CEA Mid-Continent

The Mid-Continent is not only rich in resources but is an area that refines most of our counties oil and natural gas. It is also home to Texas, which is the largest producer of wind power in the country.

People dining in restaurant

America’s Broken Policies Put Our Energy and Environmental Futures at Risk

CEA President David Holt examines how the lack of a coherent energy policy is negatively impacting American families and businesses and what we must...
Oil barrels

President Trump Is Right to Respond to Oil and Gas Warfare

The Trump Administration took a stance on boosting oil and gas prices in a counter move to manipulation from Saudi Arabia and Russia. CEA...
Cars in Traffic

The Dems Can’t Take Your Car, So They Aim to Take Your Tires

CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to discuss recent attempts to limit consumer choice in the automotive marketplace by banning cars and trucks powered...
Semi trucks on the road

Oil Change: Energy Prices Soar as Biden Pushes ‘Green’ Solutions

CEA's President David Holt talked with Shara and Jim on Houston's Morning News about soaring energy prices and the necessity of oil and natural...

DAVID HOLT: Promote, don’t hinder, safe and responsible energy production

An op-ed by Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt in the San Angelo Standard-Times details the economic growth in the counties south of Refugio,...

CEA- Texas Hosts Second Risk Mitigation Breakfast

CEA- Texas hosted its most recent Energy 101 Breakfast at River Oaks Country Club in Houston last week. The breakfast again looked at Risk...
City of Houston Texas Aerial View

Surge Pricing Opens Door to Extreme Energy Bill Shocks

CEA President David Holt spoke with The Telegraph about surge pricing in electricity markets which can leave families and small businesses vulnerable to extreme swings...
El Paso Texas

El Paso Voters Soundly Reject Proposition K Climate Charter

The more El Pasoans learned about the extreme costs associated with an out-of-state, activist-driven charter amendment designed to ban consumers from having energy choice,...
Offshore oil platform in ocean

Will America Reverse an Offshore Oil and Gas Agenda Gone Adrift?

CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the importance of taking at thoughtful, deliberative approach to implement successful policies for offshore energy exploration. In what promises to be one of...
Natural gas fueling station

Oil & Gas Hoping for Brighter Future Under Trump

CEA's David Holt discusses what 2017 may bring for oil and gas policies in Washington D.C. and their impact on energy consumers. As we get...