This week in the news, Greta Thunberg was named Time’s Person of the Year for 2019; Siri saved a young man’s life; and the impeachment hearings are wrapping to a decision. It’s been a great news week overall, but here are some of the energy headlines you might’ve missed this week. ICYMI, here is last week’s list.
5The U.S. faces many risks to the grid, topping the list is… squirrels?
The chief risk officer at the Department of Energy released the list of the biggest concerns to our national grid. While large factors come to mind, like cybersecurity and an aging system, a solid amount of blackouts are caused by squirrels. Who knew threats could be so furry and cute? Utility Dive covers the full list here.
4U.S. could become a sustained net oil exporter as early as next year
This is a first time accomplishment since records started in 1973. The U.S. has always had to import more oil and gas than exporting. This means a great deal to our economy. We still have a great deal to go before becoming completely energy independent; but this is a path in the right direction. CNBC reviews what these numbers mean here.
3In the third quarter, the solar industry hit record installations across the country
As predicted, California accounts for 40% of the growth, but new states are jumping in to help prop those numbers. It is considered that the blackouts were a catalyst for this growth; even citing that was the reason in states as far east as Texas. Green Tech Media gives the full story along with graphics here.
2Scientists may have found a way to recycle plastics as valuable chemicals
Chemists in Singapore recently used sunlight to dissolve plastics into a formic acid. This acid is used in fuel cells to produce electricity; and is a naturally occurring agent that can be used by power plants and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. ScieneDaily shares the full details here.
1Coldplay announcing no more tours could be the first of many
Coldplay fans were certainly charged after learning that Coldplay doesn’t want to tour their new album in an effort to by environmentally conscious. As many hardcore music fans (of any genre) can attest, there’s nothing like the connection you feel with your favorite band when you see them mere feet away in a great venue. Showbiz CheatSheet tells the rest of the story here.