PfA Mid-Atlantic

Compressor station in Pennsylvania

Let Markets Deliver Energy Win for PA

As America produces more domestic energy, families across our nation are seeing more affordable gasoline prices.  Yet, not every area of the country is...
Mom and daughter grocery shopping

More Gas Production Is in the Pipeline

From Ohio to Pennsylvania to West Virginia, the American energy renaissance is injecting new economic opportunities across the Mid Ohio Valley.  Communities in each...
Worker at construction site with rebar

Nominations Raise Hopes for End to FERC Backlog

CEA President David Holt discusses how the lack of quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is harming energy consumers. "We've never had a situation...
Laborers working on pipeline

Saying No to Pipelines Won’t Help Struggling Families, Solutions Will

CEA's David Holt discusses how improving our energy infrastructure can spur economic growth, promote environmental safety, and help put Americans back to work. Instead of...
American oil refinery

America Needs More Pipelines

The American energy renaissance has changed the dynamics of world markets - making American businesses more competitive.  American companies are now primed to expand...
Waiting in an airport

Mid-Atlantic States Pay $233 More Than U.S. Average For Electricity, Still Reject Pipelines That...

The Mid-Atlantic region, comprised of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C., spend nearly $233 more on electricity...
Pipeline construction

Eminent Domain: Oil & Gas Pipelines, Infrastructure, Ranchers

CEA President David Holt recently joined Jacki Daily to discuss how energy infrastructure is permitted. Listen here - The Jacki Daily Show
Woman stressed over bills

Pipeline Projects Caught up in Washington “Dysfunction”

CEA's David Holt discusses how the lack of a quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has harmed energy consumers. "We've never had a situation...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Mariner East 2 Pipeline Construction Begins in Northern Lancaster County

Employing nearly 8,000 workers while under construction, once completed, Mariner East 2 will provide critical supplies of propane, ethane, and butane to dry crops...
Electric transmission lines

CEA Urges Senate Action to Address Agency Nominations, Infrastructure Permitting

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's David Holt discussing the importance of bipartisanship in Washington, D.C. in ensuring the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is...