CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – June 19


Summer is officially here! We will be putting together summer energy tips through the next few months on our blog, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference. 

While this summer might be a little different due to COVID-19, there are plenty of ways to have fun while staying safe.  There will be plenty of exciting things throughout the summer; nothing will beat visiting your favorite local restaurant. We sure can go for some BBQ right about now. 

This week’s energy week in review takes on a wide range of topics, but our favorite has to be Iceland’s newest geothermal lagoon. And if you missed last week’s news, check out the headlines here

5Thinking small: Are ‘bugs’ a solution to plastic waste?

Researchers now believe that these tiny living beings will be the solution to plastic waste.  E&E News covers how researchers have been investigating the potential of novel enzymes to reduce plastic waste.

4New Geothermal Lagoon Experience To Open In Iceland

Imagine sitting back and relaxing with your favorite drink while watching the Northern Lights pass. Iceland is gearing up to open a marvelous geothermal lagoon experience. LADBible details this new geothermal experience.  

3Utilities aim to make I-5 a West Coast electric highway for commercial trucks

Commercial electric trucks could see a dedicated highway shortly to help improve delivery routes. Green Car Reports estimates that long-range semis during a short stop could take up to 100 times the power of the 50-kilowatt fast chargers along the passenger vehicle route. This proposed route would develop a 1,300-mile Interstate-5 corridor from Mexico to Canada.


2Low-cost solar-to-hydrogen cell achieves breakthrough 17.6% efficiency.

The hydrogen energy economy could transform the electric aviation and renewable energy sectors. For hydrogen energy to accepted globally implemented, it must become drastically cheaper. New Atlas shares how this technology is becoming more efficient and affordable.

1Researchers looking at the future of lightweight solar panels

A global team of researchers are working on developing lightweight solar panels, which may increase the use of solar power because of them being super-efficient, inexpensive, and scalable. MIT News breaks down how they are using perovskites for solar generation instead of the crystalline silicon typically used in solar panels today

Alabamians Saved $15 Billion Over 10 Years Thanks to Natural Gas

Mom cooking with children

New Report Demonstrates Affordable, Reliable Energy Key to Alabamians Reeling from the Economic Downturn

MONTGOMERY, AL — Thanks to increased production of abundant, affordable natural gas, Alabama families and businesses saved more than $15.3 billion between 2008 and 2018 because of lower prices, according to a new report released by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) that demonstrates the urgent need for greater Gulf Coast energy access during our economic recovery.

Households saved over $1.5 billion – or $317 per resident – and Alabama industries, including automotive assembly plants and metals manufacturing facilities, saved more than $12.5 billion, according to CEA’s Energy Savings Report. On top of bringing economic relief to Alabama’s families, these savings are helping to keep the state’s industries competitive during a time of economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

“This report demonstrates how Alabama’s families, farmers, manufacturers and small businesses benefit from an energy strategy that includes expanded exploration and production access in the Gulf,” CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said. “Now more than ever as Alabama recovers from COVID-19, energy has the ability to keep contributing to a lower cost of living and generate savings for Alabama’s families, farmers and small businesses.”

“CEA commends Gov. Kay Ivey for exhibiting great leadership on energy policies and working together to advance offshore energy in the Gulf of Mexico to benefit our state, citizens and nation. Offshore energy development, carried out with a continuing commitment to environmental stewardship and stringent safety measures that protect our coasts, is an essential part of America’s economy.”

Last year, offshore Gulf exploration and production supported 28,000 jobs in Alabama, and the overall energy industry created more than 124,000 jobs and more than $13.2 billion in economic impact, according to a recent analysis.

“In an uncertain time when our neighbors and communities are facing economic hardship and more than 283,000 Alabamians are unemployed, let’s remember the critical role Gulf energy plays in our lives,” Schmidtke said. “Gulf exploration and production will be a key driver of the recovery, as it has been in every previous modern economic revival. We need to work together with all the Gulf States to ensure the full Gulf of Mexico is included in future leasing opportunities.”

“This report also serves as a reminder of why we must remain focused on our long-term energy security and dominance to protect our country from outside influences, such as OPEC+, that have attempted to intervene in energy markets and threaten America’s economy and energy independence. As we have learned from the COVID-19 crisis, energy is essential for our national supply chains and manufacturing infrastructure. Alabamians and all Americans stand to benefit when we strengthen our energy industry and our supply chains.”

To view the report, click here.


NY, PA Offer Vastly Different Approaches to Natural Gas

As Pennsylvanians of all political parties have embraced the sustainable development of natural gas, economic opportunities for families across the state have increased as a result of lower energy prices attracting new manufacturers and decreasing household energy costs.

A 2018 report from the Consumer Energy Alliance found that Pennsylvania residents saved more than $13.3 billion and commercial and industrial users saved upwards of $178.2 billion between 2006 and 2016 due to natural gas. The state has approved pipelines to move its natural gas to other states.

Read more – Inside Sources

Consumer Group Commends Passage of Bipartisan Conservation Package

Fort Lauderdale Florida beach

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act providing guaranteed funding for conservation and parks maintenance. The bill will provide mandatory funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and additional support to address the maintenance backlog at U.S. National Parks. The legislation had strong bipartisan support, and passed by a vote of 73 to 25.

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, released the following statement:

“Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act highlights the essential role responsible energy development plays in advancing the conservation and environmental stewardship goals shared by all Americans. We all want clean air, clean water and beautiful recreational areas for our families to enjoy for generations to come.”

“The majority of the funds utilized by this Act are generated from offshore oil and gas development in the Gulf of Mexico, which involves some of the most technologically sophisticated and heavily regulated production in the world. It is only fitting that this development is used to finance some of the largest national commitments to conservation on the planet.”

“To keep the promises made by this Act and advance our conservation goals, continued and expanded responsible development in the Gulf of Mexico is essential. We applaud the bipartisan leadership that has allowed the Great American Outdoors Act to be passed, and we look forward to working with Congressional leaders and the Executive Branch to ensure that expanded development in the Gulf of Mexico continues so we may fully realize the potential of this Act.”

After 12+ Years, Regulatory Certainty Needed for Keystone XL Pipeline and Future Infrastructure Projects

Pipeline construction with welder

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Administration’s Request to U.S. Supreme Court to Revive Permit Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds the Trump Administration’s decision to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to lift a federal judge’s ruling that excluded pipelines from a streamlined Army Corps of Engineers permit commonly used for utility infrastructure such as broadband, and electric and sewer lines that must cross streams and adjacent wetlands.

CEA’s President and CEO David Holt said:

“On behalf of working families, seniors, small businesses and farmers across nation, we thank the Administration for asking the Supreme Court to reinstate the Army Corp’s Nationwide Permit 12 Program while the case moves through federal court. This has been a non-controversial permit used thousands of times that suddenly cannot be used for interstate pipelines because of one activist federal judge’s decision.”

“The court’s decision resulted from yet another activist-led attempt to twist our thorough regulatory process into a hall of mirrors with no exit, and the Administration is right to ask for common sense and progress to prevail while the case is litigated.”

“Given our nation develops energy infrastructure safely and in the most environmentally friendly way possible, it shouldn’t take a pipeline more than a decade to gain approvals. One thing is for sure: Keystone XL has gone through 12 years of permitting reviews – and into the annals of absurd bureaucratic limbo.”

“We need a clear and certain regulatory framework for our country’s energy infrastructure, because pipelines play a critical role in fueling our lives, powering our homes, advancing our economy, and helping improve our environment.”

“We’ve had over a dozen years to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of the Keystone XL project. In fact, this vital infrastructure project was estimated by President Obama’s State Department to generate significant economic growth – $3.4 billion or roughly 0.2% of GDP – and 42,100 jobs with no significant or harmful environmental impacts.”

“As we revive America’s communities and economy from the COVID-19 crisis, policymakers, regulators, and leaders must continue to come together in support our nation’s homegrown energy production, supply chains and energy infrastructure to ensure our economy continues to recover and hard-working families and small businesses can keep enjoying the benefits that stable, affordable energy brings to our lives.”

Mississippi Legislature Passes Bipartisan Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill

Mississippi River Boat

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Action and Encourages Gov. Reeves to Sign HB 1243

JACKSON, MSConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds the Mississippi legislature for passing HB 1243, a bipartisan critical infrastructure bill that increases penalties for trespassing or deliberately damaging a variety of energy facilities like pipelines and refineries.

“Thank you to the Mississippi legislature for their strong support of this common sense, bipartisan legislation that will protect our key energy infrastructure, like the pipelines our communities rely on every day to function and keep moving physically and financially – especially during these hard economic times,” CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said.

“With Mississippi’s Gulf Coast serving as home to facilities vital to our nation’s energy infrastructure, we cannot risk damage that could interrupt critical services across the United States. HB 1243 will help ensure that legitimate free speech rights are protected while preventing fringe activists who hide behind the guise of protesting to commit crimes and vandalism against our critical energy infrastructure.”

“This kind of legislative vigilance is unfortunately warranted, and anyone who argues that it is draconian must step back and ask themselves whether our society would permit such crimes in any other context. The public has a right to be protected from senseless illegal activity by extremists – especially since Mississippi houses major energy infrastructure including a large nuclear power reactor, petroleum refinery, natural gas processing plant, and liquefied natural gas terminal on its Gulf of Mexico coast.”

“CEA commends the legislature for working together to protect critical infrastructure and the public, and urges Gov. Reeves to promptly sign HB 1243 into law for the greater good of our state, citizens and nation.”

Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores Extends Pay Increase

Truck stop with trucks

Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores are essential for our nation’s road-trip warrior families and truck drivers transporting essential goods across the country. During these tough times, Love’s showed their appreciation for their essential workers by announcing a $2/hour pay increase, sick pay related to COVID-19 and free employee meals for all hourly store employees. We love seeing our members pay it forward! Click here to read more on how Love’s is supporting their employees and keeping drivers energized during the coronavirus pandemic.

Supreme Court Clears Way for Gas Expansion to East Coast

Pipeline welder

CEA’s David Holt commented on today’s U.S. Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision throwing out a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling that blocked the Forest Service’s right to authorize the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s passage hundreds of feet underneath the Appalachian Trail.

“Now more than ever, it’s time for anti-energy groups to stop playing political games,” said David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, a trade group representing energy producers and large consumers.

Read more – The Houston Chronicle

Supreme Court Approves Atlantic Coast Pipeline Passage Under Appalachian Trail

U.S. Supreme Court

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Decision to Halt Anti-Energy, Anti-Business “Green Wall”

Washington, D.C.Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds the U.S. Supreme Court for ruling in a 7-2 decision throwing out a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling that blocked the Forest Service’s right to authorize the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s passage hundreds of feet underneath the Appalachian Trail.

CEA’s President and CEO David Holt said:

“On behalf of working families, seniors, small businesses and farmers across nation, we are pleased the Supreme Court ruled overwhelmingly in favor of overturning the 4th Circuit’s misguided ruling, which would have created an absurd 2,200-mile ‘green wall’ hampering natural gas development on the East Coast. This common-sense decision will ensure the supply of much-needed energy for consumers to power and heat their homes, and get our skilled trades back to work – something that’s desperately needed during these challenging times. CEA has been a longtime supporter of Atlantic Coast Pipeline as it will help lower energy bills and provide critically needed supplies of natural gas to underserved areas near Hampton Roads and Eastern North Carolina.”

“Now more than ever, it’s time for anti-energy groups to stop playing political games that fail to improve our environment, and serve only to make energy more expensive for families, businesses and consumers, using contorted legal theories that stretch credulity and good sense with the sole mission of stopping the development of energy infrastructure.”

“Energy delivered by pipelines help make up just about everything that touches our lives on a daily basis and helps power every American industry. During this time of increased economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 virus, we must recognize the importance of energy and pipeline infrastructure like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline as must-have ingredients for a thoughtful, environmentally-responsible, robust and growing economy – perhaps the most important ingredients.”

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – June 12

This week, some U.S. states have seen an uptick in COVID-19 cases, though experts aren’t exactly sure why. They believe it could be attributed to lifting lockdown restrictions, isolated outbreaks and the virus showing up in communities previously not impacted. Meanwhile, the pandemic is changing the summer schedule for movies and TV because of both filming and scheduling, but thankfully, Los Angeles is ready to resume TV and film production. Which let’s be honest, most people are in need of something new to watch.

binge netflix

And while the NCAA is set to vote on a plan for the 2020 college football season, two more Florida theme parks, SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, opened Thursday with masks and temperature check requirements. If you’re tired of hearing about COVID and looking for something fun and different, here are some of our favorite energy headlines to help you start your weekend off, and if you missed our roundup last week, you can check them out here.

This week’s energy news

5A ‘million mile’ battery could power your electric car that lasts 16 years.

A new ‘million mile’ battery power pack being produced in China claims it will last 16 years and 1.24 million miles. Since warranties on batteries currently used in electric cars cover about 150,000 miles or eight years, extending the lifespan meaning one of these batteries could be used in a second vehicle. Bloomberg reports on this new development.

4Humidity. Known for feeling hot and sticky, dewy skin and curly hair could now be a new source of carbon-free energy.

Scientists are studying how humid air could be a new prime source of carbon-free energy by discovering how certain metals can build up an electric charge from humid air. E&E News breaks down how this is a step forward for developing a battery that works off of relative humidity.

3We are loving this self-sufficient tiny home on wheels that can be towed anywhere!

A new self-sufficient Urban Tiny home on wheels was recently unveiled and it’s powered by its own battery system, solar panels and inverter! While it can also be connected to generator power points, the 7,363-pound tiny home sits on a trailer that can be towed anywhere you can dream of going. Business Insider shares the details on this new tiny living.

2Technology helps to turn everyday glass into a solar cell.

Researchers have developed technology that uses transparent solar cells which absorb only the ultraviolet and infrared light and convert it into electricity. This technology aims to turn almost any everyday glass surfaces into solar cells.

1U.S. Department of Energy wants help with innovation ideas to help U.S. technological superiority in A.I.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is looking for input from artificial intelligence researchers on how to design a series of open competitions that spur innovation and bolster U.S. technological superiority in A.I. Bloomberg Government has the details on how DOE is exploring launching one or more Grand Challenges.