
Progress on lifting the drilling ban. Sort of.

The good news is that public opposition to the ban on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is growing, and becoming more organized. Over...

Stay Cool, Save Money

As summer temperatures increase, you can save money and energy and still beat the heat by following a few simple tips: Close window blinds and...

Five ways to lower your power bill

As the summer of 2010 turns into one big long heat wave that never seems to break, consumers are finding themselves more worried than...

One more reason we need to be less dependent on foreign energy

We all suspected this would happen sooner or later, but it was nonetheless received as a milestone of historic significance this week when China...

You pay how much for air conditioning?

Imagine a system of travel where you had no idea of the cost until the trip was over and you were back at home,...

Guaranteeing a secure energy future

Earlier this year, President Obama announced an $8 billion loan guarantee for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Georgia, stating that...

What does pond scum have to do with crossing the pond?

Despite the widespread effort to promote alternative sources of power, we still don’t hear a lot about alternative jet fuel. That’s partly because of...

Saving on gasoline and other summertime power tips

Have you ever turned off the car air conditioner when you noticed you were running low on gas, hoping the to save enough fuel...

Made in America: An update on solar

Last we wrote about solar power, we noted how it was still off limits to large segments of the American population, or made available...

And you thought the Smart Car was small

British engineer Gordon Murray best known for his Formula 1 racecars has unveiled his long-awaited T.25 City Car. It’s an ultra energy-efficient vehicle that’s so...