19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Regional Chapters

For Immediate Release: July 25, 2013 HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Palmetto Agribusiness Council (PABC) as its newest affiliate member. Formed in 1999, PABC.

Energy Consumer Advocate Urges Similar Steps for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased with the Department of the Interior’s announcement of its.

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance supports Alaska Governor Sean Parnell’s plan to apply for an oil and gas “exploration plan” in the 1002 area of the 1.5 million acre Arctic.

***Prepared remarks by CEA President David Holt to the Annual Meeting of the Alaskan Resource Development Council. A slide deck accompanying the address is available below. *** It’s no secret.

CEA Discusses Agriculture and Energy Policy in St Augustine : Historic City News June 27, 2013 | By St Augustine More Earlier today, Thursday, June 27, at the Courtyard by.

Guest Column: Keystone XL Pipeline important to Florida By KEVIN DOYLE The construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline will provide significant economic benefits to American workers and American energy consumers.

In this radio interview on KFQD in Anchorage Alaska, CEA President David Holt discusses a number of Alaska related energy issues and how they impact Americans in the lower 48..

Mid-Atlantic Rural Farm

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Mid-Atlantic along with the Washington County Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a panel discussion about the nation’s energy future and security. The event highlighted the importance.

A sound and stable economy. A least-cost, maximally efficient mix of energy supply resources. Protection of public health, safety and the environment. These are the goals, as Chairman of the.

In a press release issued on Wednesday, CEA applauded the State of Alaska’s announcement that it would split the cost of assessing the resource potential of the Arctic National Wildlife.