OTC 2018: Energy Policy Pro, Officials See Better Government-Industry Ties
CEA's Brent Greenfield was interviewed at the Offshore Technology Conference
“A more collaborative and cooperative approach between government and industry” marks the key legislative and...
State and Federal Leaders Discuss Offshore Energy Safety, Technology and Production with Consumer Energy...
Houston, TX — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, convened a policy panel discussion at the 2018 Offshore Technology Conference...
Shale Boom, Pipelines a One-Two Punch in Knocking Out Air Pollution
David Holt reviews CEA's recent report, Increased Environmental Benefits from Pipelines & Energy Development for Nation and New York, which looks at how America has...
Consumer Energy Alliance Announces Support for Grow Louisiana Coalition’s Industry Day
BATON ROUGE — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for families and consumers of energy, today announced its support for the Grow Louisiana...
Support Offshore Exploration for Energy
With conversations on offshore energy exploration happening across the state, CEA's Link Browder looks at the possible benefits continued development in the Gulf will...
Time for Congress to Reform the Renewable Fuel Standard
With renewed debate on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), CEA's David Holt discusses how Congress's failure to review the standard has negatively affected America's...
Offshore Energy Expansion Could Produce More Low-cost Energy for State Manufacturers
CEA's Brent Greenfield looks at the growing manufacturing presence in Alabama and how low cost energy has helped the state attract and retain jobs.
Holt: Russia Sows Discord, Discontent in American Society
Sitting down with North American Shale, CEA"s David Holt discusses the recently disclosed campaign against American energy independence and energy security secretly funded by Russia...
Thwarting Efforts to Learn About Energy Hurts Lower-Income Families
CEA President David Holt looks at how some special interest groups are working to prevent scientific studies that examine the potential for offshore energy...
Pipelines Help Keep Energy Affordable
CEA's Link Browder discusses how pipelines and other energy infrastructure help to keep energy prices affordable for Louisiana families.
And while social service programs that...