Gas Prices Dip to $1.87 per Gallon in East El Paso

Putting gas in car

With the summer driving season well underway, CEA’s Brydon Ross discusses how increased oil production in the United States is benefiting families at the gas pump.

“It’s a fun time for (gasoline) consumers, who are reaping the benefits of a lot of market forces” — most notably that oil production in the United States has revved up in recent years due to technological advances in oil drilling, which has produced an abundant supply of oil, said Brydon Ross, an energy expert for the Consumer Energy Alliance, a Houston-based organization that provides information about energy issues to energy consumers, ranging from individuals to large corporations.

 Read more – El Paso Times

Consumer Energy Alliance Study Underscores Importance of Pipeline Infrastructure

Pipeline and shutoff valves

CEA’s recent pipeline study was featured by CEPI.

Everyday, pipeline infrastructure systems provide Americans across the country with reliable access to the energy resources they need. But just what would that system look like without the proper maintenance that keeps the system running smoothly? Consumer Energy Alliance set out to answer that question in a recent study titled “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure.”

Read more – CEPI


What you’re saying: “Oil and Gas is Vital”

Raleigh, North Carolina

CEA’s Brydon Ross discusses how North Carolina’s families are impacted when offshore energy development when modern, scientific surveys are banned.

While Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) applauds Congressman David Price for his service, we are concerned about his position regarding energy development and the consequences on working families, retirees living on fixed incomes, veterans, farmers and small businesses across North Carolina and the country.

Read more – The Herald-Sun


Pipeline in Jefferson Co. Can Benefit All of WV

Construction worker welding pipe

For underserved areas across our state, new natural gas pipelines bring the promise of economic development opportunities.

“Over the years, countless businesses have explored moving into or expanding in Jefferson County but ultimately determined that the lack of natural gas service significantly impeded their ability to do so,” wrote Eric Lewis and John Reisenweber, of the Jefferson County Development Authority, in the Shepherdstown Chronicle. “Until recently, the expansion of natural gas service in Jefferson County had been just a dream.

Read more – Charleston Gazette-Mail

Are Northeasterners Really So Anti-Pipeline?

Rhode Island Boating

Rigzone recently interviewed CEA’s Brydon Ross to discuss energy infrastructure in New England and how to address the knowledge gap that exists.

“The truth is, as this polling shows, people recognize the need for pipelines and support the maintenance and expansion of our energy infrastructure,” Brydon Ross, CEA’s vice president for state affairs, told Rigzone. “The region needs additional supply to help alleviate issues on high demand days and address the area’s exorbitant residential and industrial electricity costs – which are the highest in the continental U.S.”

Read more – Rigzone

Mariner East 2 Pipeline Construction Begins in Northern Lancaster County

Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Employing nearly 8,000 workers while under construction, once completed, Mariner East 2 will provide critical supplies of propane, ethane, and butane to dry crops and support the plastics industry.

The current pipeline project, called Mariner East 2, adds two pipelines along 350 miles in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia to move natural gas liquids from Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale regions of western Pennsylvania and Ohio to the Marcus Hook refinery.

Read more – Lancaster Online

CEA Urges Senate Action to Address Agency Nominations, Infrastructure Permitting

Electric transmission lines

North American Clean Energy covered CEA’s David Holt discussing the importance of bipartisanship in Washington, D.C. in ensuring the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is able to function.

Billions of dollars in energy projects and critical pipeline infrastructure that could put thousands of Americans to work and lower costs for families, households and businesses are being delayed by a lack of action on well-qualified nominees who received overwhelming bipartisan support to serve as FERC commissioners.

Read more – North American Clean Energy

Commission Vacancies Threaten Trump’s Energy ‘Dominance’

Electric transmission lines

CEA President David Holt was quoted by the New York Times discussing the importance of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the impact vacancies have on energy consumers because of partisan gamesmanship.

For the good of the country, it’s time to put aside partisanship and stop stalling action.

Read more – The New York Times

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes Offshore Energy Announcement

Offshore oil rig at sunset

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Interior Department launched the development of a new leasing program for the nation’s offshore oil and natural gas resources. Following the announcement, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt released the following statement:

“Any successful plan to secure our long-term energy and economic future must include adequate access to the nation’s federal waters. For too long, artificially-imposed federal barriers have needlessly limited domestic energy projects that would create jobs, grow the economy, enhance our national security and provide price relief to American families, especially those struggling to make ends meet and living on fixed incomes. That is why today’s action is welcome news to families and businesses across America who depend on affordable and reliable energy. “CEA applauds the new approach and the significant steps being taken by the federal government to reevaluate these unnecessary barriers and enhance the nation’s role as an energy leader. CEA looks forward to engaging with families, businesses and communities across the country as a new offshore program is developed.”

Marathon Completes 50-mile Pipeline in Northwestern Ohio

Pipeline worker in pipe

For generations, Americans have relied on pipelines to deliver energy supplies across our country, and a lot has changed.  New technologies and maintenance programs have consistently improved the safety of our infrastructure – all of which have been implemented in the latest pipeline designed to supply fuel to 10 Midwest refineries.

The pipeline, known as Harpster-Lima, passed several tests during its commissioning. The line was tested with water under high pressure, welds were X-rayed, and a “smart tool” checked the length of the pipe for dents or corrosion.

The pipeline will be controlled from MPLX’s Findlay headquarters, and will be monitored constantly for pressure and flow rate, with real-time leak protection and aerial surveillance.

Read more – The Courier