In The Media

Renewables with Battery Storage

The Greatest American Success Story You’ve Never Heard

David Holt, CEA President wants to remind us all that the U.S. is superseding the Paris Agreement guidelines. In fact, by 2025, we will...
Family Walking in the Park

Turning Appalachian Trail Into a Green Wall

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brydon Ross takes a stand on red tape created by anti-energy activists in the Appalachian Trail area. "The idea that the 2,200-mile...
Gavel in hearing room

Bipartisan Energy Bill Good Move for U.S. Energy Industry

As we previously reported, the bipartisan American Energy Innovation Act is a great move by Chairman Murkowski and Ranking Member Manchin. The future of...
Gas station fuel pump octane

Local Gas Prices Start Dropping Due to Coronavirus Outbreak

Gas prices in Parkersburg, West Virginia dropped 10 cents per gallon over the weekend. Midwest Executive Director of CEA, Chris Ventura explains how this...

Coronavirus and Its Impact on the Texas and U.S. Economy

David Holt, CEA President speaks on the impact that the Coronavirus is having on the oil and gas industry. When it comes to global...
Pipeline construction with welder

Line 5 is the Wrong Villain in Michigan, Let the Tunnel Project Move Forward

Continued outrage from extreme anti-energy activists causes unsafe delay at the cost of taxpayers. The Line 5 project was deemed constitutional, and voters support...

Consumer Group Testifies on NEPA Reform

Statement before the 2020 Council on Environmental Quality February 25, 2020 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RE: Docket No. CEQ-2019-0003 RE: Executive Order 13807 Thank you for the opportunity to...
Pipeline Construction

Pipeline Leadership Conference, ‘Building Your Advantage’ in the Pipeline Industry

The fifth annual Pipeline Leadership Conference is a two day event in Houston, Texas. This year's event focused on 'Building Your Advantage.' Consumer Energy...
Solar panel installation

Streamlining NEPA Infrastructure Permits Pits Greens Against Business

Emily Haggstrom, Consumer Energy Alliance Vice President of Communications testified on Tuesday, February 11 in Denver, Colorado on behalf of NEPA reform. The National...
Natural gas used for cooking

Natural Gas: Why U.S. Leads World in Cutting Emissions

Anti-energy activists have created more chaos, only hurting families and small businesses on a budget, by wrongfully villainizing natural gas without fact-checking first. Most...