New York Mayor’s Copy-Cat Natural Gas Plan a Recipe for Higher Energy Costs, Unreliable Energy Delivery, Worse Economy

New York City

Albany, NYConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the nation’s leading consumer advocate in support of sensible energy and environmental policy, released the following statement in response to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s proposed executive order banning the construction of new natural gas infrastructure:

“It may be all the rage among the Upper West Side social circles who have little understanding of the critical role energy plays in their daily life, but banning natural gas infrastructure is a reckless and irresponsible idea that immediately puts at risk New York’s economy and the budgets of millions of hard-working families, seniors, and low-income households who will be forced to bear far higher energy costs,” CEA’s Vice President Brydon Ross said.

“It’s all well and good to parrot a headline-grabbing phrase to get Twitter excited, but policies require plans and not pithy pledges. What alternative energy source does the Mayor have in mind that can replace natural gas in the next 20 years, without creating a greater de facto tax burden on the heating and electricity needs of 9 million New Yorkers?”

“CEA strongly support a diverse energy portfolio that utilizes power from wind and solar, as well as oil and natural gas. But with New York City already facing the loss of a quarter of its power with the phasing out of the Indian Point nuclear plant, this idea could not come at a worse time. Further, it will not even provide any meaningful environmental benefits. The Mayor should visit his least fortunate citizens – those in public housing who already have inadequate heat and electricity, thanks in part to New York’s failing energy policies –before conjuring up a reckless plan that’s only designed to please a handful of radical anti-business activists, who don’t care about what their agenda is going to cost New York’s families, farmers and businesses.  We need energy policies that work, and focuses on energy diversity, affordability, reliability and environmental stewardship.  This plan offers none of these solutions.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our energy needs. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

PennEast Pipeline Would Have Reduced Consumer Bills in Cold Winters

Man clearing snow with a snow blower

CEA Mid-Atlantic Director, Mike Butler, explains that missing out on PennEast’s pipelines cost consumers billions in energy bills in the 2013-2014 and 2017-2018 winters.

“Pennsylvania produces affordable natural gas, but we pay more because there isn’t enough pipeline capacity to bring it to market. PennEast is designed to alleviate that, bringing heating and electricity bills down for families, farmers and businesses.”

Read more – Lehigh Valley Live

ACP Project Essential to Virginia’s Energy Future

Pipeline Construction

Kevin Doyle, CEA Virginia State Director, is tired of the circus anti-energy activists continue to create in the courtroom over the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

“The tired modus operandi of suing at every opportunity on the thinnest of claims amounts to an abuse of the justice system, especially when you consider how much Virginia’s families and small businesses will benefit from the lower prices and increased supplies the ACP will bring when it’s finally built.”

Read more – The Virginian-Pilot

Infographic: Expanded Pipelines, Port Capacity Connect Permian Oil Wells to the World

Pipeline connection to oil refinery

Pipelines make energy affordable for American consumers, families, and businesses. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, crude exports jumped 45% in 2019. S&P Global Platts Analytics provides an infographic depicting pipeline export capacity for Permian production.

Read more – S&P Global


Pennsylvania: Legislators Approve Natural Gas Tax Credit

Natural gas powerplant

Pennsylvania legislators overwhelmingly voted yes on a bipartisan Energize PA Initiative on Wednesday, February 5. The measure will support the workers, families and businesses across the state. The initiative has already shown that one company is already considering a move to the state.

“The CEO of Connecticut-based Elis Energy, Inc. wrote to the governor on Tuesday that his firm is exploring development of a methanol manufacturing facility in northeastern Pennsylvania. Its projected investment is $450 million and the creation of 800 construction and operations jobs.”

Read more –

Consumer Group Applauds Pennsylvania’s Bipartisan Energy Bill Supporting Workers, Infrastructure

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PAConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today congratulated Pennsylvania’s legislature on the overwhelming passage of the bipartisan Energize PA Initiative in both the House and Senate. This measure will support the state’s economy, workers, families and businesses.

“This important legislation will keep Pennsylvania’s natural gas-driven economic revival thriving, by creating thousands of skilled jobs and incentivizing the repurposing of brownfield manufacturing sites into critical energy infrastructure,” CEA Mid-Atlantic Director Michael Butler said. “Similar legislation brought the Shell Polymer cracker plant to Beaver Country, where 7,000 skilled workers are earning family-sustaining wages at the country’s largest construction site. CEA strongly supports this legislation and looks forward to its prompt ratification by Gov Wolf.

“The economic impact is undeniable – Beaver County’s economic growth is leading the state at 6 percent – and if this bill becomes law, Pennsylvania will be able to repeat the feat elsewhere and continue to generate jobs in construction and at the finished facilities, and all along the natural gas value chain.

“We encourage Gov. Wolf to sign the bill in the spirit of bipartisanship and support Pennsylvania’s families, businesses and industry in building on the state’s economic revitalization and reimagining its future.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our energy needs. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Whitmer’s Mixed Messages Misleading Michigan Consumers

Liberty Street Scene in Ann Arbor

LANSING, MI – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) noted that in her response to the State of the Union, Gov Whitmer spoke to the nation about the financial struggle millions of Americans face each month, specifically after paying for transportation and energy costs – CEA agrees – yet her solution won’t help the problem.

“Governor Whitmer properly recognized the financial burden transportation and energy costs place on the 1.66 million households across Michigan who already cannot afford basic necessities. We do, however, question why she would then saddle these same families with an increased energy burden by not voicing her support for the modernization of Line 5 and its corresponding Tunnel Project,” said Chris Ventura, CEA’s Midwest Executive Director.

“Independent, state-commissioned studies have already warned that transportation costs will increase more than $121 million per year if Line 5 is shut down. And, this cost will be borne most painfully by those who already have to make the painful choices of scraping together enough money to pay for housing, child care, health care, and putting food on the table,” Ventura said.

“We all agree that we need to protect our environment – both for our children and future generations. Pipelines are the safest, most environmentally responsible way to transport the fuel that drives Michigan forward every day,” he said.

“Now is the time to protect our seniors living on fixed incomes, the working poor and families across Michigan from the impending increases in energy costs. Now is the time for all of us to come together to move Michigan forward by supporting her constituents and not placing a bigger burden on them then they already have,” Ventura said.


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our energy needs. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Brandon Stahlman – Building a Pipeline Brings a Sense of Pride

Traditional Energy’s Huge Role in This Year’s Super Bowl

Family Watching Football

The Kansas City Chiefs have secured the title of Super Bowl LIV Champions, an achievement that they haven’t been able to boast about since Super Bowl IV.

A Quick History Lesson

The modern-day Super Bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs and the American Football Conference (formerly AFL) wouldn’t be here without oil and gas. That’s because oil tycoon Lamar Hunt started the AFC in 1962, investing some of his petroleum fortune to create it. Lamar even coined the term “Super Bowl” after the AFL merged with the NFL in 1966.

Traditional energy is what birthed the Super Bowl, and it certainly continues to carry that honor today. As we’ve written before, football games have a huge energy footprint. Between powering the stadiums, getting to the venue and the TV broadcast, there’s quite a bit going on behind the scenes we forget about.

Super Bowl Curse?

When it comes time for Game Day, the NFL does not hold back. For example – the phenomenon of the Super Bowl Curse. Only two teams that hosted the Super Bowl have ever made it there, and even then, the actual games were held at a different stadium, so both teams have to travel to get there.

The Famous Halftime Show

While the performance from Shakira and Jennifer Lopez was top-notch – despite some controversy (and hilarious memes) – there are plenty of other pieces that go into place for the show. Pyrotechnics are huge for this performance. Between the manufacturing and shipping of fireworks, there is still the environmental impact of the explosions to consider. Not only were fireworks present at the halftime show – Kansas City residents celebrated with a bang as well. A boom so large, it wound up being visible on a weather radar.

American football is one of this country’s favorite sports, whether you play or watch, millions of Americans consider it a staple of our history. Just remember that pastimes like these have a rich energy history, too.

Despite Warning Last October, NJ EMP Neglects Current Infrastructure Updates

The New Jersey EMP still does not take into account natural gas infrastructure updates that were urged to be put in place in October.

A recent report by Consumer Energy Alliance found natural gas saved New Jersey residents over $21.2 billion since 2006, and PSE&G says the average family is paying $880 less per year than they did in 2008 as a result. This has all occurred while carbon emissions are at their lowest level since 1988 based on federal environmental data, proving with clear evidence that economic growth and addressing climate change can be achieved without Murphy’s radically expensive plans.

Read more – Senate NJ