19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Is there anything better than a sweet Georgia peach? What about a sweet Georgia peach grown using a solar powered farm? Every day that idea is becoming more of a reality. ‘The Empire State of the South’ was one of the first states analyzed by CEA in 2016 through the Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Solar Incentives report. As the renewable energy industry is continuously growing, there are new initiatives and efforts being made to make solar technology more affordable and available to the consumer.

Solar Energy Future Reports

Current and Recent Initiatives

  • Georgia Does Not Require Utilities to Offer Net Metering TariffsThrough the Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources Schedule, Georgia Power Company offers customers the option of selling produced energy. Georgia Power Company now pays customers $0.035 per kilowatt-hour. Previously customers were paid $0.0401 per kilowatt-hour.

  • Corporate Demand for Renewable Energy Grows in Georgia
    To meet the increasing demand by corporations for renewable energy, Georgia Power has launched an initiative to supply solar power directly to commercial and industrial customers in the state. The solar initiative, which was approved by the Georgia Public Service Commission, would mean supplying 177 megawatts of power from solar plants directly to Google, Johnson and Johnson, Target and Walmart.