Environmentalists Suspicious of Gov. Scott’s Deal to Block Oil Drilling Off Florida Coasts

Offshore oil rig with workers

Speaking at the latest in a series of public hearings on offshore energy exploration, CEA’s Kevin Doyle examined the economic benefits to families and national security implications of producing more domestic energy.

Kevin Doyle of the Consumer Energy Alliance said Scott and Zinke should keep “the conversation” going while Zinke’s staff develops a final draft of the plan. He was backed by Julio Fuentes of the Florida State Hispanic Chamber and Tallahassee businessman Barney Bishop. They said the U.S. needs to explore all avenues of energy development and dismissed Scott’s comments that he expects Zinke to keep his word about the Florida exemption.

Read more – Tallahassee Democrat

Expansion of Energy Leasing Good

Construction Workers Cutting Plywood

CEA Mid-Continent Executive Link Browder recently talked about the positive impact expansion of energy leasing would have for the state of Louisiana.

That’s why we should advocate for, not against, policies that balance a cleaner environment with providing more affordable energy. That includes the administration’s proposed offshore leasing plan, which could provide nearly 31,000 jobs here and more than $2.5 billion in annual GDP, plus almost $2.3 billion in new state revenue.

Read more – The Advocate

Energy Exploration Offshore Is Right Policy

Kids outdoors

CEA’s Keven Doyle recently discussed how new technologies have allowed energy production in the United States to produce more energy, more safely while also promoting environmental conservation.

Fortunately, through a combination of improved tools, management and regulation, the energy sector’s embrace of environmental and social goals over the last 15 years has helped turn the U.S. into a world leader in conservation and efficiency, reducing everything from carbon- and smog-forming emissions to sulfur dioxide, and particulate matters.

Read more – Savannah Morning News

Consumer, Business, Military and Labor Groups to DOI: More Access to Energy Lowers Costs, Helps U.S. Families and Businesses

WASHINGTON, D.C. — February 22, 2018 — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, the National Association of Manufacturers and other national organizations today voiced support for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program.

During a press conference near the DOI’s public meeting on the Draft Proposed Program, speakers highlighted the positive economic impact expanding offshore energy development in the Atlantic, Arctic, and Gulf of Mexico could have nationally and how exploration and development can be done safely.

“Lifted by human innovation and technological advances, the energy revolution has allowed the United States to achieve continued environmental progress, demonstrating that American energy development and a healthy environment go hand-in-hand,” Brent Greenfield, Vice President of Policy for CEA, said. “However, without access to more areas in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, these benefits are at risk, and so is the average American who is already spending more than $3,500 annually on energy, with households spending over $112 per month on electricity.”

Greenfield added: “With nearly 893,000-plus jobs, $550 billion in added economic activity and more than $395 billion in government revenue, increased access to America’s offshore energy could help provide a major boost to American families and small businesses. This will help keep energy costs affordable, so Americans have more money in their pockets to spend on critical needs like groceries, rent, money for college, and filling a prescription. It’d also provide federal, state and local governments the revenue they need for public services and major infrastructure projects.”

Focusing on the impact offshore energy development has on U.S. energy security, U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute Senior Vice President, Christopher Guith, stated, “America is becoming the global energy superpower, and it is time that our policies reflect our potential. Offshore energy development has been and will continue to be a cornerstone of U.S. energy security. The Administration’s proposed plan allows for additional areas to be considered for exploration so that we can make fully informed decisions about our energy future.”

Guith continued: “Recognizing that not all areas in the draft proposed plan will end up in the final program, it is in our nation’s interest to reverse the direction of the current program that keeps more than 94% of the OCS off limits in order to secure our energy future.”

Highlighting the role offshore energy access plays in the manufacturing industry, National Association of Manufacturers Director of Energy and Resources Policy Rachel Jones stated: “Manufacturers use one-third of the energy consumed in this country and depend on a secure, affordable, reliable mix of energy resources to remain competitive. Access to and responsible development of our offshore energy resources is therefore vitally important.”

Jones added: “Manufacturers support expanded offshore access and greatly appreciate the administration’s planned action to increase the areas available for leasing. The future of a strong manufacturing sector is inextricably linked to energy access.”

U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) explained why domestic energy is a key factor in building and maintaining a strong military. “Our capacity to develop American energy directly impacts our ability to ensure a strong military and safeguard our national security. In addition to supporting a vibrant economy that provides the growth and revenue needed to ensure a robust military, continued and expanded development can reduce our vulnerability to overseas turmoil, decrease the influence of our adversaries and lower costs for the military.”

McInerney continued: “The more energy we produce domestically, the less we have to import from other nations, and the less that we will have to deploy our military to escort and protect oil tankers navigating unfriendly waters in places like the Straits of Hormuz.”

National Ocean Industries Association President Randall Luthi, emphasized the benefits the proposed Five Year Offshore Energy Plan will give Americans. He stated: “Americans want affordable and reliable energy, safely produced here at home, and the new Five Year Program can make this possible. Increased offshore access can open the door to American energy dominance. Currently 94% of the U.S. outer continental shelf is closed to exploration and development.”

Luthi added: “While the U.S. has been closing more offshore areas, other countries including Arctic nations and Mexico are opening more areas. The United States is not keeping pace. The U.S. should seize this chance to kick our dependence on foreign energy, and spur job creation and economic growth here at home”.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org.

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Don’t Let New England Region Run Out of Gas

Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

As we’ve detailed (for example here, here, and here) many New England policy makers have placed politics above sound policy and the scientific requirements necessary to maintain reliable electric power to families and businesses across the region.  Yet another editorial board has called out these inconsistencies which have let to tremendous price spike for energy consumers.

The problem is that while there has been an expansion in the number of homes heating with natural gas and in the electricity coming from gas turbines, there has been little progress in boosting natural gas supplies into the New England region.

The severe cold snap earlier this winter sent prices spiking as the mains feeding gas into the region could not keep up with demand. More oil was used to generate electricity and, along with demand for oil heat, also caused temporary shortages in that fuel and sent heating oil prices spiking as well.

Read more – The Day

Possible March Vote Could Show Which Way County Commissioners Lean on Offshore Drilling

Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers

With coastal communities evaluating the benefits of offshore energy exploration, CEA’s Tim Page participated in the public meeting hosted by the Brunswick County Commissioners to discuss the the impact on energy consumers.

Consumer Energy Alliance Southeast director Tim Page said high energy costs affect North Carolinians and that seeking Atlantic deposits to replace imports was a wise thing to support. CEAS bills itself as a consumer advocate that supports affordable, reliable energy for working families, seniors and businesses across the country.

“Offshore energy development in the United States is safe, and it is getting safer every day,” said Page.

Read more – The State Port Pilot

Trump’s Plans to Expand Offshore Drilling Face Headwind on Atlantic Coast

Sitting on the beach during sunset

With expanded offshore energy exploration proposed by the Trump Administration, CEA’s David Holt was interviewed about what energy consumers are hearing along the Atlantic.

“This last election we’ve seen a significant shift at the leadership level,” said David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, a trade group representing large energy users and producers. “If you look at the last 10 years, the majority of the governors and the public had been supportive.”

Read more – The Houston Chronicle

Lack of Pipelines Is a Bipartisan Issue

Pipeline construction

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discusses how North Dakota needs to continue investing in infrastructure in order to meet future demand from consumers.

Helms says the state’s existing oil and natural gas pipelines will be full within the next four to seven years.  And because it takes up to five years to permit a large pipeline, the time to start supporting more infrastructure is now.

Read more – Wahpeton Daily News

Consumer Energy Alliance and Alaska Groups Urge Support for Federal Government’s Proposed Offshore Energy Plan

Woman Fueling Car

ANCHORAGE — February 21, 2018 — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, and various Alaskan organizations joined together today to show support for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. During a press conference held near the DOI’s public meeting on the Draft Proposed Program, speakers highlighted the positive impact that expanding offshore energy exploration in the Arctic could have on Alaskan families and businesses.

The following individuals provided quotes for today’s press conference:

“Alaskans and the American public at large depend on affordable, reliable energy to power their homes and businesses, make a living, and provide for their families and employees,” said CEA-Alaska Chairman Jason Brune. “The federal proposal to continue and expand access to American energy in Alaska sends a message that Alaska is once again open for business. Putting this plan into action would bring relief to families and businesses across the state who need jobs and affordable energy, and we are proud to offer our support.”

Aves Thompson, Executive Director of the Alaska Trucking Association highlighted the importance of Arctic energy exploration by stating, “Alaska Arctic OCS leasing and development meets Alaska’s and our nation’s needs in a number of ways – from increased throughput for the Trans Alaska Pipeline, and jobs for Alaskan and American workers, to revenue for both Alaska and the US treasuries and better infrastructure for our state.” Thompson continued: “Alaskans support responsible development – our very economic livelihood depends on it. We hope the DOI will look favorably on continued responsible development in the Alaskan Arctic and go forward with the leasing program.”

Darl Schaaff, Company Partner/Owner, Art Services North, focused on the importance of exploration and development for Alaska’s communities. He stated, “The benefits of energy production in Alaska shows the need for continued development of our resources, the continued partnership of our producers and the community and the continued dreams of the people who live in Alaska to make it a better place to live and work.

Schaaff added: “Our future is bright with possibilities, we can continue to struggle with the status quo or we can be bold, innovative and progress into a secure future that is of our own making.”

James Strong, Owner, Sweet Caribou discussed the importance of offshore energy to Alaskan business owners. He stated, “Responsible development is important and something we can do in Alaska. We need these projects in order to keep Alaska growing. Without them, our economy will dry up. Alaska faces unique challenges due to its geographic location and rugged climate, and as a result, the complexities of developing other industries such manufacturing or technology make resource development the most important segment of our economy.”

Strong added, “Over the last three years, I would estimate that more than 50 percent of my regular customers have moved away – people are leaving as they lose their jobs and companies transfer them out of state, with little hope of changes for the future. As an Alaskan and small business owner, I fully support the responsible development of Alaska resources in the Arctic, and encourage the Department of Interior to keep Alaska in mind as they move forward.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org.

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Groups to DOI: More Access to Energy Lowers Costs, Helps Virginia Families and Businesses

Cars in Traffic

RICHMOND, VA — February 21, 2018 — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, and various Virginia organizations joined together today to show support for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. During a press conference held near the DOI’s public meeting on the Draft Proposed Program, speakers highlighted the positive impact that offshore energy development in the Atlantic will have on Virginia’s families and businesses.

The following individuals provided quotes for today’s press conference:

“Lifted up by human innovation and technological advances, the energy revolution has allowed the United States to achieve continued environmental progress, demonstrating that American energy development and a healthy environment go hand-in-hand,” said Tim Page, Executive Director of CEA-Southeast. “However, without access to more areas like the Atlantic, these benefits are at risk for Virginia, where individuals already spend an estimated $3,288 annually on energy and where households rank #10 in the country for average monthly electricity consumption.”

Page added: “With estimated benefits for Virginia alone as high as nearly 25,000 additional jobs, $2.2 billion in added annual economic growth, and over $1.8 billion in state revenue, access to Atlantic energy could help provide a major boost to Virginia families and small businesses. This will help to keep energy costs affordable so Virginians have more money in their pocket to spend on critical needs — whether it is for groceries, rent, saving for college, or filling a prescription — giving the Commonwealth revenue that can help provide public services and support major infrastructure projects.”

Highlighting the need for energy independence in the U.S., President and CEO of Virginia Manufacturers Association, Brett Vassey stated, “CEA is looking 20 years into the future to assure that the U.S. keeps moving toward energy independence and consumers enjoy decades of stable, reliable and affordable energy.”

Thomas Jefferson Institute Chairman and President, Mike Thompson commented on the importance of access to energy resources by stating, “This plan places Virginia in a unique position to be one of the greatest beneficiaries with increased job creation, economic growth and strengthened national security. By developing what could be our abundant offshore resources, we can fill a critical need in meeting our long-term energy needs and stabilizing energy costs for consumers. Such development could add significantly to our employment and to our local and state tax base.”

Thompson added: “The bottom line is that increasing access to our offshore resources will help diversify Virginia’s economy, to lower energy costs for families, manufacturers, and businesses, and put more Virginians into high paying jobs.”

Americans for Prosperity-Virginia State Director, JC Hernandez emphasized the impact offshore energy exploration will have on Virginia by stating, “For too long, Virginia has faced burdensome barriers that have stifled our domestic energy production and limited opportunities and economic growth for our state. This plan is a potential path to a more diverse Virginia economy, good paying jobs, and lower power bills.”

Hernandez continued: “Allowing exploration is a crucial step in a more robust, diversified Virginia economy and we should seize the opportunity.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org.

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242