In The Media

Pipeline construction with welder

Additional Pipelines Needed in Near Future to Meet Energy Needs

CEA Florida's Executive Director Kevin Doyle recently discussed the necessity of pipelines to meet our energy needs. It was reported, back in 2008, that Florida was...
Pipeline construction

Court Refuses to Block Dakota Access As Pipeline Protests Expand

CEA's Brydon Ross was interviewed regarding the extralegal actions taken by the Obama administration for infrastructure permitting. “We remain concerned that what’s happened with the...

Gulf Coast Anxious for Keystone Approval

CEA President David Holt discusses the economic impact of building the Keystone XL pipeline. Edmonton Sun: Over a plate of steaming crawfish at Houston’s Ragin’ Cajun,...

Energy Day Marks Energy’s Future

Fuel Fix: Energy Day Celebrates Energy Progress By David Holt Make no mistake, the United States is currently experiencing an energy revolution that is transforming our national...

Energy Summit Sparks New RFS Discussion

Farm Journal Technology: An energized summit was held this week – literally. Not only was the discussion lively, the topic itself was about the current...

Pipeline Drama Casts Shadow Over Oil Industry

CEA's Andrew Browning was interviewed by Wyoming  Public Radio following the North Dakota Petroleum Council's annual meeting. The Obama Administration’s decision to temporarily halt construction on...
Rolled Steel

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Energy and Manufacturing Forum

CEA recently hosted the Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum to provide a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current energy issues...
Multiple electric transmission lines

As Other States Move on New Power-plant Rules, Florida Mulls Its Options

Kevin Doyle, Executive Director of CEA Florida, was interviewed by Politico regarding implementing the Clean Power Plan in Florida. As debate rages on whether states...
Putting gas in car

Fill ‘er up Now! Gas Prices Are Climbing As Memorial Day Weekend Approaches

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle was interviewed about Memorial Day gas prices. Gasoline is more expensive today than it has been all year, but the cost...

Consumer Energy Alliance Hosts Energy and Manufacturing Forum

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and...