19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



On Wednesday in Nashville, energy consumers, producers and elected officials from six Southeastern states came together for a wide-ranging discussion about the future of affordable, reliable power in the region.

KTRH Radio (Houston, TX) Michael Whatley of Consumer Energy Alliance sees cheaper prices on the horizon, too. But he tells KTRH there is a catch. “There’s a tipping point at.

From The Tennessean U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn slams EPA over new emissions limits She says new rules hamper businesse Written by Duane W. Gang The Tennessean Before a gathering of.

Source: Energy Information Agency, U.S. Department of Energy West Virginia 96.91% Kentucky 93.65% Indiana 88.95% Wyoming 88.27% Utah 83.85% Missouri 83.43% Ohio 79.95% North Dakota 78.81% New Mexico 74.13% Nebraska.

By David Holt | Real Clear Policy U.S. economic competitiveness has always been inexorably tied to technological advancements, innovation, and our enterprising spirit. For a contemporary example, examine the nation’s.

Is Tom Steyer so wrong with his facts it’s funny? According to USA Today, he claims in a new TV ad: “As a businessman, I don’t devalue any job,” Steyer.

Watch the U.S. House of Representative’s hearing marking the 5th anniversary of the Keystone XL pipeline application:


Houston, TX – In response to today’s announcement that the EPA will institute strict limits on carbon emissions for new power plants, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt urged.

Houston, TX – The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision to uphold California’s Low Fuel Carbon Standard will keep a costly program on the books that has the potential.

A natural gas platform near Carrollton, OH

A recent IHS CERA study confirmed what many observers already know. Namely, that a growing U.S. oil and natural gas industry is lifting the economic prospects of millions of Americans.