Keystone XL Receives Support from More than 450,000 Americans

Keystone XL Receives Support from More than 450,000 Americans
Pipeline project will create jobs, lower fuel prices, increase energy security

WASHINGTON, DC – Today Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and the Ports-to-Plains Alliance announced that they have submitted more than 450,000 public comments calling on the U.S. Department of State to allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments, which come from residents in states all across the country, demonstrate strong support for the project among Americans from numerous backgrounds.

CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley commented on the broad support that exists for the project:

“The shear breadth of these comments shows that Americans are ready to get back to work while moving toward a more secure energy future. Keystone XL will deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas and will be the safest pipeline ever constructed in the United States. Each barrel that flows through Keystone XL is another barrel we don’t have to buy from places like Venezuela and the Middle East. In addition to being the safest pipeline ever built, the project will create more than 120,000 American jobs, strengthen our economy and lower fuel prices for American families coast to coast.

“The American people have spoken loudly and clearly in favor of Keystone XL. We simply cannot afford to delay this critical project any longer, especially as millions of Americans across the country struggle to find work.”

NAM Vice President Chip Yost added:

“The Keystone XL pipeline project is estimated to create 20,000 high-paying manufacturing and construction jobs and will provide access to affordable sources of energy. Manufacturers use nearly one third of our nation’s energy supply, so reliable, affordable energy is critical to global competitiveness. We encourage action by the State Department and President Obama to avoid further delay or additional red tape. Our nation’s economy is stalled and Americans need jobs — we hope the Administration will act quickly and move this project forward.”

ATA Vice President and Regulatory Counsel Rich Moskowitz commented on the benefits of increasing supplies of North American crude to U.S. markets:

“Diesel fuel is the lifeblood of the American trucking industry. The State Department can help ensure that the 18-wheelers that deliver America’s essential goods like food, clothing and medicine have reliable access to that fuel by approving the Keystone XL project. The development of this important project will provide a stable, long-term supply of crude oil from Montana, North Dakota, and Canada — one of our strongest and most loyal allies — to refineries in the United States. The United States’ reliance on overseas oil places U.S. consumers at greater risk of supply disruptions and damaging price spikes.  This pipeline will enhance our energy security.”


Michael Reeves, President of the Ports to Plains Alliance added that the economic impact of the project will be welcome in the states where the pipeline will be built:

“As leaders from the region that the Keystone XL pipeline will traverse, our members applaud the State Department’s thoroughness during this approval process. The department has fully analyzed the project’s environmental impact and the Final EIS rightfully concludes that there are no substantial environmental concerns that should prevent the construction of this valuable infrastructure project. They also understand that Keystone XL will provide significant economic benefits for our region — including the contribution of more than $5.2 billion in tax revenues to the Keystone XL corridor states — and call on the State Department to grant the Presidential Permit and allow construction of this important project.”

CEA partnered with a number of groups throughout the country to ensure the voices of everyday Americans were heard in this important discussion:

Alabama Trucking Association

American Trucking Associations

Associated Industries of Florida

Colorado Farm Bureau

Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce

Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Iowa Motor Truck Association

Kansas Chamber of Commerce

Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association

Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Mississippi Trucking Association

Missouri Trucking Association

Montana Chamber of Commerce

National Association of Manufacturers

Nebraskans for Jobs and Energy Independence

North Carolina Chamber of Commerce

Mid Continent Oil & Gas Association of Oklahoma

Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association

Ports-to-Plains Alliance

South Carolina Trucking Association

South Dakota Chamber of Commerce

State Chamber of Oklahoma

Texas Manufacturers Association

Texas Oil &  Gas Association

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce

The 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline project received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of States because it crosses an international border. Once completed, Keystone XL will deliver 700,000 barrels of crude oil from Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Montana and Alberta to refineries in the Gulf Coast region.

Thousands in South Carolina Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in South Carolina Call for Approval of Keystone XL

COLUMBIA – Today Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced, in conjunction with the South Carolina Trucking Association, that it has submitted 23,116 public comments from South Carolina residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, South Carolina Trucking Association president Rick Todd issued the following statement:

“Diesel fuel and a healthy economy remain the lifeblood of the trucking industry. The addition of 700,000 barrels of oil from the United States and Canada should help to lower gasoline and diesel prices here in South Carolina while adding more than $20 billion to the American economy. We strongly support the Keystone XL pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of freight haulers across the United States.  Stable supplies of fuel will help keep trucking companies in business and the economy running.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of South Carolinians reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

October 2011 Newsletter

October 2011 CEA Newsletter
Issue 55

Rediscover energy in October

October is a month of learning and discovery here at CEA, as we host our first Energy Day festival in Houston: a fun, educational event showcasing energy in all its forms and highlighting the latest technology that will lead the way to a brighter, more powerful future.

The October 15 event is geared toward school-aged children and their families, who will enjoy a series of exhibits, demonstrations and contests, all serving to illustrate the role that energy – in a multitude of forms – plays in our lives.

We hope this event will encourage children to think big and look hopefully toward the future. We want to spark their interest in the science of energy: the advances that are making it possible to access reserves such as shale gas long considered off limits, and to better tap the power of the sun and the wind. Indeed, the energy breakthroughs we’ve seen in recent years have been something of an ongoing science fair. We’ve watched oil and gas boom towns spring up in the plains of the Dakotas, while in more traditional oil-producing regions like the Gulf of Mexico, oil extraction processes have been refined to the point that large volumes of oil can be produced with minimal surface disruption. The advances we’ve seen to date have helped our growing nation keep pace with our energy demands. A secure energy future will depend in part on our children achieving further scientific and technological advances.

If you are in the Houston area, we hope you and your family will join us at Hermann Square for this event, which will also feature food and live music. And even if you can’t be there in person, we urge you to think about all that our energy industry has achieved since the Drake Well was first drilled more than 150 years ago. So often, we highlight the challenges surrounding energy: of finding it, producing it, transporting it and securing our supplies. And while those challenges remain daunting, we should also take time to take note of our many successes, which some now believe could make the United States the largest oil producer in the world.

We can get there, but it will take the imagination and dedication of current and future generations. For more information about this important festival of discovery, visit the Energy Day website at

David Holt


Echo Your Support For North American Energy – Secure, Homegrown Resources

In the face of high prices at the fuel pump and global events that threaten oil supply, the United States has the opportunity to actually do something about it.  The Keystone XL pipeline, which will carry 700,000 barrels of oil per day from our ally, Canada, as well as from the Dakotas, Montana, and Oklahoma to Gulf Coast refineries, will mean greater national security, a stable fuel supply, and economic growth in the US.

Before this vital project can proceed, the Department of State must issue a Presidential Permit to allow the pipeline to cross from Canada into the United States.  After years of environment review, the Department of State concluded that no significant issues exist that should prohibit this project from moving forward.  Now, the Department needs to hear why this project is in the nation’s best interest – the final step in the permit’s review process.

Take Action: Please write Secretary Clinton and tell her that increased energy security and economic growth are clearly good things for this country.  The Administration must grant the President Permit as expeditiously as possible so Americans can realize these tremendous benefits.

Take Action Now!


Energy Day 2011 Updates

We are only a week and a half away from the first annual Energy Day Festival.  On October 15, 2011 75 sponsors and partners, over 50 exhibitors and the people of Houston, TX will make Energy Day 2011 a can’t-miss event.  On October 4th CEA will conducted a conference call on which all sponsors, partners and exhibitors were invited to participate.  On the call all final preparations for Energy Day 2011 sponsors were made.

Here is the list of confirmed Energy Day sponsors:

ABC-13/KTRK-TV, Air Transport Association, American Public Power Association, Anadarko, Apache, ASES Houston Solar Tour, Bug Ware, Inc., Caterpillar, CenterPoint Energy, Children’s Museum of Houston, City of Houston, ConocoPhillips, Consumer Energy Alliance, Consumer Energy Education Foundation, Cooperative for After-School Enrichment (CASE), CSTEM Teacher & Student Support Services, Earth Quest Institute, Eco-Holdings Engineering, El Paso Corporation, Energy People Connect, Environmentally Friendly Drilling Program, eVgo, Foundation for Energy Education, Geophysical Society of Houston, German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern US, Inc., Greater Houston Partnership, Halliburton, Harris County Department of Education, Hess Corporation, Houston Advanced Research Center, Houston Area Land Rover Centers, Houston Community College-Northeast Energy Institute, Houston Geological Society, Houston Independent School District, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Wiess Energy Hall, Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce – Energize! Houston, Houston Renewable Energy Group, Houston Renewable Energy Network, Houston Technology Center, HoustonWorks USA, Ignite Solar, Independent Natural Resources, International Power | GDF Suez, KBR, Inc., Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP), Lone Star College System, Momentum Luxury Group , NASA-Johnson Space Center, National Algae Association, NRG Energy | Reliant Energy, Offshore Energy Center, Purestream, Inc., San Jacinto College – Energy Venture Camp, Schlumberger, Science & Engineering Fair of Houston, Shell, 60 Plus Association, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Society of Women Engineers – Houston Area Section, Statoil, Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering, Texas Sol Renewable, Texas Southern University, Jesse H. Jones School of Business, Texas TicKids, The Wind Alliance, TransCanada, TXU Energy, United Airlines, University of Houston, University of Texas, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century Energy, U.S. DOE Gulf Coast Clean Energy Application Center, Waste Management, Western Energy Alliance, YES Prep Public School

We need your participation and involvement to make this an outstanding event! Please email Kathleen at for details.


All sponsors have given us their exhibit designs, all of which will be very exciting for the youth of Houston.    Here are a few exhibits:

  • Combined heat and power system; 8 x 22 Kawasaki engine
  • Natural gas vehicle
  • Solar panels and wind turbines
  • Mobile Offshore Learning Unit
  • Interactive iPad games and applications
  • eVgo is bringing the Freedom Station (electric vehicle charging station) and 1 or two electric vehicles
  • and plenty more….

Energy Day Exhibitor Spotlight

With Energy Day only 2 weeks away, we wanted to give you an inside look at exactly what will be on display.  Here is a look at a few of the exhibitors that will be on hand at Energy Day and what they hope to accomplish.


Shell is a leading oil and gas producer in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, a recognized pioneer in oil and gas exploration and production technology and one of America’s leading oil and natural gas producers, gasoline and natural gas marketers and petrochemical manufacturers. We operate in 50 states and employ approximately 20,000 people delivering energy in technically innovative ways.

At Energy Day, Shell will be displaying the following:

Interactive Oil & Gas Display: Shell has partnered with the University of Texas GEO-FORCE students to demonstrate how hydrocarbons are safely extracted from the ground. The demonstrations will be hands-on and will provide a safe, fun way for young students to become excited about the industry.

Eco-Marathon Display: Two Eco-Marathon cars will be on display to showcase Shell’s involvement with renewables, the company’s commitment to innovation and promote next year’s Houston Eco-Marathon.

TAME Trailer Display (bonus space): Shell has also partnered with the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering.  TAME will be providing their educational trailblazer trailer that will be located across from the Shell exhibit. The trailer will have hands-on educational science and math activities for children and their families.


Lone Star College

Known for its innovation and visionary thinking, Lone Star College System is the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area and the fastest growing community college system in Texas.  LSCS offers associate degrees and certifications in many areas of study. Through its progressive partnerships with four-year universities, LSCS also offers seamless opportunities to obtain bachelor’s and master’s degrees at its two University Centers.

For Energy Day, one of Lone Star College’s exhibits is an interactive home energy simulator. You’ll see how a grid-tied photovoltaic solar power system can create alternative energy for a house, including how solar panels work and the affects that the weather can have on creating energy. Then, by “adjusting your lifestyle,” you’ll see how simple things you do (or don’t do) around your house can change the amount of energy your appliances and lights use in a typical day.  Lone Star College will also have a hydrogen generator on display. Using a solar panel and a little sunshine, this piece of equipment will generate enough electricity to power a propeller right before your eyes!



Caterpillar Global Petroleum is the worldwide leader in engine solutions that power the petroleum industry.  The industries Caterpillar serves provide power to all aspects of the energy industry from exploration and production to refining and transportation of the products we use every day.

At Energy Day, the Sustainable Development team will highlight what Caterpillar represents and what the company does.  Sustainable Development for Caterpillar means leveraging technology and innovation to increase efficiency and productivity with less impact on the environment and utilizing resources more efficiently.  They will have a variety of activities for all ages including videos, equipment displays and hands on activities.  Games and prizes will be going on throughout the day.


University of Houston

The University of Houston, Texas’ premier metropolitan research and teaching institution, is home to more than 40 research centers and institutes and sponsors more than 300 partnerships with corporate, civic and governmental entities. UH, the most diverse research university in the country, is ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as a Top Tier university and by the Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the “Great Colleges to Work for”. UH stands at the forefront of education, research and service with more than 37,000 students.

The University of Houston will be exhibiting its research and development efforts in renewable/alternative energies and energy sustainability. These include programs in ultra-high efficiency solar cells; wind power generation, architectural integration of alternative energies; clean fuel cell energy; superconductivity and energy savings, clean diesel technology; balloon launch air quality studies; advanced subsurface analysis of hydrocarbon deposits; and sustainability through energy and materials conservation.



Statoil is an international energy company with operations in 34 countries. Building on more than 35 years of experience from oil and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf, a quarter of our production is now derived from international assets. We are committed to accommodating the world’s energy needs in a responsible manner, applying technology and creating innovative business solutions. Statoil is headquartered in Norway with 20,000 employees worldwide, and is listed on the New York and Oslo stock exchanges. More information on

The Statoil display will include interactive STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) demonstrations meant to engage and impassion the next generation of technical professionals. The exhibit will also include components that showcase our Heroes of Tomorrow initiative through our partnerships with First LEGO League and the Houston Dynamo.


Houston Renewable Energy Group

HREG believes we have a choice to live in a responsible and sustainable manner, achievable through renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency measures and proper planning of our cities and communities. The purpose of HREG is to further the development of renewable energy and related arts, sciences, and technologies with concern for the ecological, social and economic fabric of our community and state. This is accomplished through the exchange of ideas and information by means of meetings, publications and public displays. HREG serves to inform public, institutional and governmental bodies and seek to raise the level of public and government awareness of its purpose.

During Energy Day, participants will learn about solar energy systems, energy efficiency and sustainable building technologies by visiting residences and businesses in the Houston area that use these technologies in real world applications and through the Green Energy Fair being conducted at Tranquility Park as part of Energy Day. Participants will have the opportunity to visit over twenty varieties of existing solar solutions, from commercial installations and residential projects to solar thermal hot water and pool heaters.

Upcoming Events

CHP2011: Combined Heat and Power Conference & Trade Show

CHP2011 is the only nationwide conference and trade show dedicated solely to cogeneration, tri-generation, and waste heat recovery. At the Combined Heat and Power Conference and Trade Show, you’ll find solutions, innovations, and best practices from leaders in the CHP industry. The conference will offer unparalleled networking opportunities for industry professionals.

CHP2011 is the go-to event for education, business development, and networking for individuals and organizations considering CHP. Attendees will benefit from the free exchange of ideas on an array of industrial and commercial CHP topics. Last year’s event in Austin was attended by more than 325 industry professionals, and we are working to make this year’s event even better.

The Combined Heat and Power Conference & Trade Show will take place in Houston, Texas on October 17-19, 2011 at the Westin Galleria Hotel.  For more information on the event please go to the event’s website:

Efficient Lighting Strategies

Did you know that the electric light bulb was invented just 132 years ago? Thomas Alva Edison invented the carbon-filament lamp in 1879. This invention ushered in an era of inventions and progress that led to our present-day world of technology and electricity dependence.

In the United States, about 15 percent of household electricity is used for lighting – mostly through the use of traditional incandescent bulbs. We use artificial light to meet all types of needs, including: ambient, task and accent lighting.

Using new technologies, you can decrease the electricity used for your lighting needs by 50 to 75 percent. Not only does that save you money, but it is also wise utilization of America’s resources.

Make use of these tips:

  • More light is not always better – match your lighting needs to your tasks
  • Use a dimmer switch to reduce costs
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs and systems to save energy
  • Try “daylighting” – using natural light, when available, through the use of windows and skylights

Find out more about efficient lighting strategies from the U.S. Department of Energy here.


Thousands in Iowa Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Iowa Call for Approval of Keystone XL

DES MOINES – Today the Iowa Motor Truck Association announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that it has submitted 12,974 public comments from Iowa residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Iowa Motor Truck Association President Brenda Neville issued the following statement:

“Diesel fuel remains the lifeblood of Iowa’s trucking industry.  We support the Keystone XL pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of truckers across the United States.  Stable supplies of fuel help keep trucking companies in business and the economy running.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Iowans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Mississippi Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Jackson Mississippi

Thousands in Mississippi Call for Approval of Keystone XL

JACKSON – Today the Mississippi Trucking Association announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that it has submitted 12,288 public comments from Mississippi residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Mississippi Trucking Association President David Roberts issued the following statement:

“Diesel fuel remains the lifeblood of Mississippi’s trucking industry.  We support the Keystone XL pipeline because it will supply reliable, affordable supplies of energy to millions of truckers across the United States.  Stable supplies of fuel will help keep trucking companies in business and the economy running.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Mississippi citizens reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Texas Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Texas Call for Approval of Keystone XL

AUSTIN – Today the Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, the Texas Association of Manufacturers, and the Texas Oil and Gas Association announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that they have submitted 10,337 public comments from Texas residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce President Jim Rich issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the 1,100 businesses in the Beaumont area and the 41 chambers of commerce and ten economic development organizations who are partners for the My Town, My Job, My Voice Campaign (, we strongly support the Keystone XL pipeline and the significant economic benefits it will bring to our region.  This project will not only generate billions in economic activity for the state, but also help support thousands of refinery workers in southeast Texas.  Keystone XL is absolutely in the best interest for Beaumont businesses.”

Texas Association of Manufacturers executive director Luke Bellsnyder agrees, adding “The Keystone XL Pipeline will inject $2.3 billion in new private investment to the state economy at that exact point in time when the risk of another economic downturn is high.  We expect to see thousands of high-quality manufacturing jobs emerge as the pipeline is designed, outfitted, constructed and maintained.  Keystone XL Pipeline is primed to deliver exactly the kind of jobs we need, just when we need them in Texas.””

“The Keystone XL Pipeline makes sense for Texas and for all of the United States.  The project establishes a pipeline to deliver much needed energy resources from a reliable trading partner and creates jobs for thousands of Americans.  It’s a win-win,” said Debbie Hastings, vice president for environmental affairs for the Texas Oil and Gas Association.

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Texans reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Oklahoma Call For Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Oklahoma Call For Approval of Keystone XL

OKLAHOMA CITY – Today the Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association of Oklahoma and the State Chamber of Oklahoma announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that they have submitted 5,158 public comments from Oklahoma residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Michael Bernard, President of Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association of Oklahoma, expressed strong support for the Keystone project: “The Keystone XL Pipeline will be an important step towards North American energy independence and of huge benefit to U.S. energy security if permitted by the Department of State.  It will also create thousands of jobs  here in Oklahoma.  The entire nation will benefit from the infusion of oil from Oklahoma, the Dakotas and Canada into our supply mix and the $20 billion that this project will add to American economy.”

Fred Morgan, president and CEO of The State Chamber of Oklahoma agreed, adding “The State Chamber of Oklahoma believes that Keystone XL is in our country’s best interest because it will improve our national security, provide a long-term, stable energy supply to the United States, create jobs and spur economic growth.  Further, the economic benefits to our State – including millions in revenue for state and local governments and thousands of new jobs – comes at a critical time in our economic recovery.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Oklahoma citizens reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Nebraska Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Nebraska Call for Approval of Keystone XL

OMAHA – Today Nebraskans for Jobs and Energy Independence announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that it has submitted 31,939 public comments from Nebraska residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Nebraskans for Jobs and Energy Independence spokesman, Barry Rubin issued the following statement:

“Thousands of family supporting jobs will be created in Nebraska during the construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline, in addition to $150 million in local tax revenues.  We hope the Department of State listens to the thousands of Nebraskans who have joined us in saying that Keystone XL will provide a plentiful and reliable source of energy, in the safest manner possible, all the while injecting our economy with a boost of jobs and income.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Nebraska citizens reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Louisiana Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Louisiana Call for Approval of Keystone XL

BATON ROUGE – Today the Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA) announced, in conjunction with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that it has submitted 13,290 public comments from Louisiana residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

In response, Chris John, President of LMOGA, expressed strong support for the Keystone project: “The Keystone XL Pipeline would be of huge benefit to U.S. energy security if permitted by the Department of State.  It would also create thousands of jobs in this country.  Our Gulf Coast refineries would benefit from the diversified supply of crude oil in the case of hurricane events and unforeseen supply disruptions.”

Added CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley:

“The Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy. The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil. These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Louisiana citizens reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Thousands in Michigan Call for Approval of Keystone XL

Thousands in Michigan Call for Approval of Keystone XL

LANSING – The Michigan Chamber of Commerce today announced, in cooperation with Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), that 14,382 public comments have been submitted from Michigan residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The comments were submitted to the U.S. Department of State, which must issue the final necessary permit to allow the Keystone XL project to proceed.

“The Michigan Chamber supports the Keystone XL pipeline because of the benefits it provides to Michigan’s working families and job providers,” said Michigan Chamber President & CEO Rich Studley. “By providing a long-term, stable supply of North American energy, Keystone XL will help boost our nation’s energy security and ensure that American consumers have access to affordable energy.”

According to CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley, the Keystone XL pipeline will be the safest pipeline ever built in the United States, and construction will help create more than 20,000 jobs nationwide. The pipeline will also generate more than $20 billion in new economic growth for the struggling U.S. economy.

“The 700,000 barrels of oil per day that will flow through Keystone XL will help reduce fuel prices for families coast to coast, and dramatically improve our energy security by reducing our reliance on Middle Eastern oil,” noted Whatley. “These comments that we are submitting today from thousands of Michigan citizens reflect what people across the country are saying: We need jobs, we need a stronger economy, and we need to build the Keystone XL pipeline.”

The 1,700-mile proposed Keystone XL pipeline would deliver 700,000 barrels of U.S. and Canadian crude oil per day to refineries along the Gulf Coast in Texas.  Keystone XL received approval from Canada’s National Energy Board in 2010, but the project also requires a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State because it crosses an international border. In June, CEA delivered more than 62,000 public comments supporting the project to the State Department, all of which came from people living in the six states through which the proposed pipeline will travel: Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.