U.S. Arctic Oil Exploration to Begin this Summer

The Obama administration has granted two permits which allow Royal Dutch Shell PLC to start drilling exploratory wells in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea.

The permits only allow the oil giant to begin the top section of its proposed wells. It will have to wait for the arrival of ships transporting key safety equipment before it can drill deep enough to tap potential oil and gas deposits around 8,000 feet below the seabed.

Shell spokeswoman Kelly op de Weegh said by email that receipt of the drilling permits signals the end of the permitting process, and drilling will begin when the area is clear of sea ice.

“We remain committed to operating in a safe, environmentally responsible manner and look forward to evaluating what could potentially become a national energy resource base,” she said.

Two drilling vessels are currently in route to the region, having left from the Port of Seattle earlier this month. The permits were expected as part of a longer permitting process which began in May when the Bureau of Ocean Energy Managment (BOEM) approved Shell’s overall summer drilling program.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association (WVONGA) as its newest affiliate member.

Chartered in 1915, WVONGA is one of the oldest trade organizations in the state, and is the only association that serves the entire oil and gas industry. The activities of its members include construction, environmental services, drilling, completion, gathering, transporting, distribution and processing.

“Joining Consumer Energy Alliance and educating the public about the unique opportunities in unconventional production is a natural for the Association, and we look forward joining forces with like organizations that are committed to taking advantage of our abundant resources,” said WVONGA Executive Director Corky Demarco. “Our message should resound in every household and business: We are energy independent and we are the foundation for the rebirth of manufacturing in the United States.”

WVONGA members operate in almost every county in West Virginia and employ thousands of people across the state, with payrolls totaling more than one billion dollars annually. Its members have a cumulative investment of tens of billions dollars in West Virginia in new development, account for 80% of the production and 90% of the permits, operate more than 20,000 miles of pipeline across the state and provide oil and natural gas to more than 320,000 West Virginia homes and businesses.

“CEA is pleased to welcome WVONGA as our newest partner in West Virginia,” said Chris Ventura, Executive Director of CEA–Midwest. “We look forward to working with Corky and WVONGA’s membership to engage consumers on the importance of continuing the responsible development of American natural resources to ensure energy security and job growth.”

For more information on West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Voovio

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Voovio as its newest affiliate member.

Voovio is a visualization technology that revolutionizes the way industrial companies manage their operations, maintenance, health & safety and training programs. Voovio is a completely new way to create realistic 3D replicas of physical assets, for example, refineries and power plants. We make information visually accessible, so that field operators can access everything they need, when they need it in order to execute their tasks quickly and safely.

Christian McDermott, Voovio’s US Country Manager, explained: “We are thrilled to join the CEA. As newcomers to the Houston business community, we believe that the CEA will help us achieve our mission: to reduce risks and errors in energy companies’ operations, thereby saving thousands of lives, billions of dollars and protecting the environment. We share the CEA’s commitment to securing sustainable and responsible energy supply throughout the world.”

“CEA welcomes Voovio as its latest member,” said Paul Looney, EVP, Strategic Development. “As health and safety are critical components to our members’ daily operations, Voovio provides the oil and gas sector unique learning and safety capabilities through its 3D visualization products. Industry is always looking for ways to reduce operational risks and reducing work-related accidents. Voovio is committed to helping industry achieve those goals.”

For more information on Voovio, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Great Lakes Maritime Task Force

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Great Lakes Maritime Task Force (GLMTF) as its newest affiliate member.

GLMTF is the principal advocate for domestic and international shipping in the Great Lakes. Representing the Great Lakes shipping community, its members include U.S.-flag vessel operators, shipboard and longshore unions, port authorities, cargo shippers, terminal operators, and shipyards.  Infrastructure development and access to affordable energy supplies are vital for the expansion of maritime trade on the Great Lakes.

“We are pleased to partner with CEA to help chart America’s energy course for the future,” said John D. Baker, President of GLMTF in 2015. “Coal is one of the top commodities moving on the Lakes and waterborne commerce is the most environmentally sound way to move that coal to powerplants and industrial users.”

“CEA recognizes the importance of Great Lakes shipping in the transportation of fuel and raw materials necessary for the expansion of American manufacturing,” said Chris Ventura, Executive Director of CEA – Midwest. “We look forward to working with the Great Lakes Maritime Task Force to promote the growth of waterborne commerce, fueling job creation and reinvigorating the economy of the Great Lakes region.”

For more information on Great Lakes Maritime Task Force, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Kentucky Chamber of Commerce

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce as its newest affiliate member.

From its beginnings more than 65 years ago, the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce has evolved into the premier business association in the state. The Chamber represents the interests of more than 60,000 employers across the Commonwealth. From family-owned shops to Fortune 500 companies in virtually every industry in the state, its business community shares a vested interest in enhancing Kentucky’s ability to compete on a national and global scale.

“As the leading voice of business in Kentucky, the Chamber recognizes the importance of low-cost, reliable energy to fuel economic growth in the Commonwealth,” said Bryan Sunderland, Senior Vice President for the Kentucky Chamber. “We are pleased to join CEA as part of our advocacy for reliable and affordable energy.”

“We are thrilled to have the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce join CEA in advocating for consumers and energy-intensive businesses across the Commonwealth and the country,” said CEA Vice President Brydon Ross. “They bring an incredible wealth of capability, knowledge and know-how to help deliver our common message of sensible, pro-growth energy solutions in today’s extremely challenging regulatory environment.”

For more information on Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.

More Food, Fun for Less This July 4 Weekend

Friends grilling

Good news: The great, all-American barbecue will cost you a lot less this holiday weekend – and lower energy costs spearheaded by the great, all-American energy revolution are a big reason why.

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) says that the typical summer cookout feast – one that feeds 10 people – will cost $55.84, or $5.58 per person. Overall, barbecue costs are down 3 percent from last summer, when it cost $57.57.

The credit goes all around, said John Anderson, deputy chief economist at AFBF. It starts with decreased prices for many of the items on the average Fourth of July food-shopping list, which includes:

  • 8 burgers
  • 8 hot dogs with buns and cheese slices
  • 4 pounds of pork spare ribs
  • 3 pounds of potato salad
  • 28 ounces of baked beans
  • 15 ounces of corn chips
  • 4 pounds of watermelon
  • 2 quarts of lemonade
  • 2 quarts of chocolate milk
  • Condiments

While prices for beef have begun to stabilize after increasing earlier this year, the prices for others meats, like retail pork, have steadily declined, as have prices for dairy products, Anderson said.

Even better, the energy used to fire up the grill and prepare food is also less expensive. Lower energy costs are a big reason why prices for various food items are less expensive, highlighting how the nation’s ongoing energy renaissance is helping Americans in numerous under-the-radar ways.

“Fuel and other energy prices have also generally been lower so far this year compared to last year,” Anderson said. “This helps keep prices down on the more processed items in the basket. Energy is an important component of the final price for these products.”

In addition to cost-friendly food and electricity prices, the U.S. energy revolution is also helping motorists save hard-earned dollars at the gas pumps this holiday weekend.

The national average for a gallon of gas is currently $2.78, about 88 cents less than the average price on Independence Day last year. Drivers will also see the lowest Independence Day gas prices in at least five years, AAA says – welcome news for the nearly 42 million Americans that will travel between July 1 and July 5 – the most in eight years.

Like food costs and electricity rates, fuel prices are falling because of U.S. domestic production flooding the global market with a glut of oil, which has lower crude oil prices. Oil prices account for about two-thirds of the price U.S. drivers pay for a gallon of gasoline.

Declining energy costs are expected to save American families even more money in a variety of ways by year’s end. The U.S. Energy Information Administration, for instance, says that the average U.S. household will spend about $700 less on gasoline in 2015 compared with 2014, as annual motor fuel expenditures are on track to fall to their lowest level in 11 years.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Ameren Missouri

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Ameren Missouri as its newest affiliate member. And the St. Louis-based, investor-owned utility wasted no time in getting involved as Ameren Missouri was one of the sponsors and presenters at CEA’s Energy 101 Legislative Breakfast at the Missouri Capitol on April 8th.

“Ameren Missouri is excited to be an affiliate member of CEA,” said Warren Wood, Vice President, External Affairs and Communications at Ameren Missouri. “We are focused on providing the nearly three million Missourians we serve with the safe, cleaner and dependable energy they need and expect. As we look to how to meet the needs of our customers in the future, we see some real challenges. Joining CEA will provide a great forum for us to discuss energy challenges and potential solutions with our customers and other stakeholders.”

During the CEA Energy 101 Legislative event, Wood spoke about Missouri’s electricity infrastructure and associated opportunities and challenges. “Ameren Missouri is delivering highly dependable electricity and natural gas, while keeping our rates among the lowest in the country and 17 percent below the Midwest average. However, like much of the country, we are facing an aging infrastructure crisis. A significant portion of the electric system serving our customers today was built about 50 years ago and is now in need of replacement. Many states have adopted policies to move ahead with greater investments in their electric infrastructure to put people to work addressing this challenge and positioning their states for 21st century industries. Missouri has not and is falling behind in this area.”

Ameren Missouri has 4,000 employees who deliver dependable, low-cost electricity to nearly three million Missourians and provide safe, affordable natural gas service to 300,000 state residents. Ameren Missouri provides energy to customers in more than 500 Missouri communities, located in 64 counties.

“CEA is excited to welcome Ameren Missouri as a new affiliate member,” said CEA Director of State Affairs Ryan Scott. “Similar to CEA, Ameren Missouri recognizes that an all of the above energy approach is a key component to affordable and reliable energy for consumers.”

For more information on Ameren Missouri, visit their website.

For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.


CEA Launches New Initiative in Little Rock

Little Rock skyline with Broadway Bridge and the Arkansas River

Little Rock, ARConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today kicked off the Energy Development & Jobs (EDJ) Alliance, a new initiative based out of Little Rock that will focus on educating Americans about the need for expanding the nation’s aging energy infrastructure and developing legislative and business support to ensure that the benefits of energy are realized – new jobs, financial investment opportunities, increased county and state revenues, school funding, lower energy costs and the overall well-being of our modern society.

At an event in Little Rock with Arkansas businesses and industry leaders, Tommy Foltz, executive director of the EDJ Alliance, said, “Since energy is the lifeblood of our modern world and economy, it’s paramount that we support the energy infrastructure that delivers essential energy that keeps our everyday life and economy running. CEA, through the EDJ Alliance initiative, is working to support infrastructure projects that are vital to the health of our economy, so that jobs are created, opportunities are realized and consumers have the reliable and affordable energy they need.

“While we are just launching this initiative today, we’ve already made a difference by CEA members sending hundreds of letters to the Arkansas congressional delegation in support of the Plains & Eastern electricity transmission project.  This project will inject $500 million into the Arkansas economy while providing low-cost power to as many as 160,000 homes,” said Foltz.

Foltz added: “Unfortunately, virtually all energy projects face at least some level of opposition. But, in most cases, the opposition comes from the vocal few who stand in the way of the silent majority who see these necessary projects providing tremendous job and economic development opportunities on many levels. The EDJ Alliance will help taxpayers, energy consumers, landowners and businesses to voice their opinion to elected officials so that they embrace the opportunities associated with energy development.”

To learn more about how energy is delivered to homes and businesses, what it takes to get it there and how Americans can benefit from modernizing and expanding the energy delivery system, please visit www.edja.org.

Path to the White House Goes Through the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Poll Says

A majority of voters in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, all states where the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline would run through, not only know all about the project, they support it. 

That’s according to a recent poll by Hickman Analytics on behalf of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the latest in a series to examine what role energy issues will likely play in the 2016 presidential election.

The answer, it appears, is big very big.

In all, more than 80 percent of voters in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina said that energy would play a significant factor in how they vote next fall. The same percentage of voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the first three primary states of next year’s election, said the same in polls last month.

“It is clear from CEA’s polling that energy policy will be top of mind when voters cast their ballots in this upcoming election,” CEA President David Holt said, according to the Charlotte Business Journal. “Voters clearly support the development of energy infrastructure. In order to win, candidates are going to have side with voters.”

This is particularly the case with the $5 billion, 550-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which will carry natural gas through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina upon completion. Of the 500 voters polled, 56 percent of voters in Virginia, 70 percent in West Virginia and 55 percent in North Carolina support construction of the pipeline, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.

Voters said they supported the pipeline for an assortment of reasons. Top on the list was job creation (19 percent), followed by an anticipated reduction in the price of natural gas (18 percent). Its expected contribution to U.S. energy independence and the economy were also cited as reasons for support.

In addition, a majority of respondents of all political affiliations Democrats, Republicans, and the long-sought-after Independents  said they support expanding offshore exploration, constructing the Keystone XL pipeline, keeping coal power plants operational, and expanding shale production via hydraulic fracturing. Likewise, voters overwhelmingly believe pipelines are the safest means to transport natural gas.

It’s hard to come any closer to showing cross-party unity on an issue than that.

“A measure of the breadth of support is that almost as many self-identified liberals support the project as oppose it,” Hickman Analytics reportedly said in the analysis, according to The News Virginian.

The poll also highlighted that there isn’t currently a frontrunner for the Republican nomination in Virginia, West Virginia or North Carolina. The closest is Jeb Bush, who leads the Republican primary field in Virginia with 16 percent support among voters. Hilary Clinton is the favorite for the Democratic nomination in all three states.

The winners of both nominations had better keep strong energy production firmly in mind if they’re going to win the White House, Holt added.

“As we have seen in the past, the success of candidates in 2016 will hinge on their ability to promote issues that foster economic and job growth while ensuring safety and the protection of our environment,” Holt said. “This can be achieved through the promotion of energy infrastructure and production, which will contribute to U.S. self-sufficiency, stimulate the economy, and create jobs.”

Poll: Energy and Infrastructure Will Play a Key Role in 2016 Election

At a construction site, a technician tests a pipeline weld for defects using an ultrasonic phased array instrument.

Recent polling conducted for Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) continues to examine what role the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Keystone XL Pipeline, offshore production and other energy issues could play in the 2016 presidential election. And as echoed in recent poll results from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, voters in Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia reinforced that energy policy will be an important issue when they cast their votes for president next fall.

In its latest poll, CEA found that a large majority of voters in Virginia (56 percent), West Virginia (70 percent) and North Carolina (55 percent) support the construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Across all three states voters support the project by more than 30 points. The poll also showed that voters of all political affiliations support expanding offshore exploration, constructing the Keystone XL pipeline, keeping coal power plants operational, and expanding shale production via hydraulic fracturing.

Results from the poll indicate that citizens in North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia also support the development of energy infrastructure, especially in regards to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Voters pointed to a number of reasons for their position on the pipeline, with jobs being mentioned the most frequently (19 percent), followed by an anticipated reduction in the price of natural gas (18 percent). The contribution to U.S. energy independence and the general positive impact the pipeline will have on the economy were also cited as reasons for support.

“As the primary season approaches, presidential candidates will need to take a strong stance on energy issues for the 2016 election,” CEA President David Holt said. “As we have seen in the past, the success of candidates in 2016 will hinge on their ability to promote issues that foster economic and job growth while ensuring safety and the protection of our environment. This can be achieved through the promotion of energy infrastructure and production, which will contribute to U.S. self-sufficiency, stimulate the economy, and create jobs.”

Holt added, “It is clear from CEA’s polling that energy policy will be top of mind when voters cast their ballots in this upcoming election. Voters clearly support the development of energy infrastructure, such as the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project. In order to win, candidates are going to have side with voters.”

The results also showed that Hillary Clinton is favored among Democratic voters in North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia. While no Republican contender is currently a frontrunner in these states, Jeb Bush leads the Republican primary field in Virginia with 16 percent support among voters.