Responsible Energy Development and Environmental Protection Go Hand-In-Hand

The nation’s offshore energy resources are vast and could help provide long-term reliable energy to American families and businesses, so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics and cars while supporting communities via job creation and revenue generation. Exploring for energy off our coasts represents an opportunity to not only create jobs, […]
Report: U.S. Will Lose One-Third of its Electricity Generation Capacity Without More Infrastructure

A new report released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) found that rejecting pipeline infrastructure would remove almost one-third of U.S. electricity generation capacity by 2030, dangerously raising electric rates nationwide, especially for poverty-stricken households. The report, titled “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure,” found that by 2030, 31 percent […]
CEA Releases Comprehensive Solar Incentive Analysis; Highlights Importance of Pro-Solar, Pro-Grid, Pro-Consumer Policies

As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization today released a new report, “Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Solar Incentives,” that provides a comprehensive quantification of solar incentives available for U.S. energy consumers. The report analyzes the cost for a typical solar facility in 15 states and […]
Oil & Gas Producers Join Truckers For Improved Road Safety
Consumer group helps form industry taskforce to improve collaboration and safety HOUSTON, April 23, 2013 – Oil and gas companies have joined forces with the trucking industry to promote improved road safety and traffic management in heavily travelled producing areas like the Eagle Ford in south central Texas, the Marcellus region in the Northeast and the […]