Tallahassee, FL – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, released its Florida Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions declined by 93%.
Baton Rouge, LA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, released its Louisiana Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions declined by.
Jackson, MS – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released its Mississippi Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions declined by 95% across the state since 1990. This sharp drop is remarkable.
Montgomery, AL – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released its Alabama Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions have been reduced by as much as 93 percent across the state since.
Tallahassee, FL — Thanks to increased production of abundant, affordable natural gas, Florida families and businesses saved more than $9.3 billion between 2008 and 2018 because of lower prices, according.
New Report Demonstrates Affordable, Reliable Energy Key to Alabamians Reeling from the Economic Downturn MONTGOMERY, AL — Thanks to increased production of abundant, affordable natural gas, Alabama families and businesses.
Springfield, IL — Thanks to the increased production, expanded pipeline infrastructure and greater use of natural gas, Illinois’ families and businesses saved more than $24 billion between 2007 and.
Columbia, SC. – Given that South Carolina remains one of the nation’s largest energy consumers, the fact that statewide emissions fell by 89 percent since 1990 is an incredibly noteworthy.
Raleigh, NC. – Given that North Carolina remains one of the nation’s largest energy consumers, the fact that statewide emissions have fallen by as much as 92 percent since 1990.
Atlanta, Ga. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a Georgia emissions analysis that looks at key pollutants and the overall environmental improvements seen across the state in recent years..