CEA ‘Extremely Disappointed’ With Keystone XL Decision Pipeline could create thousands of immediate jobs WASHINGTON, DC – Today the Obama Administration will announce that it is not going to approve.
CEA to Co-host 2012 Colorado Election Energy Summit HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) will co-host the 2012 Colorado Election Energy Summit. The first of its kind event, also sponsored.
There was a bit of unusual news in the oil sector this week when a major Tokyo company paid $1.3 billion for a 35% stake in Hunt Oil Company’s holdings.
January 2012 CEA Newsletter Issue 58 Off to the races It feels hard to believe from the cozy comfort of our living rooms, where many of us still have Christmas.
Economic Opportunity and Energy Security, Not False Choices By Michael Whatley Last week the newly appointed head of the Sierra Club, Michael Brune, penned a scathing opinion piece that claimed.
Consumer Energy Alliance Announces New Officers for 2012 Board Elects John Heimlich, Airlines for America, as Chairman HOUSTON – The Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Board of Directors has elected a.
You probably would not be surprised to learn that the majority of New Year’s resolutions concern two topics: weight and finances. In the spirit of fresh starts as we kick.
CEA: It’s Time to Build Keystone XL Legislation reflects Americans’ sense of urgency to create jobs and increase energy security WASHINGTON, DC – Today Congress approved legislation expediting the approval.
A long-awaited lease sale for oil production in the Gulf of Mexico was held last Tuesday, despite a last minute-lawsuit to block it, and interest in the sale was quite.
CEA: PwC Study Confirms Abundance of Shale Gas Resources A “Game Changer” for America’s Energy Consumers Significant Benefits Include Addition of Approximately One Million Jobs, an Estimated $11.6 Billion in.