
Consumer Group Applauds Alabama Legislature for Passing Pro-Offshore Resolution

MONTGOMERY, AL — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today applauded the Alabama Legislature, and its Governor, for enacting SJR-78, a resolution introduced by State Senator...
Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

Offshore Revenue a Must for Lowering Energy Costs

CEA President, David Holt, discusses why offshore development and revenues from it are a must for lowering energy costs going into the summer season. These...
Man holding American flag

Poll Finds 60% of Americans Across Every Demographic Support Immediate Domestic Energy Production Over...

Option Favored by Majority of Americans Including Independents Appears to Be Obvious Choice for Biden Administration WASHINGTON, D.C. – A majority of Americans across...
Early morning sun breaks light over the sand dunes

Mississippi Needs Revenue from Gulf Energy

CEA Mississippi State Director explains how revenue from energy developed in the Gulf benefits coastal beautification efforts and helps economic development. Supporters and skeptics of...
Savannah Georgia River Street

Carter Does Right by His Constituents

CEA Georgia Director, Kevin Doyle, says U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter should be applauded for his sensible approach to energy in the state of Georgia. Domestic...
Adults on a beach bench

Lower Gas Prices Move Florida Tourism Numbers Higher

More than 16.5 million visitors visited South Florida last year, a 3.5 increase in tourism from the year before – courtesy of expansions in...
Family game night

County “Levelheaded” on Offshore Energy

Kudos are deserved for Brunswick County Board of Commissioners for keeping their neutral stance on offshore energy development: For starters, kudos to Commissioner Mike Forte...
resting after a workout in the park

Support Push for American Energy Dominance

From agribusiness to airlines, every aspect of Georgia's economy depends on energy. Our lawmakers should continue to support the push for American energy dominance,...
Man Flying American Flag

Russia Oil Ban a Recipe for Even Higher Gas Prices Without Increased American Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) released the following statement in response to reports that the Biden Administration plans to ban Russian oil imports,...
Oil derricks in daytime

U.S. Energy Excluded from State of the Union’s ‘Make It In America’ Message

WASHINGTON – David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement...