19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Press Release Frame

BOSTON — Following recent reports that it’s getting harder for New England utilities to warm consumers and power energy-intensive industries during frigid days when demand spikes, a consumer group today.

Pipelines at night

PITTSBURGH – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler today released the following statement after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection granted the final two permits needed to.

Pipelines at night

Increasing production in Oklahoma has quickly filled the capacity of existing pipelines. New proposals to expand our energy infrastructure will inject more money into local communities and employ local construction.

Construction Blue Prints

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently approved permits for three pipelines in the Mid-Ohio Valley, with construction expected to begin within the coming months, employing thousands of workers across multiple.

David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), joins Shale Gas News to discuss the various benefits and growing importance of pipelines and CEA’s latest report on how a lack.

Steel mill worker over furnace

As President Trump pushes to upgrade and expand our nation’s energy infrastructure, steel manufacturers across the United States have pledged to provide the steel necessary to accomplish this. United States.

Mom with two young children

Gifford Briggs looks at the benefits – from transporting oil in a more environmentally safe manner to new jobs – Louisianians will see with modern infrastructure like the proposed Bayou.

Child Shoveling Snow

With power plants serving the Upper Peninsula set to be closed as a result of federal regulations, utilities are planning to construct state-of-the-art natural gas power plants, in addition to.

Pipeline connection to oil refinery

Stanford Levin, a former Illinois Commerce Commission, the utility regulatory agency in Illinois, recently discussed the importance of transporting oil via pipeline in contrast to alternative methods. Pipeline transportation for.

Laborers working on pipeline

Across the country, union laborers are standing up for construction jobs, like the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, that pay family-sustaining wages. Dozens of union members held a rally at Capitol.