Price of Gas Impacts Everyone
Despite Ohio's drivers seeing gas prices increase across the state, CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura, looks at why Ohio prices still remain lower...
Shale Gas News With David Holt
David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, sat down with Shale Gas News to talk about Marcellus development and the consumer savings that could be...
No New Energy Taxes
Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic, comments on how the proposed energy taxes will negatively impact Pennsylvanians.
But for those barely getting by, lawmakers...
Louisiana Executive Orders Supporting Energy Production Put Families, Small Businesses First
Permitting directive sets national example of right approach to energy
HOUSTON - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses,...
Energy Needs to Be Nonpartisan Issue
With one of the largest budget surpluses in New Mexico's history as a result of bipartisan energy policies, CEA's Emily Haggstrom talks about the...
Work for Achievable Energy Solutions
With winter just beginning, CEA's Mike Butler looks at the energy burden cold weather places on Pennsylvanians living below the poverty line and what...
Commissioners’ Decision on Offshore Drilling Resolution Was the Right Call
CEA's Tim Page discusses the importance of having a respectful dialogue on the development of North Carolina's energy resources and how families across the...
Support Offshore Exploration for Energy
With conversations on offshore energy exploration happening across the state, CEA's Link Browder looks at the possible benefits continued development in the Gulf will...
Offshore Energy Resources Could Help the State
Tim Page, CEA Southeast's Executive Director, looks at how offshore energy development from wind turbines to offshore platforms could help improve economic conditions across...
Time for Congress to Reform the Renewable Fuel Standard
With renewed debate on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), CEA's David Holt discusses how Congress's failure to review the standard has negatively affected America's...