19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Pipeline and shutoff valves

Earlier this year, it was reported North Dakota may have been experiencing an oil boomlet as a result of the completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Fast forward, and North.

Child Shoveling Snow

CEA’s David Holt was featured talking about the need for modernized energy infrastructure in New England to help families burdened by high energy costs as a result of failed public.

Northeast Snow Storm

BOSTON – December 28, 2017 – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today raised concerns on behalf of working families, seniors and households – including those on fixed incomes.

Dad cooking with children

North Dakota’s families and farmers are ending the year on a high note. The reported oil boomlet from earlier this year is in fact happening. New pipelines have made North.

Construction worker with rebar

Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas production is on the rise, and more pipelines are necessary to continue the economic expansion. Chu agrees added takeaway capacity will continue to propel drilling.

Family Grocery Shopping

We know that pipelines pave the way for family-sustaining jobs as a result of construction and manufacturers because of the affordable, reliable supplies of fuel pipelines bring. Writing in the.

Pipeline Pig Cleaner

CEA’s James Voyles talks about the need for modernizing pipelines and our energy grid with the News Tribune. New materials have strengthened pipelines to operate more efficiently and with longer.

DAPL Protests

The American Association of Petroleum Geologists sat down with David Holt to discuss CEA’s latest report “Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure,” and the necessity.

People dining in restaurant

CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Mike Butler describes the massive benefits of Pennsylvania’s Marcellus shale play. As Butler explains, “drilling is just the beginning,” and a responsible commitment to natural gas.

Worker in a manufacturing facility

Former Congressman Charlie Melancon discusses the importance of Pennsylvania and the Appalachian region embracing energy infrastructure to create jobs and help the United States achieve energy independence. Across the country,.