CEA Rockies

The Rocky Mountain Region boasts not only majestic views, but a vast landscape for energy development across a diverse set of states. This region is home to a plethora of natural coal and mineral seams, sandstone, shale, and tight rock along with enough sun and wind to supply families and businesses with an ample amount of affordable energy now and in the future.

Setting the Thermostat

Energy Bill Surge: Consumers Could Shell Out $14B More This Winter

With winter quickly approaching, Consumer Energy Alliance released it's annual winter heating outlook which found families will spend over $14.1 billion more this winter...
Man holding American flag

I’m Not Going to Vote for You Because You Keep Raising My Energy Prices

CEA's David Holt joined Veriten for a discussion on electricity affordability and reliability for families and businesses across the country. Listen here - Veriten
Couple camping

Mid-Continent Families Likely To Pay More For Electricity If Access To Energy Is Denied

The average Mid-Continent family currently enjoys some of the lowest electricity costs in the nation. While these low costs are attributable to the region’s...
LNG Tankers

Colorado Natural Gas Resources Lead to Geopolitical and Environmental Gains

Colorado State Senator, Ray Scott and Mesa County Commissioner, Rose Pugliese explain why the Western States and Tribal Nations initiative to export natural gas...
Natural Gas Storage Tanks

Rio Blanco County Representatives Advocate for Jordan Cove

One of the region’s representatives, Mesa County (Colorado) Commissioner Rose Pugliese testified: “The Jordan Cove project is a great economic driver for our northwest Colorado...
Santa Fe hillside houses

Energy Bill Not Good For State

CEA's Victoria Gonzales examines the unintended consequences and negative impacts New Mexico's "Energy Transition Act" will have on the state's economy. About 80 percent of...
Shanghai China

World’s Dirtiest Cities List Raises Issue: Why Don’t Politicians Call Out China?

A new tally of global cities’ emissions finds that the top 25 are responsible for 52% of the planet’s urban greenhouse gas emissions. Twenty-three of...
Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure

Report: U.S. Will Lose One-Third of its Electricity Generation Capacity Without More Infrastructure

A new report released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) found that rejecting pipeline infrastructure would remove almost one-third of U.S. electricity generation capacity...
Child Doing Homework During Power Outage

Costly Energy Mistakes Are Doing Nothing for the Climate – but Are Raising Bills...

CEA's President, David Holt, reviews some of the policies that states like California and New York are enacting that will raise energy bills for...
Solar panel installation on household

CEA Report: States Are Seeking More Economically Efficient Solar Incentives

Energy Manager Today took a look at CEA's solar incentive analysis. As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA’s) Solar Energy Future campaign, the 400,000-member nationwide advocacy group...