In The Media

Consumer Energy Alliance Report Details Consequences of Denying Pipeline Projects

CEA President David Holt discussed the importance of energy infrastructure with the Daily Energy Insider. “There’s really very little recognition of the negative impacts failing...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Homegrown Energy

CEA's Kevin Doyle talks about the importance of offshore energy exploration and how our environmental regulations, together with advances in technology, allow our country...
Family electric bill

Petition Asks Gov. Cuomo to Approve Upstate Pipeline Project

Consumer Energy Alliance, New York State Laborers', and the Business Council of New York submitted a petition to encourage New York Gov. Cuomo to...
Wind turbine in farm field

Consumer Energy Alliances Creates Initiative For Wind Energy Production Education

CEA recently launched its Wind Energy Initiative in Michigan to ensure landowners have access to energy resources on their property. The new planning commissions, per...
Group of Seniors Playing Games

How to Brighten Florida’s Energy Future

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle reflects on how Florida's families budget their hard-earned money to pay for energy, and what can be done to help...
Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico

Devastation Caused By Hurricane Harvey Could Increase Gas Prices

International Business Times spoke with CEA President David Holt on impact Hurricane Harvey may have on energy prices. “In the Texas Gulf region, we are...
Man Working at Home

Drill Less, Pay More: White House Resumes Oil Leases With a Catch

As energy prices continue to rise, CEA's David Holt discusses the failures of soundbite energy policy and the consequences American's face as a result. Listen...
Maritime Workers

Why Banning Oil Drilling Miles Offshore Is a Bad Idea

Kevin Doyle, CEA Florida's Executive Director talks about the importance of offshore energy to the growth of Florida's economy and energy consumers across the...
Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

Zinke Orders Revamp of 2017-2022 OCS Oil, NatGas Leasing, Appoints Energy Counselor

CEA recently hosted Sec. Zinke at the Offshore Technology Conference to further the discussion on how energy consumers are impacted by offshore energy exploration. Borrowing...
Charlotte North Carolina

Study Shows How Expensive a Natural Gas Ban in Virginia Could Be

As local governments discuss ways to eliminate consumer choice by banning natural gas, CEA's latest report, "The Hidden Costs of a Virginia Natural Gas...