CEA to Secretary Kerry: Keystone XL Will Improve Foreign Relations

Letter to Secretary Highlights Benefits of Project for Energy, National Security

HOUSTON, TX – Today, Consumer Energy Alliance transmitted a letter to the newly confirmed Secretary of State John Kerry in which the organization underscores the importance of the proposed Keystone XL  pipeline for economic and energy security. While the letter notes that the pending presidential permit for the pipeline is “among the most politically divisive issues that the Department of State will face this year,” the letter also outlines a series of arguments in support of the project. Of note, CEA believes the Keystone XL pipeline is part of a movement toward North American energy self-sufficiency, a transition which will strengthen the secretary’s position as a diplomat representing U.S. interests abroad.

Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt writes:

“Keystone XL is part of a broader transition toward North American energy self-sufficiency – a revolution that will have profound effects on U.S. foreign relations and global geopolitics. Increased supplies of North American oil and natural gas coupled with greater adoption of energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy can eliminate the need for foreign imports within this decade.

“For the first time in decades, the United States has an opportunity to advance our foreign policy without being beholden to foreign oil powers. North American energy self-sufficiency will allow the United States greater leverage and transparency as we seek to further our interests abroad, such as containing nuclear proliferation and expanding human rights to oppressed populations.”

Commenting on the letter, CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley issued the following statement:

“As the State Department undergoes this change in leadership, CEA and our members wanted to express our strong support for the Keystone XL pipeline and to remind Secretary Kerry of the broad support this project has received from hundreds of thousands of consumers across the country.

“By approving Keystone XL, Secretary Kerry has a unique opportunity to further North American energy self-sufficiency and, by effect, to improve the ability of the United States to advance our foreign policy. While the United States must continue to support the free movement of energy supplies globally, U.S. diplomats will no longer be forced to bend to the demands of foreign oil regimes like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia that sometimes operate against the best interest of the United States and its allies. Keystone XL and other projects that decrease our dependence on overseas oil will allow us to focus on more important objectives abroad.”

What are the next steps for Keystone XL?

John from South Dakota asked, "Can you give me an update on the Keystone XL pipeline and where you see the project going in the near future?"

CEA Testifies in Support of Marcellus Shale Production on Airport Land at Allegheny County Council Hearing

Highlights New Opportunities for Economic Development, Investment and Job Growth for Region 

Pittsburgh, PA: Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Mikus will testify at a public hearing held by the Allegheny County Council on a proposal to allow safe, responsible energy production on land surrounding Pittsburgh International Airport and the West Mifflin County Airport. The airport property currently contains about 9,000 acres of land suitable for energy production.

As part of his prepared testimony, Mr. Mikus supports the proposal, stating:

“After witnessing the number of new opportunities for economic development, investment and job growth we have already seen in the region through responsible Marcellus shale production, CEA is pleased to support a proposal that will help boost future growth for Allegheny County and the regional economy. The Allegheny County Council should be confident that this plan will provide a solid win-win situation for the region.”

“The Airport proposal clearly demonstrates the positive benefits and opportunities that safe, responsible Marcellus production can bring to our region’s residents and businesses. With estimates that this plan could provide tens of millions of dollars up front and ongoing revenue of millions each year for 30 years, Allegheny County is in a tremendous position to grow economically.”

“By approving this land to lease land for responsible Marcellus Shale production, the County Council will provide much-needed relief to Pittsburgh’s under-utilized airport – reducing costs and landing fees to bring in more carriers – translating into additional economic development and revitalization for the region.”

Today’s hearing at the Robert Morris University at 6pm will be the sole public meeting before the Allegheny County Council votes on the proposal.

President Obama to Nominate REI head Sally Jewell as Next Interior Secretary

Candidate brings a unique background to nation’s top land manager

HOUSTON, TX — The Obama Administration announced today that Sally Jewell, the CEO of outdoor gear company REI, is the administration’s choice to become the nation’s 51st Secretary of the Interior. Jewell is a relative newcomer to political circles. Consumer Energy Alliance welcomes the opportunity to learn more about Ms. Jewell’s priorities during the confirmation process.

Upon release of the announcement, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement:

“As others have noted, the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior is extremely broad and requires leadership that recognizes the multiple goals and the responsible use of our nation’s federal lands and resources. CEA and our more than 200 affiliate members representing virtually every aspect of the U.S. economy look forward to learning about Ms. Jewell’s thoughts on this matter and her priorities for the Department of the Interior during the forthcoming confirmation process.”

“One of the most defining issues for the next Secretary of the Interior will be providing consistent and reasonable access to abundant energy resources located within the boundaries of our federal lands. The next Secretary of the Interior will preside over decisions that could dramatically change the trajectory of our energy future, namely the future of Outer Continental Shelf energy development and hydraulic fracturing on public lands. Developing these resources while protecting our environment is of the utmost importance, and one that could allow the U.S. to become energy self-sufficient in just a few years.”

“Given these multiple goals, it’s comforting to know that as the executive of a multi-billion dollar retail business, Jewell should understand well the impact that high energy costs can have on operational expenses for businesses and the price of manufactured goods, including REI’s signature camping gear and other products. As such, CEA hopes Jewell will pursue efforts that thoughtfully expand domestic energy production – both traditional and renewable – in order to support American businesses and consumers.”

New Member Spotlight: U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC)

Experience: Before coming elected to the U.S. House,  Tom was a counsel at Rice, MacDonald, & Hicks Law Firm. Tom attended the University of South Carolina where he earned a masters degree in accounting and a law degree. After college, Tom worked at Deloitte & Touche in Charlotte where he earned his CPA certificate. In 1985 he returned to Myrtle Beach to practice Tax Law with the Van Osdell Law Firm. In 1997, Tom established his own practice, the Rice & MacDonald Law Firm. Since 2006 he has been included in Best Lawyers in America. In 2010, Tom was elected Chairman of Horry County Council.

Potential Role: As an attorney and a CPA, Congressman Rice has a unique understanding of the the challenges businesses face when trying to deal with regulatory and tax policies. He is a opponent of increasing tax burdens and believes that less government regulation will encourage greater investment. At the same time, his district which includes Myrtle Beach, S.C. needs federal support for highway construction to connect Myrtle Beach to I-95.  Look for the Congressman to support targeted spending for transportation expenditures.  As a Member of the Budget Committee, the T&I Committee, and the Small Business Committee, he is in a unique position to advocate for projects and policies that could encourage additional energy development to support infrastructure upgrades.

Committee Assignments: Budget, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Small Business


Chief of Staff: Tyler Grassmeyer

Legislative Director: Courtney Titus



New Member Spotlight: U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC)

Experience: Before coming elected to the U.S. House,  Tom was a counsel at Rice, MacDonald, & Hicks Law Firm. Tom attended the University of South Carolina where he earned a masters degree in accounting and a law degree. After college, Tom worked at Deloitte & Touche in Charlotte where he earned his CPA certificate. In 1985 he returned to Myrtle Beach to practice Tax Law with the Van Osdell Law Firm. In 1997, Tom established his own practice, the Rice & MacDonald Law Firm. Since 2006 he has been included in Best Lawyers in America. In 2010, Tom was elected Chairman of Horry County Council.

Potential Role: As an attorney and a CPA, Congressman Rice has a unique understanding of the the challenges businesses face when trying to deal with regulatory and tax policies. He is a opponent of increasing tax burdens and believes that less government regulation will encourage greater investment. At the same time, his district which includes Myrtle Beach, S.C. needs federal support for highway construction to connect Myrtle Beach to I-95.  Look for the Congressman to support targeted spending for transportation expenditures.  As a Member of the Budget Committee, the T&I Committee, and the Small Business Committee, he is in a unique position to advocate for projects and policies that could encourage additional energy development to support infrastructure upgrades.

Committee Assignments: Budget, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Small Business


Chief of Staff: Tyler Grassmeyer

Legislative Director: Courtney Titus



Murkowski: ‘energy policy is muddled up’

The top Republican on the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources has laid out her blue print for bipartisan energy policy reform.

Houston Chronicle’s Fuel Fix:

A top Senate Republican on Monday unveiled a broad energy policy blueprint with some 200 recommendations for her fellow lawmakers, including plans for expanding offshore oil drilling and steering revenue from the work to research into alternative power technologies.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said she hopes the framework provides the foundation for new, bipartisan energy legislation, after years of a “muddled” approach.

“What I am trying to do is figure out how we get moving on some energy policy for our country at a time when our energy policy is muddled up,” Murkowski said, adding that lawmakers must move away from an energy policy “focused on scarcity to one that’s focused on abundance and what that means for this nation.”

Along the Line, support for KXL Building

Congressional support for Keystone XL has reached a majority with 55 U.S. Senators signaling their support in a letter to President Obama urging he sign off on a cross-border permit.  From along the planed route of the  pipeline, South Dakota U.S. Senator John Thune contends construction would boost the economy.  Writing on the opinion pages of the Rapid City Journal the senator pens:

Pending before President Obama is a true economic stimulus plan. Unlike the $833 billion stimulus bill that was loaded with pet projects and wasteful government spending, this stimulus plan is privately funded and would not waste taxpayer dollars on yet another duplicative government program. Instead, this plan would bolster private sector job creation, would help secure America’s energy future, and would generate tax revenue and stimulate growth in South Dakota and throughout the country. This pending plan is the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.

In the same newspaper, South Dakota Congresswoman Kristi Noem argues:

There’s little, if anything, that should be holding the President back from authorizing the start of construction. Environmental analysts have concluded that there are few risks to adding the 1,700 mile pipeline. Even the nation’s biggest labor organization stated that the Keystone XL pipeline would allow workers from all over the United States to benefit from the project.

The U.S. Department of State is expected to issue its decision this spring.

New Member Spotlight: U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV)

Background: U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford is Nevada’s first African American Congressman. He was chief executive officer of the Culinary Training Institute, a joint management-labor initiative to provide trained workers for Las Vegas’s casinos and hotels, and served as state Senate majority leader.  His district includes the northern part of Clark County, where most of its population resides, and all or part of several rural counties around Las Vegas.

Notable: as a member of the Natural Resources Committee from a state that could soon become a significant oil and gas producer, Congressman Horsford is in a position to advocate for greater access while ensuring sufficient environmental stewardship.

Committee Assignments: Natural Resources and Homeland Security


Chief of Staff: Rodney Emery

Executive Administrator: DeBorah Lynn Posey