienced in recent months, consumers everywhere are sensitive to our wallets, and those running for office are being forced to address topics like high gas prices, jobs, national infrastructure, the economy and the ways that sensible, long-term, balanced energy policies can provide immediate relief.

The fact that all this conversation is occurring not just in a Presidential election year, but during a pretty wide-open election, must be viewed as an opportunity. We’ve long implored our policymakers to address gasoline prices, foreign oil dependence and other energy issues, in earnest. Now that these critical issues have become key topics in campaign speeches, it’s our duty to get involved, ask the tough questions and hold our elected officials accountable. If you’re in or near Mississippi on Monday, March 12th, we hope you’ll consider attending the Gulf Coast Energy Summit. And if not, watch for television coverage and check back here next week for some highlights of the event.

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum Confirms Attendance at 2012 Gulf Coast Energy Summit

Mississippi River Boat

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum Confirms Attendance at 2012 Gulf Coast Energy Summit

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to announce that U.S. Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum has confirmed his attendance at the 2012 Gulf Coast Energy Summit. Held on Monday, March 12 at the Gulf Coast Coliseum and Convention Center in Biloxi, Miss., the event is also co-hosted by the Mississippi Energy Policy Institute and the Gulf Economic Survival Team.

The Summit continues CEA’s national, non-partisan dialogue on energy, and will feature speeches by state and national leaders on current energy issues facing the region such as the recent rise in gas prices, the slowdown in offshore leasing and permitting, and the urgent need for job creation that can be supported by the energy sector. In light of the upcoming presidential campaign, the presence of Senator Santorum and Speaker Newt Gingrich will ensure timely and insightful discourse on the role of policy and regulation in energy production.

Upon accepting his invitation former Senator Santorum released the following statement:

“I am thrilled to be taking part in the Gulf Coast Energy Summit. This discussion about American energy is vital for immediate job creation and our long-term economic stability. The citizens of Mississippi and the entire Gulf Coast know first-hand the tremendous economic impact that comes from producing our own energy, and they also appreciate the responsibility that goes along with it.

“For decades the Gulf Coast has clearly demonstrated that domestic energy production and responsible environmental stewardship can coexist. However, President Obama’s radical environmental agenda and big government regulations have hurt our economy, our national security and our freedom. American produced energy is essential to our country and I will work with the Gulf Coast states to ensure this nation becomes energy independent.”

Other confirmed guests include Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, U.S. Congressman Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.), as well as numerous other invited national and regional officials and industry leaders. Other coastal governors and officials from the Administration have been asked to speak.

A media room is available to all press outlets wishing to cover the event and there will be opportunities for members of the local and national press to interface directly with the presidential candidates and other officials.

To RSVP, please contact John Krohn at 202-346-8854 or

March 2012 Newsletter

March 2012 CEA Newsletter
Issue 60


Energy: The Election Year Issue

Not that long ago, we kicked off the year 2012 by reminding consumers that energy ought to be a key election issue. In the weeks since then, economic conditions have aligned in such a way that gas prices have become front and center as we head into some key primary elections and tomorrow’s Super Tuesday contest.

Now, no one is pleased with the high prices that have gotten all the candidates talking about affordable gasoline, but to anyone who might be cynical about the political process, the events unfolding today might restore a little faith. For one thing, the 2012 race is turning out to be a contest in the true sense of the word, with no clear nominee several weeks into the process. For another, voters are demanding that those running for office address the issues that matter most to them.

By the end of February, nationwide gasoline prices had reached about $3.60 a gallon, and had become a key topic in stump speeches and Presidential debates. “The American people want to see the president trying to do something about it,” Mitt Romney said in a recent speech in Michigan, where he noted that importing foreign oil amounts to “sending money outside the country … in many cases to the people who don’t like us very much.” Barack Obama has spoken of the complexity of the problem and the need to make a sustained, serious effort to tackle it. And, during the recent Colorado Election Energy Summit co-hosted by CEA, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum also spoke about the devastating effects that high gasoline prices could have on the nationwide economy.

CEA also recently hosted a “telephone townhall” for Alaskans, featuring Newt Gingrich.  With few candidates able to make the trip to Alaska – an incredibly important energy state – this event allowed Speaker Gingrich to communicate directly with Alaska voters and gave them an opportunity to ask him questions live on the call.

On March 12, CEA will be co-hosting another forum for the Republican Presidential hopefuls in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Like the Colorado Election Energy Summit, the Gulf Coast Energy Summit will give the candidates and other policy makers the opportunity to discuss their views on energy policy.

Energy policy is complex, but by almost all accounts, importing large quantities of foreign oil is the wrong policy. Misguided energy policies ripple through our economy, hurting consumers and businesses alike. The good news is that people in power are talking about this very important issue; the bad news is that it remains difficult for us as consumers to sort through all the talk. And history has shown that attention to this important topic does not in itself mean that we are moving toward solutions. While it’s important that we hear what those running for office have to say about energy policy, it will be vital that we hold them accountable in office and keep them focused on energy policy, fuel prices and the ways consumers are impacted.

David Holt

Protect Affordable Electricity Costs: Tell Congress to Manage Nuclear Waste

Nuclear energy is one of the most affordable, reliable and cleanest forms of electricity, supplying about 20 percent of America’s electricity. However, the management of nuclear waste has become an increasingly costly process because the federal government has completely abdicated its responsibility to provide long-term storage.  American consumers and nuclear utilities have paid over $30 billion into a Nuclear Waste Trust Fund, which was created by Congress in 1982 to fund the construction and operation of a long-term storage facility. Yet, nearly 30 years later, the federal government has failed to advance a solution. Therefore, utilities have resorted to storing the waste at existing reactors at the costs of millions of dollars a year – costs that are passed on to ratepayers.

The Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future has published a report recommending that the federal government develop and build an interim storage facility to store the waste at one or more underground sites until a long-term storage facility is online.  These interim storage facilities could be ready within five years, whereas a long-term solution to dispose of the waste may be decades away.

Tell your Congressman to support safe storage of nuclear waste and ease the burden on America’s ratepayers.

Looking Forward to Energy Day 2012

Now that the inaugural Energy Day festival has come and gone, it is time we look forward to the future and Energy Day 2012. Energy Day 2012 will take place at Hermann Square, City Hall in Downtown Houston, Texas on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The festival will once again feature  live music, food, contests and most importantly interactive exhibits and demonstrations showcasing all forms of energy from oil and natural gas to solar and hydropower and everything in between, as well as efficiency and conservation.

CEA will also continue working with our Academic Partners to engage students in energy education through the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP).  EDAP was created to reward students who strive for greatness in energy-related academic competitions that run throughout the school year.   Those who win at an Energy Day Academic Program event will be awarded for their excellence and commitment to energy and education.  The 2012 Energy Day Academic Program consists of the following competitions:

March 1-3, 2012: The Science and Engineering Fair of Houston

March 31, 2012: The CSTEM Challenge

May 2012: Houston: Energy City of the Future 2050 Competition

May 19, 2012: The Children’s Museum of Houston Young Inventors’ Showcase

Spring 2012: The HGS/HMNS/CEA Art, Essay & Media Contests

For more information on Energy Day 2012 or the 2012 EDAP events, please contact Kathleen Koehler at

CEA In the News

CEA rolled on through the month of February with a strong media presence.  Throughout the month CEA received media hits from all forms of media including radio, TV, blogs, news articles, press releases and more.  The topics with significant contributions to this success are the Colorado Energy Summit and rising gas prices.

A few of the highlights of CEA’s recent media success:

  • Colorado Energy Summit
    • Click here to view CNN’s coverage of the Colorado Energy Summit.
    • CSPAN also extensively covered the event.  To view please click here.
    • The Washington Times wrote this piece which discusses the Colorado Energy Summit.
    • USA Today discusses the Colorado Energy Summit and the speeches presented by hopeful GOP Presidential candidates
  • Rising Gas Prices
    • CEA President David Holt authored this piece which appeared on the blog Big Government.
    • CEA Executive Vice-President Michael Whatley contributed to a U.S. News & World Report piece that focuses on the rising cost of gasoline.
    • Michael Whatley was also featured on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News Program.  To see the interview click here.

That is just a small sampling of CEA’s public presence in the media over the past 29 days.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Craig Koshkin at

Upcoming Events

Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
March 1-3, 2012
George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas

Since 1960, SEFH has promoted the “learning and applications of science and technology” for Texas junior and senior high schools students in Houston and the surrounding 23-county area. SEFH is a regional fair, associated with the INTEL International Science & Engineering Fair and is one of the largest pre-college STEM activities in the U.S.

March 1 is project registration and setup day; March 2 is judging day; and on March 3, the projects are on public display from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in Hall D of the George R. Brown Convention Center. The Awards Ceremony is from 2:30-5:30 p.m. in Hall D.

For information on entering or questions, please visit

Winning students will be recognized at the SEFH Awards Ceremony, will receive awards at Energy Day, and will be invited to display their projects at Energy Day on October 20, 2012.

The CSTEM Challenge
March 31, 2012
George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas

The CSTEM Challenge in its seventh year impacts more than 10,000 students representing grades Pre K through 12, from schools across the country and the Dominican Republic.  This year, CSTEM will again host its signature event in downtown Houston at the George R. Brown Convention Center in concert with the Shell EcoMarathon.  The partnership between the two entities allows students, participants and spectators to experience the unveiling of projects ranging from sculptures to robotics to futuristic vehicles running on alternative energy resources.  Both events are free to the public.

For information on entering or questions, please visit

Local Houston area winning schools will be recognized at the international CSTEM Challenge competition awards ceremony, receive awards at Energy Day and will be invited to display their projects at Energy Day on October 20, 2012.

Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future

Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future (MBEF) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization comprised of small and large businesses, chambers of commerce, labor organizations, farmers associations, trade groups and Missouri citizens who understand that securing Missouri’s affordable, reliable energy sources for tomorrow means making common sense decisions today.

We believe that alternative and clean energy development is a powerful engine that will fuel Missouri’s economy and create thousands of new jobs.

MBEF’s co-chairs are distinguished Missourians from diverse backgrounds, who work to promote the betterment of our state. We also have support from Missouri’s Rural Electric Cooperatives, municipal electric providers, investor-owned utilities and the organized labor community.

MBEF calls on Missouri legislators and state leaders to educate Missourians about energy issues and enact legislation that promotes more balanced and sustainable energy solutions while providing accountability and regulatory oversight in the interest of Missouri consumers.

For more information please visit the Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future website:

American Iron and Steel Institute 

CEA affiliate member American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has recently put together a video detailing exactly how important US shale and natural gas developments are to the manufacturing industry.  In the attached video you will see AISI Chairman John P. Surma detail exactly how these developments have impacted American manufacturing.

For more information AISI please visit

Issue of the Week: High gas prices and how actions matter

We hear a lot these days about high and rising gas prices and almost as much about how this is a very complex issue. This week, we offer a reminder that not everything about the price we pay for our fuel is complicated or beyond our control. Yes, oil and gas prices are influenced by many conditions outside our borders, but our own actions also matter. A lot.

First, an update on the fuel price situation. Brent crude oil is approaching $125 a barrel, WTI Crude is well over $100 a barrel, and the average American is now paying around $3.70 a gallon. Some of the reasons most commonly cited for this price surge include tensions with Iran, general instability in many oil-producing nations, a strengthening economy here in the U.S. and growing demand from nations like China and India.

We certainly cannot change the actions of other countries, and we certainly would not want this long-awaited, fledgling economic recovery to reverse course (though it is worth noting that the last time gas prices were this high was four years ago when the nation was plunging into recession). But as a country that accounts for a significant amount of both worldwide fuel supply and demand, we certainly have actions at our disposal to temper what has recently been an unmitigated rise in prices.

Here are a few:

Approve construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline –  This project would deliver as much as 700,000 barrels of Canadian and American crude oil each day to refineries in the Gulf region.

Expand access to offshore resources –  The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management estimates that the Gulf of Mexico alone holds proven reserves of 20.43 billion barrels of oil and 184.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas … as well as unproven reserves of 4.12 billion barrels of oil and 7.3 trillion cubic feet of gas It also predicted that both figures would grow as drilling technology improves in the future. Not to be outdone, the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas off the northern coast of Alaska hold an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil and 132 trillion cubic feet of gas. Make no mistake, the quantities of oil and gas in the waters off our coasts are vast and policies that promote more leasing and swifter approvals of new projects can make a big difference in our domestic energy supply.

Ensure regulatory certainty for all on and offshore energy projects – When oil producers are subject to constantly shifting regulations covering their projects, they tend to produce less. Consider the 2010 moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and all the rigs that left the region for places like Angola, Egypt and Vietnam as a result. Policies can be changed easily and often, but the producers that must follow these polices are slowed down by an uncertain regulatory environment.

All of the above actions can be summed up in three words: improve domestic supply. We all know that supply is a key factor influencing prices. The worldwide political and economic factors that influence fuel prices may be complex, but we should not lose sight of the simple strategies we have at our disposal to take back some control by tapping our own natural resources.