In The Media

Carpooling and Ride Sharing

Watch Your Wallet This Labor Day: Gas Prices Expected to Rise

As gas prices continue to rise as we approach Labor Day, CEA President David Holt talks about how our energy policies are contributing to...
Electric meters for apartment building

How to Keep Your Energy Bill Low When It’s Time to Turn up the...

Turning up the heat can lead to higher energy bills, but there are ways to save energy and money when temperatures drop. Kevin Doyle, the...

David Holt: Let’s Start with a Realistic Discussion

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...
Mother and Son Cooking

PA Bill Seeks to Block Towns From Banning Natural Gas Connections

CEA Mid-Atlantic's Mike Butler testified in support of legislation protecting consumer choice in Pennsylvania, ensuring that families and businesses have access to affordable and...

PRO AND CON: Energy independence or slaves to Big Oil?

The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Destin Log newspaper and may be viewed...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

Consumer Energy Alliance Study Underscores Importance of Pipeline Infrastructure

CEA's recent pipeline study was featured by CEPI. Everyday, pipeline infrastructure systems provide Americans across the country with reliable access to the energy resources they...

As the Solar Industry Matures, Business Gets a Little More Complicated

CEA Vice-President Michael Whatley was interviewed for Utility Dive's in-depth look at the solar industry. “Distributed solar has increased 40% or more year over year...
Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

Interior Secretary Zinke Signs Secretarial Orders at Offshore Technology Conference

CEA's David Holt discusses the Offshore Technology Conference and the impact Sec. Zinke's order will have on energy consumers. By setting in motion the directives...
Father Walking To School With Daughter

Every Day Should Be for Giving in NC

CEA Southeast Executive Director Tim Page discusses how North Carolinians are impacted by high energy costs. Let’s work together to find common ground on ways...

National Consumer Group Knocks SJC Pipeline Decision

CEA's David Holt was quoted in coverage over the recent Supreme Judicial Court decision that will place an undue financial burden on energy consumers. David...