
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Experts Say Gas Prices May Rise for Rest of 2022

With prices continually rising at the gas pump, CEA's Kevin Doyle looked at some of the causes of higher energy prices and when families...

Thanksgiving Energy Savings – How to Travel For Less

It’s that time of year again and the holiday season is underway – and there’s something about pumpkin pie, turkey and spending time with...
New Orleans, Louisiana bridge over Mississippi

Consumer Energy Alliance Announces Support for Grow Louisiana Coalition’s Industry Day

BATON ROUGE — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for families and consumers of energy, today announced its support for the Grow Louisiana...

Top 5 Energy Stories This Week

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change the way we live and work, Americans are starting to find a new normal with their routines....
Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

U.S. Fifth Circuit Hands Americans a Win by Ordering Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale...

Decision rejects arguments to arbitrarily extend Rice’s Whale habitat Clears way for Gulf of Mexico lease sale ordered by Congress to move forward HOUSTON...
Columbia South Carolina

South Carolina Emissions Fell 89 Percent as States across the Nation Prove They Don’t...

Columbia, SC. – Given that South Carolina remains one of the nation’s largest energy consumers, the fact that statewide emissions fell by 89 percent since...

Consumer Advocate Issues Statement on Reports About Proposed Federal Offshore Leasing Program

"...both parties to bring forward thoughtful, intellectually serious energy policies that will secure the nation's long-term energy, economic, and national security." Houston, TX – Consumer Energy...

One single industry: Many ways to create jobs (a recap)

This past Monday marked yet another downbeat Labor Day, with too many people who ought to have been taking a break from work, lacking...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

CEA Issues Statement on Offshore Energy Announcement

Houston, TX — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today issued the following statement following the Interior Department's release of the Proposed Final...
Grocery shopping

Bad Energy Policies Drive Food Prices for Families Up by Increasing Costs for Farmers,...

Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, released a new analysis detailing how high...