State of the Union: CEA Applauds American Energy Ingenuity; Requests Presidential Hopefuls Focus on...
In response to the President's final State of the Union address, Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt issued the following statement:
“President Obama tonight highlighted how...
Cold Snap Driving up Energy Costs
CEA's David Holt was featured talking about the need for modernized energy infrastructure in New England to help families burdened by high energy costs...
Indiana Has Chance to Act Wisely on Solar Energy
CEA's Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, discussed the importance of supporting solar energy in Indiana to ensure it is broadly accessible and affordable for...
Natural Gas: Why U.S. Leads World in Cutting Emissions
Anti-energy activists have created more chaos, only hurting families and small businesses on a budget, by wrongfully villainizing natural gas without fact-checking first. Most...
Misconceptions About Solar Bill
It's been over a decade since Kentucky's policymakers have revisited energy policy to assess the state of renewable energy and how to best encourage...
When Conversations Turn Violent
CEA President David Holt was featured in the Washington Examiner after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, endangering not only first responders,...
Experts Say Gas Prices May Rise for Rest of 2022
With prices continually rising at the gas pump, CEA's Kevin Doyle looked at some of the causes of higher energy prices and when families...
David Holt: Invest in Nuclear Now
The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...
Ways Consumers Can Save During Summer Driving Season
With the summer driving season in full swing and gas prices averaging around $2.85 per gallon, accounting for higher gas prices in your family...
Tom Steyer Using the ‘F’ Word
There it was again, that word. You know what word I mean. The “F” word. Foreign.
In TV ads criticizing the Keystone XL pipeline San...