Industry Reps: Pipeline Work Available Soon in West Virginia

Earlier, we reported local officials across West Virginia spoke about the possible economic benefits of pipeline construction in the state.  Today, it was confirmed that multiple local unions are working to recruit and train individuals to fill these needs.

Construction on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is expected to begin in the spring, according to Aaron Ruby, spokesperson for Dominion Energy.

Trade unions are actively recruiting workers, he said.

“From the beginning, we’ve committed to hiring skilled union labor to build this project,” he said.

Rally for Lower Energy Costs Starts With You

Charleston West Virginia Energy Rally

At 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 21st West Virginians from across the state will rally in Charleston in support of the economic opportunities provided by West Virginia’s energy industry.

A rally on the steps of the West Virginia Capitol is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21. Energy workers, many in the oil and natural gas sectors, will attend. The rally will center on energy policy, according to reports, and how it impacts the industry they work in.

Read more – Charleston Gazette-Mail

Consumer Group Announces Support for President Trump’s Call for Increased Infrastructure Spending

Team of Construction Workers

Houston, TX – Today Consumer Energy Alliance announced its support for President Trump’s call for more infrastructure investment and the administration’s rebuilding principles. CEA, through its Pipelines for America campaign, believes increased infrastructure spending will act as a catalyst for job creation and sustainable economic growth, help lower household energy costs, and improve Americans’ lives.

Public infrastructure currently comprises 2 percent of GDP and 12 percent of jobs, according to the Congressional Budget Office. If President Trump’s proposal is enacted, the program could put the U.S. back on a pre-recession job growth path and create more than 11 million jobs—including union jobs.

“We are pleased to see President Trump’s focus on infrastructure improvements and investments in this country,” said David Holt, President of CEA. “We believe that both sides of the political aisle will realize the benefits of new energy and infrastructure initiatives—particularly those that leverage new innovation and modern technology to help improve the economy and our environment – improving our quality of life.”

President Trump discussed his plans for improved infrastructure investment in his first State of the Union address last month. “As we rebuild our industries, it is also time to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure,” Trump stated.

“With so much work remaining to modernize energy delivery infrastructure across the U.S., including the streamlining our permitting process, increasing storage and production, and building new transmission lines and pipelines, we look forward to continuing CEA’s bi-partisan efforts to find common ground and work with policymakers on solutions that will help families and business across the United States,” Holt added. “Countless communities have limited or no access to updated infrastructure, which only results in increased costs for families – as we’ve recently seen with the electricity shortages and prices increases in New England.  With sound energy delivery policies, utilizing environmentally-friendly methods, these New England prices spikes could have easily been avoided. We welcome this effort by the Trump Administration to update and streamline energy delivery so that families across the nation can realize the benefits of modern energy management.”

CEA’s Pipelines for America addresses the consequences to families and businesses across the United States who oppose the construction of energy delivery systems and works to create a constructive dialogue with communities about how – through the latest innovations, technologies, and education – pipelines and other transmission upgrades not only help lower energy costs but can be done so in a safe way.

To learn more about CEA’s Campaign and initiatives around improving America’s energy infrastructure, visit


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Energy Solutions Possible While Protecting Environment

Child Shoveling Snow

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler recently talked about how energy development with stringent environmental regulations in Pennsylvania has provided tremendous savings for families concerned about heating bills this winter.

We agree that the environment is vital to our future, and we should continue to hold industry to higher standards. But the truth is we can have environmental progress and sensible energy solutions together — if we stop the political posturing and work together on real energy and environmental solutions.

Instead of hyperboles and exaggeration, state lawmakers need to create a balanced, achievable energy strategy that finds common ground ways to protect the environment, upgrade America’s infrastructure, grow local economies and push forward with cutting-edge innovations, all while ensuring the lowest possible household energy costs — especially for those who need it most.

Read more – The Daily Star

More Compromise Needed in Energy Policy

Elementary school kids climbing on to a school bus

CEA’s Tim Page talks about how energy availability and affordability effect all energy consumers – from families to small businesses – and what we can do to ensure we have the resources necessary for our communities to thrive.

Energy affects everyone. We use gas to drive the kids to school, natural gas to cook and heat our homes and electricity to watch movies, charge our phones and adjust the thermostat. The more energy we have, the lower prices will be. It’s simple supply and demand.

Read more – Suffolk News-Herald

Strong Voices on National Energy Policy at [Florida] BOEM Hearing Today

Group of Seniors Playing Games

CEA’s Kevin Doyle participated at the most recent BOEM hearing on offshore energy development and the benefits that will be seen by Florida’s energy consumers.

“Consumer Energy Alliance has long advocated for an all of the above energy policy to ensure that Florida’s families and small businesses have access to reliable and affordable energy, said Kevin Doyle, Florida Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance. “With innovation, technology and human ingenuity, we are confident we can reach a balance, resulting in a win for national security, our tourism industry, our environment and the millions of families and small businesses in Florida that depend on reliable affordable energy.”

Read more – Vets4Energy

‘No Is Never No’: Drilling Foes Say Florida Still in Play

Offshore oil platform in ocean

CEA Florida’s Keven Doyle spoke about the importance of evaluating all sources of American energy to truly become energy independent.

“I think the original plan that was proposed is something that is a good starting point in this process,” Doyle said. “To import energy from areas that don’t like us as much, like Venezuela and other places such as that, if we can do that here in the United States, it’s a great thing for small businesses, for families and for consumers.”

Read more – Tampa Bay Times

Pipelines the Answer for Economy, Environment

New York park in winter

Mike Buter, CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director, spoke about the harm Gov. Cuomo’s energy policies are having on families across New York.

Each project the Cuomo administration has fought would have delivered more natural gas to a state, hamstrung by a self-inflicted shortage of affordable resources, largely because of a lack of pipeline infrastructure, the shuttering of local coal-power plants, and the imminent closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, which supplies roughly a third of New York City’s power.

Not surprisingly, prices have increased.

Read more – Press & Sun-Bulletin

Gulf of Mexico Energy: What’s at Stake for Louisiana?

New Orleans Louisiana City Corner

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provides families and businesses across Louisiana, the Gulf Coast region, and the nation with reliable American energy so families and businesses can more
affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars, while also supporting communities across the state through jobs and revenue generation. Affordable energy is especially vital to Louisiana, which is first in the nation for average monthly
consumption of residential electricity.((

In addition to having abundant energy, in Louisiana alone during Fiscal Year 2014, Gulf of Mexico energy activity supported 121,000 jobs in the state and $10 billion in Gross
Domestic Product (GDP).(( By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, Louisiana can help provide jobs and critical services for people across the state, including the 20 percent of Louisianans living in poverty.((

Moving forward in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy Strategy,(( the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) in July 2017 formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.(( Through this new process, all offshore areas, including in the Gulf of Mexico will be evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

In January 2018, the DOI issued its 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program, which includes opportunities for expanded access to American energy in regions including the Gulf of Mexico.During this new public review phase, areas including the Gulf will be further evaluated for potential future leasing activity.

Continued and expanded energy development in the Gulf of Mexico represents a vital opportunity to boost job creation, grow our economy, and preserve our way of life for families, seniors, and households across the state and for future generations of Louisianans.

Based on today’s prices, Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas resources are valued at over $3.86 trillion, the production of which could generate up to $723.7 billion in royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for Louisiana alone, expanded Gulf development could create up to:

As a new program is developed, lease sales under the existing leasing plan will continue. In October 2017, the DOI announced its intention to conduct the largest offshore lease sale in U.S. history, proposing to offer nearly 77 million acres at an upcoming March 2018 lease sale.(( )) U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy noted that “investing in energy creates better jobs with better benefits for working families, strengthens our national security and strengthens our energy independence,” while U.S. Senator John Kennedy said that the sale “will create jobs and bolster our state and national economy.”

U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (LA-1) added that the sale will lead to “good jobs and kick start more economic growth” and “help us continue fighting for the responsible development of our natural resources that bring critical dollars to restore our coast.”

Pursuant to federal law, offshore energy development is providing Louisiana with a new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental restoration and beyond. With a robust energy, fishing, and tourism activity, Louisiana is a
clear example of how we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

For additional information on how you can get involved, please visit 

For a PDF of this information on Louisiana, please click here.

Gulf of Mexico Energy: What’s a Stake for Alabama?

Family Grocery Shopping

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provides families and businesses across Alabama, the Gulf Coast region, and the nation with reliable American energy so families and businesses can more
affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars, while also supporting communities across the state through jobs and revenue generation. Affordable energy is especially vital to Alabama, which is third in the nation for average monthly
consumption of residential electricity.((

In addition to having abundant energy, in Alabama alone during Fiscal Year 2014, Gulf of Mexico energy activity supported 18,000 jobs in the state and $1.5 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).(( By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, Alabama can help provide jobs and critical services for people across the state, including the 17 percent of Alabamians living in poverty.((

Moving forward in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy Strategy,(( the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) in July 2017 formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf
Oil and Gas Leasing Program.(( Through this new process, all offshore areas, including in the Gulf of Mexico will be evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

Then, in January 2018, the DOI issued its 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program, which includes opportunities for expanded access to American energy in regions including the Gulf of Mexico. During this new public review phase, areas including the Gulf will be further evaluated for potential future leasing activity.

Continued and expanded energy development in the Gulf of Mexico represents a vital opportunity to boost job creation, grow our economy, and preserve our way of life for families, seniors, and households across the state and for future generations of Alabamians.

Based on today’s prices, Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas resources are valued at over $3.86 trillion, the production of which could generate up to $723.7 billion in royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for Alabama alone, expanded Gulf development could create up to:

As a new program is developed, lease sales under the existing leasing plan will continue. In October 2017, the DOI announced its intention to conduct the largest offshore lease sale in U.S. history, proposing to offer nearly 77 million acres at an upcoming March 2018 lease sale.(( Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said that the lease sale “is not only in the best interest of all Americans, it allows Gulf Coast states, like Alabama, to utilize our natural resources not only to provide energy for our nation, but increased economic opportunities for
our people.”

Pursuant to federal law, offshore energy development is providing Alabama with a new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental restoration and beyond. With a robust energy, fishing, and tourism activity, Alabama is a
clear example of how we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

For additional information on Consumer Energy Alliance and how you can get involved, please visit

For a PDF of this information on Alabama, please click here.