Solar Reduces Energy Costs

Solar panel installation on roof

CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle recently had an op-ed in the Miami Herald regarding CEA’s solar incentive analysis.

Solar energy is clean, reliable, increasingly affordable, and thanks to the popularity of utility-scale, community projects and rooftop installations, a continuously growing part of America’s modernizing electricity mix. Due to lower costs and government-incentive programs, solar photovoltaic (PV) is also the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. renewable energy market, achieving annual growth rates exceeding 40 percent, a new Consumer Energy Analysis reveals.

Read more – Miami Herald

Oil Pipelines: Finished or Future?

Stack of pipelines

Andrew Browning was interviewed by KFYR-TV in Bismarck following his presentation on pipeline infrastructure.

“We believe energy is a really basic necessity like food, clothing and shelter. Energy would be that fourth component. Everyone needs it and it’s imperative as a country to come together to make sure that we find the solutions,” said Browning.

Read more – KFYR-TV

Energy Matters With Scott Hennen

Oil derricks in daytime

Andrew Browning joined Scott Hennen on K-FYR 550 AM to discuss the state of energy.

Listen here – K-FYR 550 AM

Pipelines for America Campaign

Laser cutting of metal sheet in tool shop

CEA’s Andrew Browning discussion of the Pipelines for America campaign was covered by Minot Area News.

“We are here to represent of you know what’s really kind of been missing in the past and that’s the voice of people who actually consume energy, what it means to them, what it means to the price of energy, what it means to families and small businesses,” said Andrew Browning, vice president of Consumer Energy Alliance.

Read more – Minot Area News

Voice Your Support for Solar Energy

Row of solar panels on a solar farm

America needs clean, renewable solar energy to be a part of a balanced energy mix so all American homes, businesses, and communities may benefit.

Add your name to tell our elected officials solar power is a vital part of America’s energy future.

As American energy consumers, we call on policy makers to create policies that are pro-solar, pro-grid and pro-consumer.
Solar energy is now an option for more electricity consumers across America than ever before. To continue to increase access to solar energy, create jobs, and reduce emissions from electricity generation, we encourage policy makers to work together to:
  • Pursue policies that will bring the benefits of solar energy to all Americans at the lowest possible price;
  • Support the sustainable growth of solar energy by implementing net metering policies which pay residential solar PV users competitive rates for excess energy that they sell back to the grid; and
  • Ensure that electricity providers have the resources they need to maintain grid reliability.
By working towards these goals, federal and state regulators and legislators can promote responsible and sustainable growth in solar power, make sure that the grid is maintained and protected, and keep electricity costs low for all consumers.

Decision to Delay Dakota Access Construction Worries Backers of Natgas Projects

CEA’s Michael Whatley was featured in Platts discussing the recent extralegal process involved in halting permitted infrastructure projects.

“We think that the administration is basically siding with protesters over a pipeline project where the project has already been permitted,” Michael Whatley, executive vice president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, said Tuesday. “You could say any pipeline that is going to be protested could be subject to the same process, and that alarms us.”

Read more – Platts

Rally for, Not Against, America’s Pipelines

CEA President David Holt’s latest op-ed appeared in the Grand Forks Herald.

Susan Sarandon headlined a small group of sign-carrying activists who recently protested the Dakota Access Pipeline by rallying outside the U.S. District Court in Washington. Shailene Woodley also attended – just weeks after she and Rosario Dawson made headlines by attending a rally against energy at Union Square in New York City. All three are backing a “Keep It in the Ground” movement supported by a vocal minority that claims energy production and infrastructure on public and private lands is no-no, regardless of any safety or regulatory stringency or impact on families and small businesses who can’t afford higher energy bills. But studies show the failed logic of this movement.

Read more – Grand Forks Herald

Obama Administration Siding with Extremists – again – at the Expense of American Families Who Need Energy

On behalf of our 400,000 nationwide members, Consumer Energy Alliance expresses its extreme disappointment with the Obama administration’s unprecedented decision to halt construction of the Dakota Access pipeline — despite project backers having all of its required federal and state permits.

The decision to halt construction from the executive branch came within hours of the judicial branch’s ruling that construction should proceed. The executive order is just another example of this administration overstepping its authority, and in this case, making a decision that directly contradicted a court order and overlooked the required preliminary due diligence of a government agency.

“It is unfortunate that only the most shrill and unrealistic voices are being heard in this debate and the Administration has ceded policy decisions over to Susan Sarandon, hedge fund billionaires, and professional anti-energy activists,” said CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley. “Bowing to the whims of protesters will put families and small businesses at the mercy of anti-development groups who offer no real plan to keep our economy moving. Failing to build pipelines will increase electricity and fuel prices.”

The Dakota Access Pipeline is estimated to provide nearly $2 billion in economic benefits and thousands of construction jobs for the four states along the project’s right of way. Over the last few weeks, construction has been hampered by protestors, leading the governor of North Dakota recently to call in the National Guard to help provide security for laborers and the worksite. Friday, a federal judge even ruled against the anti-pipeline activists in their attempt to halt construction, but the administration inserted itself into the two-year long process, forcing agencies to reconsider permits granted under the National Environmental Policy Act.

“The real losers in this decision are Americans on fixed incomes, seniors, families, laborers, and small businesses that depend on affordable energy pipelines bring,” said Brydon Ross, CEA’s Vice President of State Affairs. “Without expanding and building more infrastructure, our government is consigning our future to higher costs and more poverty for many in our society who are already living on the margins.”

“What’s even more frustrating about this decision is that the President is forcing his environmental agencies to perform work that has already been done to appease an extremist base that didn’t like the answer from the last exhaustive process,” Ross continued. “At some point we have to acknowledge all citizens and not just the politics of a few.”

Arctic Coalition Demands Inclusion in DOI Lease Plan

Oil pipeline in Alaska with mountain range

CEA Alaska, as part of a coalition of partners representing Narive communities, labor unions, education, and business spoke out in support of America’s committment to the Arctic.

A coalition of groups in favor of resource development in and offshore Alaska is campaigning for the Obama administration to keep the Arctic leasing areas currently contained in the Department of Interior’s (DOI) draft proposed plan intact.

Read more – Offshore Magazine

CEA: Rooftop Solar Incentives Exceed Installation Costs in Handful of States

SNL Financial covered CEA’s solar incentive analysis and media call with Michael Whatley.

Incentives for residential solar PV facilities are substantial, but vary widely among states, according to a new analysis from the Consumer Energy Alliance, a group that advocates on behalf of energy consumers, industry and energy producers.

Read more – SNL Financial