Natural Gas Makes Energy Affordable

Onshore fracking well pad

CEA’s David Holt spoke about the proposed Richmond fracking ban.

When a community is considering rejecting local energy development, it’s important to consider how the shale gas revolution has profoundly changed the U.S. energy landscape in less than a decade and the tremendous benefits that our local Richmond families and small businesses have seen because of it. IHS Economics has found that low natural gas prices, courtesy of record-sized increases in domestic shale production, helped the average American — including Virginians — pocket an extra $1,337 in 2015. When businesses and families have more disposable income they have more opportunities. For businesses, that means new products and hiring more employees. For families, that translates into being able to afford a new car or lawn mower or a vacation.

Read more – Richmond Times-Dispatch

Beauty Isn’t a Pipedream, It’s a Reality

Mother and Daughter with Makeup

When we think of uses for crude oil, gasoline is one of the most obvious. In 2015 alone, almost three-quarters of oil usage in the U.S. was used for transportation, but the rest is used in all kinds of products and applications that make our modern life what it is. One often overlooked sector – the beauty industry. No matter what we’re trying to achieve, many of those makeup items contain petroleum byproducts that lend their properties to these centerpieces of not just American culture, but cultures around the world.

In fact, cosmetics account for a large chunk of some people’s expenses and daily preparation routine. According to Women’s Health magazine, the average woman spends 55 minutes primping every day. Translation: we, as a nation, spend a lot of time and a lot of money to look our best. estimated that the U.S. cosmetic market was poised to exceed $62 billion in 2016 alone.

That’s because there is now a product for everything. Especially things that cover up our flaws or accentuate our flattering features – cosmetics help to give a boost of confidence when someone wants to look their best. Products like lotions and creams can help protect our skin from the elements. A little breakout can be quickly covered up by concealer. Lip plumper can help enhance your pucker for a night out on the town. And if you are fair skinned like this author, sunscreen is probably one of your best friends. Something that many of the products in your bathroom have in common is that they contain some sort or petroleum product and/or they probably come in a plastic container made from an oil byproduct.

Byproducts of oil may account for up to about 80% of ingredients in some makeup products. Looking to bring out your eyes with some mascara? Oil helps make it possible, and with roughly 118 million Americans using mascara in 2016, those same people will likely need something to take it off. For most an oil based makeup remover can help with that, why, because like dissolves like. No matter how you look at it, the cosmetics industry is deeply intertwined with the petroleum industry. From plastic combs to painted toes, petroleum products help keep us in style. Some of these products include but are not limited to:

  • Hand Lotion
  • Nail Polish
  • Vaseline
  • Deodorant
  • Soft Contact Lenses
  • Hair Curlers
  • Lipstick
  • Shampoo
  • Mascara
  • Eyeliner
  • Hair Spray
  • Hair Ties
  • Perfume
  • Hair Dyes
  • Foundation
  • Eye Shadow

The byproducts for these goods make our life so much different from how past generations used to live and sometimes we take them for granted.

So remember, oil and gas do more than heat our homes and fuel our cars. It’s also the asphalt on the road, the rubber in our tires, and the plastics in our cars, which keep us safe when we’re driving to all those important places we’ve just taken the time to get ready for. Most of all, it’s part of that confident stride you take when you’ve achieved that perfect look for an event or maybe even that date night you’ve been anticipating.

New U.S. Pipelines to Drive Natural Gas Boom As Exports Surge

Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

As new pipelines are being constructed across the country, areas from the Dakotas to the Mid-Ohio Valley will continue to see more investment and new economic opportunities to supply American families and manufacturers with secure supplies of domestic energy.

The pipelines are expected to boost output from shale fields in the three states by giving producers access to new domestic and international markets.

Those states could supply about a third of all U.S. natural gas once the pipeline expansion is complete, up from about 25 percent now, according to projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Source: Reuters

Hundreds of Jobs Available Building Pipelines

Pipeline worker in pipe

With multiple pipelines under construction or planned for Ohio, hundreds of new workers are required to turn these pipe dreams into a reality.  Unions are holding job fairs across the state to find Ohioans willing to be trained for jobs that pay more than $30 an hour.

“We have 1300 jobs available, Teamsters Training Director Michael LaBorde tells WKYC Channel 3. “We don’t have enough membership to man all these projects. So we’re expanding our workforce.”

Read more – WKYC

Florida Lawmaker Fending Off Calls for Oil and Gas Drilling

Offshore oil rig at sunset

CEA’s Kevin Doyle discusses the importance of offshore energy exploration to Florida’s continued economic growth.

“A strong and growing constituency in Florida supports understanding how energy development could help lower their month expenses and improve their standard of living,” Doyle said in a letter to Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. “We ask you to work with Florida’s families and business leaders to find the balance between environmental protection and security energy independence that we know can happen for the benefit of all Floridians and Americans.”

Read more – UPI

Constituent Contact Campaigns Fear Ramifications of ‘Kicking Can Down the Road’ on Grid

Multiple electric transmission lines

Consumer Energy Alliance’s support of modernizing Missouri’s electrical grid for the benefit of all consumers was highlighted by the Missouri Times.

These upgrades for Missouri families would include new electric infrastructure and the inclusion of more smart-grid technologies to prevent power outages, grid security threats and restore power more quickly. The proposed legislation would also create thousands of new jobs for families all across the state while adding incentives for Missouri’s renewable energy.

Read more – The Missouri Times

Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline to Stretch From Permian to Houston Area

Chemical manufacturing plant at night

It’s more than just oil being produced in Texas.  Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are being produced in the Permian Basin which requires pipelines to transport the NGLs to processing plants in Houston for the petrochemical industry.

Energy infrastructure giant Enterprise Products Partners said it will build a 571-mile pipeline from the Permian Basin to the Houston area to transport natural gas liquids.

The pipeline project is another sign that West Texas is booming again with oil and gas and the Houston area is growing as the hub for those resources to either be processed or exported. Oil gets all of the attention, but the natural gas streams from the shale rock are used to create petrochemicals, electricity or other products.

Read more – Houston Chronicle


Pipeline Plans Heat Up in W.Va.

High school students with teacher learning math

As West Virginia begins to see more oil and natural gas production take place, additional pipelines will need to be constructed which will bring millions of dollars of new revenue for school districts and municipalities.

“West Virginia sits on an enormous reserve of natural gas that becomes more useful and valuable if it can be tapped and transported,” said Steve Roberts, president of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce. “Our state will realize new jobs in construction and maintenance of the pipelines. Counties and our state will see an increase in property and severance tax receipts. Natural gas will help manufacturers have an essential ingredient for the production of many useful products.

“It is estimated that pipeline completion can add hundreds of millions of new dollars in severance tax collections for our state’s coffers. Workers, schools and our economy all win with the construction of new, efficient natural gas pipelines.”

Read more – The State Journal

Indiana Has Chance to Act Wisely on Solar Energy

Solar panel installation on roof

CEA’s Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, discussed the importance of supporting solar energy in Indiana to ensure it is broadly accessible and affordable for all Hoosiers.

Fortunately, Indiana lawmakers have spent time thoughtfully reviewing net metering for solar and other renewable technologies, which is a good step forward in ensuring solar can contribute to the state’s future energy mix. Legislation that reforms net metering and provides important consumer protections has been supported by large bipartisan majorities in the Statehouse – showing that it can be done.

Read more – The Journal Gazette

Mariner East Project Coming at Good Time

Mid-Atlantic Rural Farm

CEA’s Mike Butler discussed the consumer impact of the Mariner East pipeline.

It’s fair to say that in today’s intense political climate, taking a stand to a vocal minority can be challenging, especially as it concerns disparate residents across the state. It’s a battle being waged not just here but across the country, and the consequences are real. Consumer Energy Alliance recently put out a report that looked at the impacts that could occur if the continuing trend of denying pipeline projects, like those here in our state, continued. It found that the Midwest/Mid-Atlantic region alone would see a 44.8 percent electricity shortfall for families and businesses who rely on a steady supply of energy. That is why we commend the efforts of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for supporting the Mariner East 2 pipeline, which was recently granted approval for its remaining permits.

Read more – Altoona Mirror