Quick Reads

DAPL Protests

Standing Rock Redux

Modernizing Minnesota begins with upgrading our state's critical pipeline infrastructure to secure supplies of reliable, affordable energy while protecting our environment for families, farmers,...
Dad cooking with children

Chambersburg Awarded Grant to Fund Natural Gas in Underserved Neighborhoods

Communities across the region are fighting for access to reliable, affordable natural gas to help reduce energy costs.  In addition to reduced energy costs,...
Construction worker and backhoe

Oil Industry Building Pipelines to Address America’s Biggest Energy Roadblock

As we've indicated over the past few months, constraints in vital energy infrastructure are preventing America from becoming more energy independent while lowering the...
Tractor mowing green field

PUC: Line 3 Oil Pipeline Plan Is Necessary, Safest Option

Families. farmers, and businesses across Minnesota depend on the energy delivered by Line 3.  This week, staff at the Public Utilities Commission recognized the...
Person at Gas Station

Local Business Owner Backs New Oil Pipeline

Modernizing Minnesota's infrastructure not only helps small businesses, but it also keeps energy costs affordable for families and farmers across the state. Running a small...
Senior citizens paying bills

New York Is a Bad Neighbor to New England

New England families continue to pay some of the highest energy costs in the nation - paying more than $1 billion more just this winter...
Harvesting of soybean field in sunset

Line 3 Cost Uncertainty

Residents across Minnesota have been speaking out in support of modernizing Line 3 which will allow affordable supplies of energy to be safely delivered...
Mom with two young children

Energy Speakers Call Pipelines Key to Natural Gas Boom

At a recent chamber of commerce breakfast event, speakers discussed how a lack of pipeline infrastructure is causing Pennsylvanians to spend more money on...
Pipeline construction

Energy Infrastructure Investment Can Unlock Jobs, Energy Security

With Infrastructure Week in full swing, we need to recognize the importance of investing in our energy delivery system - from pipelines to transmission...
Woman stressed over bills

A Paucity of Pipelines

For the past few months, we have seen story after story detailing how record production of energy in Texas, and the United States as a while,...