In The Media

Electric transmission lines

We Must Protect Our Electrical Grid

Recent hurricanes along the Gulf Coast have reinforced the need to modernize our critical energy infrastructure as CEA's Brent Greenfield discusses. We are fortunate to...
Rocky Mountains Farm

Research & Commentary: Fracking Produces Wide Range of Economic Benefits in Colorado

Andrew Browning, CEA's Executive Vice President, was quoted on the recent release of CEA's “The Importance of Affordable and Abundant Oil and Natural Gas for...
Power Plant Worker

The Inside Story with Marty Griffin

The energy sector will play a crucial role in the future of Ohio’s economic development, industry leaders and politicians agree, especially as petrochemical and...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Consumer Energy Alliance Touts Shale Boom Energy Cost Savings for West Virginia Consumers

While at Shale Insight, CEA's Mike Butler had the opportunity to discuss one of CEA's most recent reports, "Powering West Virginia," with The Dominion Post. Shale gas talk usually...
Steel mill worker over furnace

Energy Sector Key in Ohio Economic Development

Speakers at CEA's 2018 Ohio Energy and Manufacturing Forum focused on the need for embracing an energy dialogue that allows for a diverse mix...
New Mexico

New Coalition Aims to Promote Economic Growth in New Mexico

Consumer Energy Alliance recently joined the New Mexicans for Energy Prosperity to highlight the importance of energy development to New Mexico's economy and how...
Port Arthur Texas Chemical Manufacturing

New Report Finds Natural Gas Saved Texans $60 Billion

CEA President David Holt was quoted discussing the latest CEA report, “Oil and Natural Gas Light the Way for Texans,” which looked at the savings Texas...

NM Energy Key to Future

CEA's Emily Haggstrom looks at the benefits increased energy production in New Mexico has yielded to communities across the state. Record output and energy infrastructure...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

This Win­ter, Use Nat­u­ral Gas to Heat Homes

Many have taken notice of the publication of CEA's “Everyday Energy for Pennsylvania,” report which examines the consumer savings caused by the increased production of natural...
Harpers Ferry West Virginia

Natural Gas Has Revitalized the Region

Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, sat down with the Intelligencer to discuss CEA's latest report, Powering West Virginia, and how regulatory certainty and sound environmental regulations have...