19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Everyone has an opinion about the spread of technology that in recent years has enabled us to connect just about any time and anywhere: At the same time it has.

In some places in the world, wind power is enjoying record growth. Not so here in the U.S., where the amount of capacity added in the second quarter was down.

August 4, 2010 A recent study released by IHS Global Insight entitled The Economic Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Industry and the Role of.

Interested in discovering ways to use renewable energy around your home? The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a wealth of information on what you can do with renewable energy. Check.

Last week, we included the white roof recommendation in our list if five summertime energy savings tips. It was advice straight from U.S. Energy Secretary Chu, but because Chu initially.

The good news is that public opposition to the ban on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is growing, and becoming more organized. Over the past two weeks, a Bloomberg.

As summer temperatures increase, you can save money and energy and still beat the heat by following a few simple tips: Close window blinds and drapes to prevent heat gain.

As the summer of 2010 turns into one big long heat wave that never seems to break, consumers are finding themselves more worried than ever about their home cooling and.

We all suspected this would happen sooner or later, but it was nonetheless received as a milestone of historic significance this week when China surpassed the U.S. to become the.

Imagine a system of travel where you had no idea of the cost until the trip was over and you were back at home, waiting for a bill in the.