
Minnesota Supreme Court

Consumer Group Applauds Court Decision, Expresses Hope that this Decision Deters Future Nuisance Filings

Minneapolis, MN – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura issued the following statement after the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Gulf Needs Offshore Drilling

Kevin Doyle, CEA Florida Executive Director and William Sisson, President & CEO of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce discuss the importance of offshore...
Pipeline Connection

Oil and Natural Gas Producers Say Texas Has a Pipeline Problem

CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to talk about how pipeline constraints are contributing to the increased volatility of energy prices, and how new...

Green shoots emerge, but U.S. industry still needs a lot of support

Historically, one of the biggest impediments to true energy independence has been our country's collective failure - and that means policy makers, business people...

U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

From The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the United States will be the world's top producer of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons in...
Natural gas powerplant

PURPA Needs an Upgrade Now

The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 is in desperate need of an upgrade. Several businesses and organizations have requested that the...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

When Conversations Turn Violent

CEA President David Holt was featured in the Washington Examiner after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, endangering not only first responders,...
Zero waste cosmetics

Celebrate Earth Day Everyday with Eco-Friendly Products

We talk a lot about pollution and how to cut back on emissions, but if you haven’t heard by now, we also have a...
Gas station fuel pump octane

Florida Will Have Higher Gas Taxes Jan. 1

CEA's Kevin Doyle was interviewed on the impact Florida's increasing gasoline tax will have on energy consumers. Seven states will have higher gas taxes starting...

Groups Express Concerns As Crude-oil Pipeline Protests Escalate

CEA President David Holt was quoted after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, placing first responders, families, and the environment...