We Need Your Help! A small group of anti-energy activists are trying to stop the flow of clean, affordable natural gas to meet our needs and lower your power bills.
Massachusetts families, seniors, and those of us living on fixed incomes are paying the 3rd highest power bills in the country – over 60 percent more than the national average!
It doesn’t have to be this way and you can do something about it.
Join us and tell Governor Baker that you support more power to lower electricity prices. Pipelines like the Atlantic Bridge Project will boost our supplies of natural gas to help meet our electricity demand, heat our homes, and keep the lights on.
Governor Baker needs to hear from you! No more delays, we need relief now.
Dear Governor Baker,
I’m a Massachusetts resident and I support a stronger energy future that brings in more natural gas supplies from the Atlantic Bridge Pipeline project.
Living in our state is expensive. Costs for healthcare and housing keep rising for working families and people on fixed incomes. We pay incredibly high electric rates that are the third highest in the country — over 60% more than the average American. We need help.
If our sky-high rates aren’t bad enough, we’ve been repeatedly warned by regulators that we simply don’t have enough natural gas to meet our needs for electricity.
The Atlantic Bridge Pipeline project can help boost our natural gas supplies. Noisy activists have tried to stop and delay common-sense solutions that only hurt me in the end with continued higher bills and unnecessary costs.
We need a balanced energy policy in Massachusetts that works for everyone and especially for those that can least afford our out of control rates. Please support the Atlantic Bridge Project without delay. Massachusetts families and seniors need a break.