19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


In The Media

Solar panel placement on roof

It has been 14 years since Kentucky’s legislature has reviewed and updated solar energy policies. CEA’s Brydon Ross looks at how revising these policies will allow more Kentuckians to take.


With new legislation proposed to reform Kentucky’s 14 year-old energy policies, CEA’s Brydon Ross looks at the impact the legislation will have on solar energy adoption across the Commonwealth. This.

Smart Meter

CEA’s Brydon Ross looks at recent legislation to modernize Missouri’s aging energy grid and how the proposed rate caps will save Missouri families money. Missouri families, households and small businesses.

Girl Picking Peaches

Bryan Toler, President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council reflects on the importance of the Campaign for America’s Energy to support the affordable, reliable energy which sustains Georgia’s rich agricultural heritage..

Solar panel installation on roof

CEA’s Brydon Ross recently testified in support of legislation which ensures the sustainable growth of solar energy in Kentucky. Over time, the structure used to incentivize private solar deployment has.

Laborers working on pipeline

CEA’s David Holt discusses the importance of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline for North Carolinian’s and how it will provide more opportunities for families and businesses across the state. America is.

Dad helping son cut vegetables

In response to President Trump’s first State of the Union, CEA President David Holt highlighted some of the positive economic benefits families and communities have seen as a result of.

Wilson Dam in Alabama

With industrial energy consumers accounting for almost half of Alabama’s energy usage, CEA’s Brent Greenfield discusses how Alabama can increase the supply of energy from renewables to offshore energy. We.

Rocky Mountains Farm

Consumer Energy Alliance Executive Director, Chris Ventura and Senior Director of Communications, Emily Haggstrom joined KDMT to discuss CEA’s “all of the above” energy strategy, and the Campaign for America’s.

Rolled Steel

Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic, comments on how the proposed energy taxes will negatively impact Pennsylvanians. But for those barely getting by, lawmakers should refrain from implementing the.