19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


In The Media

Senior citizens paying bills

CEA Mid-Atlantic’s Mike Butler spoke out against Governor Wolf’s latest attempt at a severance tax, which will ultimately impact Pennsylvanians least able to afford higher energy costs. Unconventional drilling on.

Young man and his two sons on organic strawberry farm in summer, picking berries

David Holt reviews CEA’s recent report, Increased Environmental Benefits from Pipelines & Energy Development for Nation and New York, which looks at how America has safely and sustainably accessed and.

Gulf Coast hurricane

CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle looks at how hardening and diversifying our energy infrastructure is one of the best preparations the state can make before hurricane season returns. Here’s one way.

Charleston West Virginia Energy Rally

The Energy Consumer Protection Pledge received coverage in West Virginia from The Dominion Post showcasing candidates who support commonsense energy policies which ensure environmental protection. CEA’s pledge is an opportunity.

Natural gas powerplant

CEA Mid-Atlantic’s Mike Butler talks about CEA’s latest report on emission reductions as a result of utilizing clean burning natural gas for power generation. “We believe in a balanced and.

Offshore energy production in the Gulf of Mexico

With conversations on offshore energy exploration happening across the state, CEA’s Link Browder looks at the possible benefits continued development in the Gulf will provide to Louisiana’s families. Expanding offshore.

Offshore wind farm

Tim Page, CEA Southeast’s Executive Director, looks at how offshore energy development from wind turbines to offshore platforms could help improve economic conditions across the state. If offshore energy is.

Semi truck on open road

With renewed debate on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), CEA’s David Holt discusses how Congress’s failure to review the standard has negatively affected America’s families, farmers, and small businesses. Congress.

Two machinists working on machine

CEA’s Tim Page discusses the importance of having a respectful dialogue on the development of North Carolina’s energy resources and how families across the state can benefit from lower energy.

Woman Fueling Car

CEA’s Tim Page talks about how important natural gas production has been to expanding Virginia’s economy and reducing emissions across the country. Natural gas is also a very versatile fuel..