
student debt

Will I Have To Move Back In With My Parents?

No matter how old, or young, you are, the joy of receiving a paycheck is generally universal. It’s confirmation that your hard work has...
Oil Tanker

Biden Sending US Oil Reserves Overseas, Buying from Venezuela

CEA President David Holt sat down with KTRH to discuss the Biden Administration's outreach to Venezuela to increase oil production and how it jeopardizes...

Coronavirus and Its Impact on the Texas and U.S. Economy

David Holt, CEA President speaks on the impact that the Coronavirus is having on the oil and gas industry. When it comes to global...
Group of Friends on the Beach

Consumer Report: North Carolinians Saved Almost $12 Billion Thanks to Low-Priced Fuel

Consumer Energy Alliance Examines Energy Production’s Benefits to North Carolina’s Families, Small Businesses and Industries in New Report Raleigh, NC. —North Carolina families and businesses...
Oil pipeline in Alaska with mountain range

Arctic Coalition Demands Inclusion in DOI Lease Plan

CEA Alaska, as part of a coalition of partners representing Narive communities, labor unions, education, and business spoke out in support of America's committment...
Pipeline welder

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Will Help N.C. Meet Its Energy Needs

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brydon Ross talked about the importance of pipeline construction to help keep energy prices affordable and encourage job growth in North...
Texas drilling rig

CEA President Discusses Energy on Houston Radio

On Feb 10th, CEA President David Holt sat down with Michael Berry on Houston's KTRH to discuss energy policy for a full hour. The discussion...
Small business owners

3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Improve Their Energy Usage

Small Business Saturday is a brilliant initiative that has helped the growth of small businesses all over the country. The idea started out as a...
Installing Solar Panels

Let’s Re-examine Solar Energy Policies

CEA's Brydon Ross recently discussed the importance of creating policies which ensure a sustainable future for solar energy in New Hampshire. Nationally, solar generation grew...

Amid Mid-Eastern chaos Alaska could strengthen America

By Dave Harbour A year ago our family visited countries now ablaze in rebellion. We toured museums, pyramids, mosques and ancient byzantine cathedrals. We easily...