19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Minneapolis Minnesota at night

St. Paul, MN – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, expressed support for the Minnesota Public Utility Commission’s (MPUC) decision to.

Father helping son on computer

CEA’s Mike Butler talks about the tangible environmental progress that is being made across the Garden State as key pollutants decline leading to cleaner air and healthier families. Take, for.


As Pennsylvanians of all political parties have embraced the sustainable development of natural gas, economic opportunities for families across the state have increased as a result of lower energy prices.

Pipeline construction with welder

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Administration’s Request to U.S. Supreme Court to Revive Permit Program WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for.

Mississippi River Boat

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Action and Encourages Gov. Reeves to Sign HB 1243 JACKSON, MS – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families.

Pipeline welder

CEA’s David Holt commented on today’s U.S. Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision throwing out a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling that blocked the Forest Service’s right to authorize the.

U.S. Supreme Court

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Decision to Halt Anti-Energy, Anti-Business “Green Wall” Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses,.

Oxygen Equipment in Hospital

Guest Contribution by Kurt Knaus, Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance American energy and the life-sustaining products it creates have never been more critical than they have over the last two months.

Father Playing with Kids

With many states reviewing energy policies, CEA’s Kevin Doyle commented on the need for North Carolina’s elected officials to ensure a diverse energy supply that accounts for the economic needs.

White House with Marine One Parked on Lawn

Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds President Trump for signing the executive order, “Utilizing Emergency Authorities to.