America's Energy

Offshore oil rig at sunset

Florida Lawmaker Fending Off Calls for Oil and Gas Drilling

CEA's Kevin Doyle discusses the importance of offshore energy exploration to Florida's continued economic growth. "A strong and growing constituency in Florida supports understanding how...
Pipeline connection to oil refinery

Pipeline Permit Is Step in Right Direction

CEA's Mike Butler highlights the consumer benefits tied to pipeline construction in Pennsylvania. The Mariner East 2 pipeline couldn’t have come at a better time....
Solar panel installation

Consumer Group Applauds Overwhelming Support for Legislation that Requires Energy Accountability

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today released the following statement applauding Governor Martinez and the Legislature for approving House Bill...
Mid-Atlantic Rural Farm

Pennsylvania Families and Businesses Need Your Help!

Pennsylvania families and businesses need your help! We all need energy to meet our most basic needs - from heating and cooling to simply turning...
Pipelines at night

CEA Applauds PA Approving Mariner East 2 Pipeline Permits

PITTSBURGH – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler today released the following statement after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection granted...
Farmer in tractor preparing land with seedbed cultivator

Pipeline Buildout a Must for PA. Agriculture

CEA's Michael Butler discusses the importance of pipelines to Pennsylvania's farmers. Some energy costs are easy to point out, like the diesel fuel needed to...
Monthly natural gas heating bill

Without More Pipelines, Scary Economic Scenarios Become Real

CEA's David Holt was featured in Real Clear Energy discussing how pipelines contribute to ensuring financial stability for families. Energy costs are “affordable” up until...
Solar panel installation on roof

Little Growth Sparked by 2015 Georgia Solar Power Law

CEA's solar energy report, Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Solar Incentives, was used to look at how Georgia's current solar incentives compare...
Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's statement on denial of permits to conduct needed scientific discovery off the Atlantic. BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine...

Renewable Energy Won’t Be Enough

CEA's Kevin Doyle discussed renewable energy in the Tallahassee Democrat and how it may impact energy consumers such as families and small businesses. Recent letters...