
Why $3 Gas Makes for a Happy Holiday Season

  Planning on traveling for the holidays? Your road trip will be cheaper this year thanks to record levels of U.S. and Canadian oil production. Increased...
American oil refinery

Energy Exports Lower Trade Deficit

Energy continues to dominate the economy recovery as news this week shows the value of U.S. coal and petroleum exports doubled in the last...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – November 12

Surging gas prices have many consumers pinching pennies and, unfortunately, costs aren’t expected to get any better as we enter the holiday travel and...

The cost of energy: Reason prevails

Last week, CEA President David Holt weighed in on an online debate about the way the country and the energy industry should respond to...

Top 5 Energy Vampires of 2018

If you’ve visited our site before then you know we love to talk about “Energy Vampires.” It is a term that is used to...

We’re Losing the Race for Arctic Oil

By David Holt | Real Clear Policy U.S. economic competitiveness has always been inexorably tied to technological advancements, innovation, and our enterprising spirit. For a...
Arctic shipping and recreational boats

An Ice-Cold Regulatory Climate

Bogged down by red tape, delays, legal snafus, and the administration’s ill-advised, one-size-fits-all regulatory approach, Alaska is seeing its economic future darken in a...

Top 5 Podcasts in Energy This Week

Reading. You either love it or you hate it. Maybe you read all day for work, so by the time you get home you...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – May 27

The Biden Administration this week announced an agreement with California Governor Gavin Newson to advance areas for offshore wind off the northern and central...

1983 all over again

Twenty-six years ago, the video of Michael Jackson’s Thriller was broadcast for the first time. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. And here in the...