FERC Commissioner Discusses Energy Industry, Tele-Town Hall Series
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Bernie McNamee sat down with CEA President David Holt to talk about the current state of the energy...
DEP Permits Necessary for PA to Keep Benefiting Southwest Pennsylvania
Mike Butler, Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic Director shares why Pennsylvanians and the Department of Environmental Protection should support the Marcus Hook Industrial Complex air...
Colorado Must Avoid Germany’s Disastrous Energy Mistakes
The Wall Street Journal dubbed Germany's “energywiende” energy transition from traditional to renewable energy sources “the world’s dumbest energy policy.” CEA's Emily Haggstrom underlines...
Hidden Regulation Costs Arizona, American Consumers Billions
In September, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) proposed reforms to the outdated Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). With the process slowly moving,...
New Mexico: A “One-Size-Fits-All” Renewable Plan Is Unsustainable
New Mexico legislators signed the Energy Transition Act last year, an energy policy that imitates Germany's energy policy, "energywiende." Victoria Gonzales, CEA-New Mexico Director...
PennEast Pipeline Promises Consumer Savings, But Courts Hold Up Process
The PennEast Pipeline Project would save consumers billions, but the Third U.S. Court of Appeals has been holding up those savings via eminent domain....
Municipalization Isn’t a Bet Worth Making
Emily Haggstrom, Consumer Energy Alliance Vice President of Communications & Content shares her concerns for increased electricity costs for Pueblo, Colorado residents.
"It likely will...
Shelter in Place Orders Have Us Home More, Being Energy Efficient Can Save You...
Now that shelter in place orders are being extended in certain areas, it is important to be as energy efficient in our homes as...
New Mexico Must Avoid Germany’s Disastrous Energy Errors
Consumer Energy Alliance's New Mexico State Director, Victora Gonzales speaks to why New Mexico residents should avoid "energywiende." An energy initiative born in Germany,...
South Carolina Is Writing a Great Energy Success Story – And Offshore Oil Should...
Consumer Energy Alliance South Carolina State Director, Katon Dawson shares his thoughts on South Carolina's energy history, and its future.
"We could go on and...