
CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – June 26

While many Americans are gearing up for the July 4th holiday buying fireworks and supplies for their barbecues, they are also reading about how...

Summer Wrap-Up: Good News and Bad News

One of our core missions here at CEA is to promote policies that will make energy available and affordable for all Americans. Summertime, when...

The Ins and Outs – and Turns – of the Petroleum Supply Chains

The petroleum industry is the lifeblood of our modern world, producing the electricity that charges your cell phone, the gas that heats your stove,...

What about Keystone XL?

It would seem that President Obama gave a tacit approval of the Keystone XL pipeline yesterday saying he would NOT approve the pipeline if...
Baseball bats

There’s Real Power in that Baseball Bat

If you're a professional baseball fan, you'll appreciate all of the power that is generated by a piece of timber against a pitched baseball....

Keeping the Focus on Jobs

If you were one of the people who found the news of the Great Recession ending a little ironic, you are not alone. Although...

A big step in the right direction

March 31 was a groundbreaking day of such historic significance that had its developments come one day later, it might well have been mistaken...
Rachel Carson Bridge

Keystone State Lawmakers Respond to Marcellus Moratorium Letter

After Pennsylvania’s Democratic Party recently approved a controversial moratorium on Marcellus Shale development, Consumer Energy Alliance is polling state lawmakers on their support of...
Young woman checking her train in time board

10 Energy Savings Tips for Traveling This Summer

Before you leave for your summer vacation, make sure you're following these ten energy saving tips: 1. Unplug before you go! Even when they’re not turned...

Lawmakers voice concern over Ocean Policy Task Force

Word seems to be getting out about President Obama’s Ocean Policy Task Force and the need for all groups that use the oceans to...