PfA New England

Child Shoveling Snow

Cold Snap Driving up Energy Costs

CEA's David Holt was featured talking about the need for modernized energy infrastructure in New England to help families burdened by high energy costs...
Northeast Snow Storm

Consumer Group Raises Alarm with New England Energy Prices at Highest Levels Since Polar...

BOSTON – December 28, 2017 – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today raised concerns on behalf of working families, seniors and households...
Family Grocery Shopping

Bruner, Santa: Pipeline Infrastructure Serves the Public Interest

We know that pipelines pave the way for family-sustaining jobs as a result of construction and manufacturers because of the affordable, reliable supplies of...
DAPL Protests

Professional Protesters Threaten Energy Infrastructure

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists sat down with David Holt to discuss CEA's latest report “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical...
Jury Trial in Courtroom

Justice Pledges to Prosecute Activists Who Damage Pipelines

With environmental extremists becoming increasingly violent and reckless in their actions, including their sabotage of critical energy infrastructure, the U.S. Department of Justice is...
Computer programmer

National Database to Monitor Attacks on Energy Infrastructure

Energy industry leaders have increased focus on defending infrastructure as protesters target energy infrastructure, such as oil and gas pipelines, with acts of vandalism...
DAPL Protests

Protesting Pipelines Is Becoming A Growing ‘Industry’

Stories about groups protesting the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines in the recent past remain in the minds of many, as their headlines once...
Worker at construction site with rebar

Nominations Raise Hopes for End to FERC Backlog

CEA President David Holt discusses how the lack of quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is harming energy consumers. "We've never had a situation...
Laborers working on pipeline

Saying No to Pipelines Won’t Help Struggling Families, Solutions Will

CEA's David Holt discusses how improving our energy infrastructure can spur economic growth, promote environmental safety, and help put Americans back to work. Instead of...
American oil refinery

America Needs More Pipelines

The American energy renaissance has changed the dynamics of world markets - making American businesses more competitive.  American companies are now primed to expand...